PI Industries - Superior Business Model


Hi Nadkarni,

On pure fundamental and logical basis, I don’t see any downsides in PI from current levels…

However, for factors that are not visible right now like macro or sentiments, one can’t say…i.e. if FM comes out with some proposal in budget which is very detrimental to equity markets sentiments then one might get temporary downsides in PI also…or, if Agchem sector which has so far withstood every downturn because of low agchem use in India, if something extremely devastating happens which affects sector then also there may be downsides…

Hence, minus factors beyond company’s control, I don’t see any downsides for PI from current levels as Pi is already trading at the lower end of its historically commanded multiples right now with rerating long overdue post consolidation of 1 and a half years…When markets start ignoring positives that is the the time perfectly ripe for rerating to begin and that is what is exactly happening with PI right now…

; but, these are my views as I see it based on my analysis and they may be biased as I am significantly invested in PI…and anyone should not take any investment decision based on my views and must do his own research before taking his/her investment decision…

**I am here to****reply to any queries **with whatever knowledge I have rgdg. this or any other company or sector but such knowledge can’t be said comprehensive.

Feel free to get back to me in case of any further query.


hi mahesh,

do you have updated revenue and earnings estimates for fy13 and fy14 post q3 results?

Hi Mahesh,

When you say “P/E at which PI Ind historically traded”, how much was it? A glance at the last 5 years figs shows that it was trading at lower multiples than today. Currently its trading at around 15-16 times? Considering that it has a sizable chunk of income from agri sector which has shown issues related to monsoons etc how much P/E do you think can be accorded to PE?

Whats your take on FY14 and FY13 EPS?

Thank You


P.I.Ind held Conf Call on 21st Feb @ 2.30 pm.Tel no are 30650122 & 66290301.

Hi Hemant,

For FY13 will stick to my earlier estimate (given on page 11 in this thread) as one quarter bumper results of CSM segment need to be followed up in Q4FY13 to have any meaningful upside impact on our estimates as domestic agri segment is still muted on ground…

Hence, for FY13 I still maintainrevenue target of 1064 cr. (which could have a possible upside of ~3-4 %) with EBITDA of atleast 186 cr. and PAT of 103 cr. which translates to an EPS of Rs. 38 on expanded equity capital post QIP…


For FY14 again there is no need of change of our estimates at this moment untill we are aware of Jambusar second phase implementation plan as also concrete steps like any inorganic move or significant alliance moves are out in public domain…any such moves will most probably translate into actual numbers only from 2HFY14 or Q4FY14 and completely in FY15…hence although such moves could have material impact on rerating aspect as far as PI’s commanded multiples are concerned because of increased visibility but will not have much impact on estimates…One thing needs to be said here that in case Q4FY13 turns out more than 185-190 cr. in CSM segment then CSM segment revenue estimate (605 cr.) for FY14 will need to be scaled up by ~15 % which will have meaningful impact on FY14 revenue as well as profitability estimates…

**Hence, sticking to our earlier conservative estimates, for FY14, in case the monsoons turn out bad as they have done this year then,revenues should touch atleast 1220 cr. with EBITDA of atleast 207 cr. and PAT of 122 cr…while in case of good monsoons, revenues should touch atleast 1289 cr.with EBITDA of atleast 218 cr. and PAT of 127 cr. **


Tomorrow’s concall commentry will be key monitorable…


Feel free to get back to me in case of any further query.



Does PIhave any contributiontowards bumper harvest of wheat this year? If yes, will it reflect in result ?

Hence, then,revenues**

Hi mahesh,

Looking at your estimates, it seems like pi ind is trading at 16 times fy13 earnings and fy14 best case also shows a growth of 23-24%. With this growth and dependence on monsoon why do you think pi should trade at a higher pe. I would think that with this growth pi is fairly priced for fy13 and should only move inline with earnings for the next year. I do not see a case for a bug re-rating which you were making earlier. Correct me if I got something wrong here.

Disc: invested and accumulating.

Hi Vinod,

with rgds. to FY13 and FY14 EPS estimates, I have covered it in my post before this in reply to Hemant Gupta's query, you can refer that......

