Prolific Contributors: Credibility Snapshot as on Sep 2012

Name Joined Ideas Generated Persistence /Follow-up
Actual Recommendations Disclosure(s)
Public Portfolio Identity
Hitesh Patel
Ayush Mittal
Donald Francis
Mahesh Shah
Abhishek Basumallick
Sandeep Somani

We are going ahead with establishing "Credibility" base of some of our prolific contributors. At this stage, it will be a mixture of objective & subjective assessment, as indicated above. None of the above folks will be involved in either type of assessments, to remove bias, if any.

To start with, the subjective part will be handled by a panel of 5 nominated members - preferably new to ValuePickr - who have already demonstrated "ownership" by one or other initiative taken by them.

1. Vinod MS - Active participant in Management Q&A; also "Top Contributor"

2. Subash Nayak - Consolidated summary of Public Portfoilios; also "Sharp Learner"

3. Dhwanil Desai - Lead participant Investor Lessons initiative; also "Promising StockPickr"

4. Akbar Khan - Lead participant Investor Lessons/Checklist; also "Solid Contributor"

5. Rohit Gautam - "Most promising Debutant StockPickr"; also "Solid Contributor"

This is HAND-ME-DOWN list at the moment, so we can move fast on this crucial aspect. All of us are busy professionals, yet they are making significant contributions to taking ValuePickr forward. This is an informal recognition of their growing "Reputation" within our community.

Pretty soon we will find ways to "democratise" this Reputation building process by letting the community also have their say. Community vote weightage can be say 60%. But ValuePickr Admin weights will remain at say 40%, till such time we find increasing "maturity" in the wisdom of the masses:). We are pretty sure couple of years down the line, this CAN be a self-running system, with adequate checks & balances, without needing heavy oversight/moderation from Admin.

Do share your thoughts and suggestions. Have we missed something important. Fairness/Conflict of Interest/Neutral/Checks & Balances.

We reserve the right however, to take the FINAL CALL after hearing from you all. We are not yet a matured community:) but we are on the way there - with such an ecelectic mix of talented, generous, balanced folks around, in 2 years this SHOULD be a great community.


maybe start new section in forum where posts can be added,updated,deleted by Priviledged members(as decided bt admin) only. Others can only read those posts.

Ofcourse from time-to-time new members will be added to “Priviledged member” by admin as their posts show MATURITY as observed by “Already Priviledged Members” by voting…

Surprised but privileged to find myself in the list of prolific contributors. More than this, to be clubbed in the same bracket as Donald, Ayush, Hitesh, etc makes me feel very proud.

Also, let me admit/confess that I fare very poorly in taking forward the ideas generated by me. May be I need to understand this aspect more from others in the list

Hi Administrator,

Do let us know (myself/Vinod/Dhwanil/Akbar/Rohit), the process by which we will come up with the subjective scores. Whether we need to discuss the same in valuepickr, or do it in a private way (may be via mail) to reach at the scores.

Hi Admin,

I am privilaged to have been picked by the valuepickr team for this initiative. However, as mentioned by Subhash, if the process/guidelines to come up with subjective scores is outlined upfront, it will be more useful. My very personal thinking is that such scoring/rating may only reaffirm the “informal” credibility that most of the Valuepickr veterans have established over a long time. However, as donald often puts it, administrators will have the final word!

Best Regards

Dhwanil Desai

Hi Dhwanil/Subash

Thanks for owning up! Greatly appreciated.

I have posted on the main Reputation System thread, the consolidated view that is emerging.

We may receive Guidelines by this weekend.
