Please congratulate our new Heroes!

We know you are enjoying the super-advanced functionality made available at the brand new ValuePickr Investing Forums :smile:

Credit for the brand new ValuePickr site is entirely due to the untiring efforts of our 2 Heroes – Vimal Mathews (@vml) and Pratyush Mittal (@pratyushmittal ) – both VP Members, and technology wizards.

5 years back in 2010, ValuePickr site was implemented on a Plone CMS (Python), Ploneboard message board with an underlying Zope Database by Shibin (@shibin) a friend of Suhas (@suhas), VP Member and the brain behind the VP Stock Screener (first in India) prototype which had wowed one & everyone in 2009. The design was simple, elegant and robust for the requirements we had envisaged back then – for collaborative research among few dedicated folks.

Suhas’s initial work, and then Shibin’s passionate efforts made sure that - what was a hobby concept in 2009 - was delivered on the ground successfully within a year in 2010. There was no regular updates/maintenance possible from 2011 onwards (mostly naivety) but the robust implementation (and a whole lot of goodwill, must say) made sure VP survived somehow, for almost 5 years. It had served us very well till 2012 but with huge surging traffic and user-base in 2013, we quickly realised we needed a) a more scalable platform and b) more advanced collaborative functionality.

And then we ran into some big stumbling blocks. For historical reasons (our fault) code documentation was non-existent. The Zope Database was a blackbox – Ploneboard discussion threads were encrypted & stored with proprietary algos – that made seamless migration of the rich history/educative base of VP forum discussions – extremely difficult, if not impossible. Shibin had moved on to other things, got deep in his freelance work, and clearly couldn’t help us crack the issues. Many others tried their hands in the last couple of years, and gave up. Pratyush himself a python expert of some repute was also stumbling. Enter Vimal Mathews (joined VP in early 2014) a technology wizard (and doing his PHD) who responded to our appeal.

Vimal tinkered around for some time and wrote huge number of automated scripts that did the job. All forum discussions stored by the Plone message board could finally be completely migrated, at will. Pratyush, himself no slouch at coding – was amazed and acknowledged Vimal’s feat as unimaginable - pure brilliant technical wizardry!!

With the show-stopper issue out of the way, Pratyush then took on himself the tough task of implementing for us the new discussion forum with all the advanced functionality we desired – automatic notifications, a trust system for encouraging high quality contributions and flagging abuse, image insertions, seamless access from and sync across most type of mobile devices (handsets & tabs), laptops and desktops, and much more. His passion ensured we could also seamlessly integrate the Discussion forum with the individual rights-based collaborative create-edit-review-publish workflows for Stock Story, Management Q&A, and other structured content (another must-have key collaboration functionality) at ValuePickr Research.

One can’t emphasise their self-less, voluntary contribution enough – their GIFT to our very-deserving, brilliant ValuePickr Community – by publicly acknowledging what a labour of love this has been - the passion, technical smarts, and hard work by these two wizards - that they overcame high ODDS to deliver a modern collaborative platform, in tune with our needs, today!!

Go ahead, and enjoy! Don’t forget to congratulate our Heroes!

The new forum may need some getting used to. Spend some time familiarising yourself and you should get hooked, just like we are.

Look forward to your feedback. Happy collaborating!


Thank You Vimal and Faltoo !! Look and Feel is really amazing !! :smile:

Thanks a lot Vimal and Pratyush! Thanks to Donald, Ayush, Hitesh, Mahesh and all the other valuepickrs as well for creating such a wonderful platform.

Thank you Vimal and Pratyush for the great work! Lot of new features in the site.

Thank you Pratyush and Vimal. Truely excited for the new features. A big big :+1: to every member as well as seniors.

I’ll be honest, I am very excited to use this very good looking mobile(on iPhone at the moment) interface to write my first message. So here it goes… to the ones who truly deserve it.

Thanks a lot Vimal and Pratyush! You rock!!

Thanks Vimal and Pratyush, i am new here but from first looks can say it will be an enriching experience to be with you guys and this site for a long time to come. \thanks again cheers

Thanks a ton Vimal and Pratyush.

Fantastic work Vimal @vml & Pratyush @pratyushmittal. Absolutely delighted to see the new VP.

Can’t stop singing praises of it :smile:


Hi Pratyush/Vimal

Thanku for being generous and helping us out

Best Wishes

Thanks a ton Pratyush and Vimal for this selfless service.Thousands of VPers thank you from bottom of their heart.


Hi Pratyush/Vishal.

Excellent work with the site!

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Wow! Heartfelt thanks. Amazing to finally play around with all these exciting functionality, you have been promising. Feeling real proud of you guys and of VP. Super :+1: :+1:


Truly world-class. Echo the thoughts of Donald and expect the conversations in VP to go to the next level. No more excuses for longtime silent lurkers to not participate for lack of any incentives.
:+1: :+1:
Hats off and take a bow!
Like all things brilliant which start out as open-source, expect VP in its new avatar to set the standard of what can be achieved through collaboration.

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Already felt the “WOW” as the trial user. Congrats on the rollout and many thanks again for improving the experience at the school of investing :slight_smile: Way to go guys.

Thanks to all of you . This looks really great. Congratulations on the results produced

Fantastic stuff guys! Thank you for all the great efforts.

Great stuff guys!!! Looks amazing!!

Thanks a lot Pratyush and Vimal. VP has one of the great source of learning for many of us.