Now, I will cover your second last query -- FY13 should see domestic agri and CSM segments contributing equally or atmost in 55:45 ratio......There are three reasons why I feel PI should command much higher multiples on bourses than presently it is commanding and I will detail out all the three reasons below :

(1) Over last 3 years post Std.Chtd. PE entering PI, the company has shown remarkable improvement in minority shareholders' wealth creation as well as communication....PI has adopted one of the most transparent practices and has been proactive in implementation of almost all initiatives concerning investors in broader sense.....the most recent one being extending evoting facility which is going to be followed by simultaneous hosting of virtual AGM.....

Not many companies follow such practices in India Inc today and this clearly reminds me of beginning phases of Infosys management which was in a similar fashion proactive in implementation of best corporate practices.......PI also has a distinguished board (but the only thing of difference is its late hosting of concalls as also not detailing out separate revenue streams in press release/presentation post results.....hope this will be corrected soon)....

History has shown that such companies always command much higher multiples on bourses than their peers command whereas here we have Pi trading atpar or lower than its bigger peers....In a scenario of concurrence of factors where kharif is good and CSM visibility is good, PI has to now start commanding much higher multiples closer to its bigger peers as the scale of operation of PI will itself demand such rerating and closely held shareholding structure of PI will trigger such rerating as no one will want to feel left out....

(2) I will detail out below past five years performance of each of PI's operating segments :






Agri Input

Revenue (in ` cr.)

YoY Growth


22.98 %


36.78 %


7.94 %


6.94 %


15.11 %

Custom Synthesis & Maufacturing (CSM)

Revenue (in ` cr.)

YoY Growth


56.48 %


21.93 %


41.01 %


87.83 %


34.54 %

CSM segment has been a star performer over last 5 years albeit on a lower base but with increasing base management has taken all the steps to see that the growth rate of the segment remains at reasonable level.....It was FY07 when management started execution of CSM business model from Panoli plant and just see the growth post that.....Now, when this old facility will be peaking up at ~500 cr. yearly run-rate current fiscal, new Jambusar plant has started execution which has the capacity to run at ~2200 cr. yearly run rate at peak level....

As I had explained in 2011 also, CSM is a segment which will bring a lot of operational efficiencies with rising scale and therefore generate a great amount of cash for the company......The business model of PI CSM segment is such that once products are commercialised it will generate substantial revenues as the time passes...Between FY08 to FY12 there were not many commercialised molecules which could give PI a good foothold in world CSM segment (patented) landscape......But, post FY14, PI will have good number of assignments on coomercial scale which will mean PI getting its due recognition as well as rising revenues with expanding margins.....This is the business model which prudent fund managers love to invest and therefore you are seeing increasing participation from FIIs and FIs in PI's equity even at the rate of 609....Once the results of this business model are visible in terms of actual numbers PI will be ultimately commanding much higher multiples......

(3) Third one is the domestic agri segment of PI itself where again Pi is working with a unique business model which enables efficient inventory management and high visibility of PI amongst end-consumers, the farmers......I have detailed above performance of agri segment too wherein you can see that post launch of Nominee in FY10, PI's performance has improved drastically and outperformed almost all peers.......But, the reason I am bullish on is not Nominee but Osheen i.e. dinotefuran which I strongly believe could become 100 cr. product in two years time....

Detailing below initial work I had done on dinotefuran in 2012 post which I upgraded PI to Buy from Hold in November'2012......since here copy of image is not supported so pasting the entire text of the image below for your ref.......

India is :

World's 2nd Largest Producer of Rice

with28 % Global Rice Area

But it


104.3 mn. tonnes of Rice

from an Area of44.4 mn. hectares

Rice Productivity in India is just

2.3 tons/hectare


China's 6.5 , US's 7.5 & Australia's 10.1 tons/hectare

( even Indonesia, Bangladesh & Vietnam have higher Rice Productivity

at 4.3, 2.9 & 4.2 tons/hectare respectively )

Cause of Rice Crop Damage :

over 800 insect species damaging Rice

in one way or other but amongst them,

about 20 species are of major importance

and of regular occurrence.

These insect pests cause huge economic loss to rice-growing farmers

Plant-hoppers and Leaf-hoppers are one of the major pests

known to infest Rice in India,

Among them, Brown Plant hopper (BPH) -- Nilaparvata lugens;

White-backed Plant hopper (WBPH) -- Sogatella furcifera, &

Green Leaf hopper (GLH) -- Nephotettix virescens

are most damaging ones.

The BPH caused widespread devastation of Rice Crop

during Kharif 2008 in North India and again

during Kharif 2010 , it was serious in sporadic pockets.

