Portfolio of Leaders for Long Term

Great solid companies. Find sectors that you feel will perform strongly over the next 10 years and add them to these as a 2nd holding. Just as you have HCL and TCS, why not have HUL and Britannia or something like that as you add more money to the portfolio or sell some shares to rebalance.

Rebalancing is key to portfolios, esp. when done slowly for a consistent CAGR performance. No CAGR performance of individuals, when done completely DIY should be compared to Indices, MF, ETFs or Friends. Why? You have to enjoy investing, have conviction, and be completely responsible. If you constantly compare the house next door, and across the street, you will always be unhappy and change your strategy. This is my thinking and many will disagree until you get to 30+ years of investment experience, and then you might say what I am saying. I just measure my portfolio with my own capabilities, standards, and do have a mix of MF, ETFs, DIY-Managed-Portfolio, and enjoy doing this mix of investing.