Pritika Auto industries Limited

as i said at 22 levels that stock can crash to 10 or even 5 levels ,almost touched 16 levels ,some is selling stock like there is no tomorrow ,be cautious if some one is holding the stock

Q4 FY’23 Earnings Conference Call” (May 22, 2023)

  • But we plan to increase our margins by at least, say, 2%, in the coming two years to three years.
  • we are looking for a geographical expansion in
    central India or western belt.
  • Recently we have added Kararo, we have added MNC. It is based out of Pune. So, Kararo we
    have added recently.
  • Green field is 12,000 metric tons per annum, say, 1,000 tons per month, And brown field is
    roughly, we are adding 700 tons per month, So 700, well, it’s roughly 8,400 tons we are adding
    as a brown field. So, I mean, these two we are adding and Lor this, the capex is, in casting is
    roughly TNR30 crores, another INR15 crores for machine shop, So roughly INR40 crores we
    are adding. Capex funded through debt.
  • plan to increase 15% year-on-year for FY 24 and 25.

The promoter holding has interestingly gone up by almost 20 percent from 48.5 to 68 percent.
There is higher capex to the tune of 24 cr as per latest avl quarter information.
Margin expansion also seems to be happening.
Anyone has any update on their plan to expand their products for commercial vehicle segment?

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Does any one tracking this company ?

results are flat for pritika auto ,avoid now ,downside can click 15 levels

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