Yield loss was as high as 50-90 %.

Effectiveness of Dinotefuran against BPH :

Quick down action against BPH

within 24 hours of Spraying


all existing insecticides' action against BPH

only after 3 days of Spraying

Provides Long Duration of Control against BPH

for 20 days after Spraying


all existing insecticides' which prevent BPH

for only 7 days after Spraying

Can Beat Rains if Sprayed 3 hours before it

~80 gms. of Insecticide

required to be mixed with 150 liters of Water

for treating

One Acre of Crop

Case Study -- 1

in 2 Plots at Nambur Village of Guntur Territory, Andhra Pradesh â where Brown Plant hopper (BPH) was the main pest


( Launched by PI -- brand 'OSHEEN' )


( Till Date best BPH control molecule available in the industry )

Dinotefuran showed 90 % control of BPH

Buprofezin showed 20 % control of BPH

Case Study -- 2

in 1 Plot at Nambur Village of Guntur Territory, Andhra Pradesh â where Green Leaf hopper (GLH) was the main pest


( Launched by PI -- brand 'OSHEEN' )


( Till Date best BPH control molecule available in the industry )

Dinotefuran showed 95 % control of GLH

Buprofezin showed 25 % control of GLH

PI Ind. advantage for Dinotefuran :

Catering to ~5 % of Total Indian Rice Acreage

( 2.22 mn. hectares = 54.85 lac Acres )

via Nominee Gold which itslef is a 100 cr.+ Product

~80 gms. of OSHEEN (Dinotefuran) required to treat

1 Acre of Paddy Crop

which provides direct

Cross-Selling Market Size of

~ 350 cr. to PI Industries for OSHEEN

( 80 gms. OSHEEN required in 1 Acre Paddy Crop ;

Price of 80 gms. of OSHEEN = ~INR 640 ;

54.85 lac Acres x INR 640 = INR 351 cr. )

PI already enjoys high credibility amongst Rice-growing farmers

because of success of Nominee Gold which will immensely help

in percolating benefits of OSHEEN amongst farmers quickly

therebygaining of quick marketshare for OSHEEN

Hence, if monsoons turn out good then it will be great news for PI's domestic agri segment but even if monsoons turn out somewhat tepid then also PI's basket of products are expected to let it outperform peers....agrochemical consumption in India is so low that the sector will be least affected amongst all other agri inputs....this is not to say that it will not degrow in case of terrible monsoons...it can, but it will pick up faster and at much stronger pace because of its extremeley low penetration in India.....

Current valuations of PI factor in negatives of reasonably bad agri segment (not terribly bad) but don't factor in positives of robust CSM segment which is imminent post implementation of second phase of Jambusar project......Hence, I say that rerating is due for PI.....

Now, with rgds. to historically commanded multiples....again I will detail below initial work I had done on PI before December'2012 :

till FY10

Infrequently & Intermittently Traded

in FY10

Thinly Traded with

Average Daily Volume in FY10 at just 450 shares

Real Trading in PI Industries Started from FY11

TTM P/E Multiple Range

Forward P/E Multiple Range


13.89 â 17.51

( Base = EPS of FY10 )

9.48 â 11.95

( Base = EPS of FY11 )


19.93 â 23.63

( Base = EPS of FY11 )

13.70 â 16.66

( Base = EPS of FY12 after excluding one-time gain from sale of Polymer Business )


( till 30th November 2012 )

15.15 â 17.54

( Base = EPS of FY12 after excluding one-time gain from sale of Polymer Business )

11.96 â 13.85

( Base = EPS of FY13e )

It was only after raising of funds from Std. Chtd. PE that real trading in PI started on the bourses......I had covered data given above only till 30th November 2012 post that, valuations of PI have appreciated considerably which is not factored in above table......While considering EPS estimates of FY13 in above table I had not considered QIP fund raising as it was announced only in December 2012.......

PI is trading at the lower end of its commanded multiples at present....What multiples should be assigned to PI that I will leave for the markets to decide....For me, if the factors remain as they are at present, then I will not sell single share of my holding in PI till the rate of 865 which I have kept as the review rate........

Feel free to get back to me in case of any further query.


Hi Hemant,

In my post before this in reply to Vinod, I have detailed out the reasons why I feel PI needs to command much higher multiples on the bourses…In addition there are some other works I had done before upgrading my view on PI in November’2012…what I will do is I will detail out as many works as possible in this thread for all to see…but, one thing you and all others need to keep in mind that these are my views based on analysis I have done… they should in no way be taken to form any judgement with rgds. to your or anyone’s investment decision…these views only need to be taken as a direction or as an ingredient for further research on the company and its only after building your own conviction that you should take your investment decision…again I am saying that I am here to help all out from the analysis I do and share my thoughts so that I can remain on right track from the knowledge other members share in this forum on my analysis…

Feel free to get back to me in case of any further query…



Details of PI Industries Q3&9M FY2013 conference call

Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 02:30 pm IST

Gurgaon, Tuesday, February 19, 2013:

The management team of PI Industries â one of Indiaâs leading Agri-input and Custom Synthesis companies, will participate in a conference call for analysts and investors on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 02:30 pm IST.

The call will commence with a brief management discussion on the Q3&9M FY2013 performance followed by an interactive Question & Answer session.

Mr. Mayank Singhal, Managing Director & Group CEO and Mr. Rajnish Sarna, Executive Director, PI Industries Limited, will represent the management team on the conference call.

Details of the conference call are as follows:



02.30 pm IST on Thursday, February 21, 2013

Conference dial-in Primary number


+91 22 3065 0122/ +91 22 6629 0301

India Local access Number


6000 1221 / 3940 3977 (Accessible from all major carriers except BSNL/MTNL)

Hong Kong Local Access Number


800 964 448

Singapore Local Access Number


800 101 2045

UK Local Access Number


0 808 101 1573

USA Local Access Number


1 866 746 2133

To state in brief, the shareholding structure, entry of prominent shareholders in PI at the said rate and time and its equity capital history (all given in above post) had suggested to me that company is still relatively underowned…

PI’s peer comparision(all given in above post)had suggested that PI is far superior than all its peers except Divis and Rallis to whom its closing out fast…

PI’s Revenue, EBITDA, PAT, Assets, Debt and Equity CAGRs of last 3, 5 and 10 years(all given in above post)had suggested to me that management is extremely ocussed on profitability while at the same time ensuring that revenue growth remains reasonable with serviceable debt levels…

PI’s RoE, RoCE and D/E of last five years and absoulte Sales and Assets growth figures, EBITDA and PAT Margin figures of last 10 years(all given in above post)had suggested most efficient management of resources…

Study of various debt parameters likelike D/E, D/Assets, D/Sales, D/Ebitda and D/PATand debt expenses parameters like Int.Exp. as % of Sales and EBITDA(all given in above post)had suggested company sitting on verge of significant expansion which will let it comfortably ride next growth phase…

All these data are given to provide members the ready ref…as said before these are part of the works I had done before December’2012 post analysing which I upgraded my view on PI…


Attended Dhanuka analyst meet held today in mumbai…management seemed positive but as per my observation lacked in-depth knowledge relative to managements of Rallis and PI…still it was interesting to hear their perspective of the agchem industry…

Only 30 % of the Indian farmers use crop protection products with less than 40 % of the cultivated area under crop protection which provides immense opportunity to top 5 players to penetrate the market thereby ensuring sustained growth for the agchem industry atleast till 2020 by which time the industry is projected to double in size…

China with 124 mn. hectare area under cultivation produces 450 mt as compared to India’s produce of 250 mt. from 147 mn. hectare area under cultivation.

Main crop for the industry has shifted to paddy from cotton earlier…

Herbicide and Fungicides will grow at a much faster pace than insecticides as there is trend of decreasing availability of labour in agriculture and in such a scenario these two streams provide best yield…

projecting 10 % growth for the agchem industry in FY14 but will be heavily dependent on monsoons…

Govt. has no other option than to promote the industry as the area under cultivation is decreasing every passing day and India is adding one Australia every year which is pressing heavy demand on food products which inturn pressing heavy demand in improving yield which is impossible without use of proper crop protection methods…

Not planning fund raising for the time being…PE player (Lighthouse) is providing data of peers as well as providing guidance on product trends which is helping the company to fare better in the marketplace…This is in contrast to Rallis and PI management which possess deep knowledge of the marketplace and are not dependent on PE player for their core operating segment…

Overall it was a good warm-up meet by Dhanuka…


Hemant/Mahesh/Vinod/Hitesh may this will help in forecasting for PI as wheat production is expected to be good…

Excerpt: -

Wheat production in India, the worldâs second-biggest producer, may match last yearâs record as cooler temperature and winter rains in the main growing regions boost yields, according to a millersâ group.

The harvest in the crop year that began on July 1 may equal 94.9 million metric tons estimated by the government for the 2011-2012 season, Veena Sharma, secretary of the Roller Flour Millers Federation of India, said in a phone interview today. The farm ministry estimates output this year to drop for the first time in eight years to 92.3 million tons after a below-average monsoon.

Temperatures fell in the main wheat growing areas in Indiaâs northern regions after a spell of rains between Feb. 15 and Feb. 16, said K.K. Singh, head of the agromet division of the India Meteorological Department. The cold wind that followed the rains will be beneficial for wheat, he said.

âAs the region has been receiving rains from time to time this winter, wheat crop is not suffering from moisture stress as well as temperature deviation,â Singh said.

Planting dropped to 29.8 million hectares (73.7 million acres) this year from 29.9 million hectares a year earlier, the farm ministry said Feb. 15.

The government, the single biggest buyer of food grains in India, plans to buy a record 44 million tons of wheat from farmers this season, compared with 38.2 million tons a year earlier, the food ministry said in an e-mailed statement today.

Key Takeaways from Q3FY13 concall of PI Industries held on 21st February 2013 :

Consolidated Performance :

(1) Consolidated Revenues for Q3FY13 stood at INR 282.58 cr. translating into a YoY growth of 48.61 %. For 9MFY13, Revenues stood at INR 820.15 cr., translating into a YoY growth of 27.78


(2) Consolidated EBITDA for Q3FY13 came at INR 47.4 cr., a YoY increase of 51 %. For 9MFY13, EBITDA stood at INR 143.1 cr., a YoY increase of 28 %.

(3) Consolidated PAT for Q3FY13 was at INR 23.96 cr. and that for 9MFY13 was at INR 73.25 cr..

(4) CAPEX guidance given for next two years (FY14 & FY15) is INR 100-125 cr. p.a.

(5) Debt on books at the end of Q3FY13 is ~INR 200 cr. while Inventory is at INR 228 cr. majorly on account of pending execution of orders in CSM segment as management expects substantial order execution to take place under CSM in Q4FY13.

(6) Jambusar CSM facility enjoys tax holiday for 10 years which should gradually bring down effective tax rate for the company at consolidated level starting FY14.

(7) 30 % YoY growth guidance for domestic Agri-Input segment will be difficult to achieve in the backdrop of current on-ground situation, but, on a consolidated basis, company should comfortably achieve previously guided 30 % YoY growth because of exceptional, more than expected, contribution from CSM segment.

(8) In Q3FY13, domestic agri environment was very tough which also had a substantial impact on profit margins of company’s Agri-Input segment which inturn enabled only negligible YoY improvement in consolidated EBITDA margins despite much higher contribution from high margin CSM segment during the quarter.

(9) Although company’s balance sheet as also near term business execution doesn’t require any external funding, but, still, company preferred raising of ~INR 117 cr. via QIP in January’2013 inline with its conservative leveraging policy while at the same time ensuring robust growth for the company on a consistent basis. Two major factors necessitated such fund-raising :

(a) Increasing number of products going into commercial scale under CSM segment which will require more investments into capacities as delivery volumes will substantialy rise going forward.

(b) Company seriously looking at inorganic opportunities which will complement organic growth and will enable sustenance of robust growth for the consolidated entity even on an increased scale of operation.

** Segmentwise Performance â **CSM (Custom Synthesis & Manufacturing) Segment :

(10) In Q3FY13, CSM segment revenues stood at INR 172 cr., a YoY growth of 95.45 %. For 9MFY13, CSM segment revenues stood at INR 370 cr., a YoY growth of 53.52 %.

(11) Current order-book in CSM segment stands at USD 305 mn. to be executed in ~3 years timeframe.

(12) However, the compostion of revenues of CSM segment is 60-65 % from Long Term contracts that are covered under the said order-book (of USD 305 mn.) while another **35 % are from **

Annual Contracts which are not covered under the said order-book. Hence, company has the visibility of ~USD 100-102 mn. p.a. (~INR 520 cr. p.a.) in CSM segment to be contributed from the current order-book which doesn’t include Annual Contracts that the company executes under CSM on an ongoing basis.

(13) Phase 1 of Jambusar facility expected to contribute INR 35-40 cr. in Q4FY13.

(14) Two products are expected to be commercialised in Q4FY13 under CSM segment.

Segmentwise Performance â** Agri-Input Segment :**

(15) In Q3FY13, Agri-Input segment revenues stood at INR 110 cr., a YoY growth of 7.84 %. For 9MFY13, Agri-Input segment revenues stood at INR 448 cr., a YoY growth of 12.84 %. This growth is commendable considering the fact that current Rabi (Q3FY13) and recently concluded kharif season (1HFY13) was one of the worst in last many years because of inclement weather conditions.

(16) 7.84 % growth in Agri-Input segment was mainly driven by volume growth.

(17) Top 5 products for PI’s Agri-Input segment are Nominee, Biovita, Kitazin, Foratox and Roket. They together contribute ~55 % to Agri-Input segment sales.

(18) Share of In-licensed products in Agri-Input sales should rise to 50 % in current fiscal FY13.

(19) One broad spectrum insecticide is expected to be launched in Kharif’2013.

(20) Management expects its key product Nominee Gold to continue growing at a brisk pace in coming two years. Although company’s domestic exclusivity for the product will end in the forthcoming year but any other company wishing to launch the product’s generic version in India will have to go through one and a half to two years regulatory clearances before officialy launching it. Also, going forward, company has plans to launch two in-licensed products every year for coming few years which will broaden its product portfolio and reduce its dependence on any one product.

(21) Competition is unlikely to intensify in domestic in-lincensed products space because of strong entry barriers in the form of bulding of vast dstributor network, establishing efficient supply chain, gaining the trust of farmers, etc. involving loads of investments not only in terms of money but also time which no MNC innovator can risk. Therefore innovators are likely to continue with the current policy of in-licensing their patented molecules for Indian market to companies like PI Industries who can demonstrate past successful track-record and exhibit a no- conflict business model.

View Post Q3FY13 Concall :

Maintain positive view on the company as feel scarcity premium is completely missing and a rerating process should begin for the company on the whiff of the smallest positive trigger.

Discl. : I am invested in PI and looking to add more on declines, if any.

Accumulate PI Industries; target Rs 742: Dolat Capital

Dolat Capital is bullish on PI Industries and has recommended accumulate rating on the stock with a target price of Rs 742 in its February 22, 2013 research report.







Dolat Capital is bullish onPI Industriesand has recommended accumulate rating on the stock with a target price of Rs 742 in its February 22, 2013 research report.

"PI Industries’ topline for Q3FY13 grew 48.6% YoY to Rs 2.83bn led by better than expected growth in Custom Synthesis biz while the Agri inputs business witnessed muted performance. AIB (39% of sales) revenues grew by mere 7.6% YoY to Rs 1.10bn mainly due to poor crop conditions. Growth was mainly volume driven. The company has so far launched two in-licensed products both are insecticides - aOsheen’ and aFluton’. It anticipates launching two more tie-up based products (both insecticides) in FY14E. The management does not foresee near term threat on - aNomineeGold’ exclusivity based sales (introduced in FY10). Notably, they stated formulating this product from the technical is relatively difficult. PI has guided 15% growth in Agri biz. for FY14E led by new launches and assuming a normal monsoon.

During the quarter, CSM revenues grew by a stellar 95.5% (currency benefits 8- 9%) to Rs 1.72bn on a low base in the corresponding period last year. Order book position stands in the range of USD 305-308mn. So far 14-15 products have been commercialized. The company shall be commercializing 2-3 new products in the ensuing quarter. The new Jambusar SEZ plant (on-stream in January’13) will contribute Rs 300- 400mn to the topline in Q4FY13E. Net working capital in this segment is 45 days (lower than Agri biz.) and operates on 30% ROCE. Tax benefits attributed to the new SEZ plant shall aid earnings growth in the coming years with ramp up in operations.

EBITDA margins inched up by mere 30bps YoY to 16% despite increased contribution from high margin CSM revenues due to lower profitability in its Agri biz. Raw material costs stood higher by 470bps YoY at 58.4% of sales. Employee costs stood lower by 200bps YoY to 7% while other expenses stood lower by 300bps YoY at 18.5% of sales. The company reported forex gain of Rs 7mn (forex loss of Rs 65mn in Q3FY12). Interest expense stood higher by 52% YoY to Rs 71mn while depreciation cost stood higher by 16% YoY at Rs 50mn.

Tax rate stood higher than expected at 34% (20% in Q3FY12). Adjusted for forex impact, PAT grew by 29.8% YoY to Rs 233mn. The management maintains its 30% YoY overall revenue growth guidance for the year .Traction in CSM export segment revenues to offset deceleration in Agri biz, The new plant at Jambusar SEZ shall contribute Rs 300-400mn during the fiscal and shall contribute over Rs 1bn in FY14E. We expect new product launches and timely execution of orders in the CSM business to continue to accelerate earnings growth momentum. The company successfully concluded QIP of Rs 1.17bn (post dilution equity now at Rs 135.46mn). The QIP proceeds shall be utilized towards capex and working capital requirements and also latent inorganic opportunities.

We expect 23% revenue CAGR over FY13-15E, aided by rising contribution from CSM (from 43% in FY12 to 57% of sales in FY15E). We have built in a conservative growth estimates on the Agri-inputs segment, given the underlying market conditions (15% CAGR over FY13-15E). However, commencement of new plant at Jambusar (dedicated for CSM exports) shall accelerate earnings growth momentum and drive operating leverage. We expect 32% earnings growth over FY13-15E assuming a non dilutive capex. At CMP, the stock trades at 12x FY14E and 9.4x FY15E earnings. We recommend accumulate with a revised target price of Rs 742 (11x FY15E earnings)," says Dolat Capital research report.

Thanks for this. Appreciate it.


Consolidated Performance :

(1) Consolidated Revenues for Q3FY13 stood at INR 282.58 cr. ** YoY %. For 9MFY13, ** INR 820.15 cr.,

** YoY growth of27.78**%**.

(2) Consolidated EBITDA for Q3FY13 came at INR 47.4 cr., a YoY **

%. For 9MFY13, ** INR 143.1 cr., a YoY


(3) Consolidated PAT for Q3FY13 was at INR 23.96 cr. ** 9MFY13 was at INR 73.25 cr..


**Segmentwise Performance â **CSM


(10) In Q3FY13, **_

INR 172 cr., a YoY growth of 95.45 %. INR 370 cr., a YoY growth of 53.52 %. ** 60-65 order-book ** _** 35 ** Annual order-book. **

Segmentwise Performance âAgri-Input Segment :

(15) In Q3FY13, ** INR 110 cr., a YoY %. For 9MFY13, **** INR 448 cr., a YoY _ %. This ** worst ** mainly growth. ****

Scribd link to 39-page Research Note on PI Industries :

Attached is a 39-pages Research Note Link for PI Industries Ltd. [ NSE â PIIND ; BSE â 523642 ], India’s Only CSM Company focussing on Patented Molecules Having Exclusive Supplier Status for Global Agrochemical MNC Clients..

The company needs thoughtful consideration by any serious fund manager because of its consistent 26 % + RoE & 20 % + RoCE** each year since last 4 years** as also an exceptional growth track-record wherein company has increased its Sales at 5 Years’** CAGR of 22.52 %** and PAT at 5 Years CAGR of 77.46 %.

Spotless Image in exhibiting High Corporate Governance Standards with presence of vice president ICICI Foundation, ex-CEO Bayer Crop, ex-MD Rallis & Co-Chairman CII National Council on Agriculture in its Board as also 3 years visibility of 25 % + p.a. Revenue growth with improving margins because of commencement of Jambusar Project as also Launch of Innovative Product ‘Dinotefuran’ in Indian Market are the key aspects which make this company hard to ignore by any prudent fund manager.

Reasonable Scale of Operations at INR 1108 cr. (FY13e) with an Order-Book of ~INR 1650 cr. and Entry of Strong Investors like globally renowned VC firm Sequoia Capital, FIIs Citigroup, JP Morgan & FI ICICI Prudential who together hold 24.28 % equity of the company and have invested in the company in the span of last one year at a price which is very near to Current Market Price provide a great downside safety.

Inspite of all the Business Parameters ruling at their Historical Best, the company trading at Historically Lowest Commanded Valuations make the company an attractive opportunity to give serious thought on.

Views are Invited from fellow members on this promising Indian Research Oriented Story.

Scribd link to 39-page Research Note on PI Industries :

Key Investment Arguments In Favour of PI Industries Ltd. :

  • Highly Credible Management with its Board comprising of vice president ICICI Foundation, ex-CEO Bayer Crop, ex-MD Rallis & Pharmacia and current Chairman CII National Council on Agriculture

  • High Institutional ShareHolding at 24.28 % with the likes of VC firm Sequoia Capital, FIIs Citigroup, JP Morgan, Fidelity & FIs ICICI Prudential having invested in the company in last one year very near to current market price

  • Spotless Image in exhibiting _**High Corporate Governance Standards **_making the company an apt case for commanding premium valuations on the bourses

  • India’s 5th Largest Agrochemical Company

  • Generating **26 % + RoE **every year since last 4 years

  • 25 %_ )+ YoY Revenue Growth Visibility till FY__16_ with Expanding Margins

  • Strong Order-Book** in excess of ___~INR 1650 cr.**_ comprising of Patented Molecules

  • Exclusive or One of the Only Two Exclusive Supplier to Global Agrochemical Giants

  • Exclusive Launch Rights of Patented Products for Indian Market

  • Exceptional Growth Track-record wherein company has increased its Sales at 5 Years’ CAGR of 22.52 % while PAT has increased at a 5 Years’ CAGR of 77.46 %

  • Consistent 20 % + YoY Growth in Revenues achieved in each fiscal over last 10 fiscals (except FY03 & FY06)

  • Derisked Business Model with all Risks including Currency & Raw Material Price Fluctuations Passed on to its Clients

  • Having one of India’s Fastest growing Herbicide Brand ‘Nominee’ worth INR 100 cr. + under its portfolio

  • Another promising patented product Osheen (Dinotefuran) launched in FY13 which is having similar potential to reach INR 100 cr. + size within next two fiscals

  • Launch Slate of Two Innovative Products every year for next Two Fiscals,

  • First Phase of Jambusar Facility commercialised in January’2013 with Second Phase being planned in 2HFY14

  • 10 Years Tax Holiday for Jambusar Facility to aid in Expanding already high PAT Margins significantly in the Medium Term

  • One of the most efficient companies of India next to Rallis in Agri-Input Segment and next to Divis Lab. In CSM segment

  • Trading at Historically Lowest Valuations inspite of all Parameters â Business Visibility & Financials â at their Historical Best evident from its recent Q3FY13 results wherein even in a difficult business environment, company posted a strong 48.61 % YoY Growth in Revenues & a 51 % YoY Growth in EBITDA


Key Investment Arguments Against PI Industries Ltd. :

  • Agro-Climatic Risks for Agri-Input Segment as Indian Agriculture Sector is very much dependent on Monsoons. However, PI Industries is better placed than most of its Agri-Input peers including Rallis because of its ~50 % (FY13e) contribution from CSM Segment which is backed by firm Order-Book and is insulated from domestic agro-climatic risks

  • Delivery Risks in CSM Segment as company has to meet its client’s delivery schedules wherein it is an exclusive or one of the only two exclusive suppliers to its client for the respective products. PI Industries has so far demonstrated robust capabilities to serve its clients in-time because of which it has been able to forge strong long term relationships with global innovators for their patented assignments

Monsoon Rain Seen Normal in India to Increase Planting, Exports

ByPrabhudatta Mishra-Mar 13, 2013 5:07 AM GMT+0530

India, the worldas second-biggest rice, wheat and cotton grower, may get normal monsoon rainfall for the third time in four years in 2013, potentially boosting plantings and exports.

aThe monsoon is likely to be normal because this is an El Nino neutral year,a said Jatin Singh, chief executive of Skymet Weather Services Pvt. The chances of a drought are only 4 percent, said Singh, who correctly predicted a drought in 2009. El Nino is a warming in the Pacific Ocean, which can parch Asia and bring cooler weather to the U.S. TheIndia Meteorological Departmentwill issue its first monsoon forecast next month.

A normal monsoon is critical to Prime Minister Manmohan Singhas efforts to galvanize economic growth as 55 percent of the nationas agricultural land does not have access to irrigation. The economy will expand 5 percent in 2012-2013, the least in a decade, according to government. Agriculture accounts for about a fifth of the economy and bigger harvests may help cool the highestfood inflationamong major economies and sustain exports of rice and wheat.

aMonsoon is always a prerequisite for getting a minimum growth in the economy,aMadan Sabnavis, chief economist atCredit Analysis & Research Ltd. (CARE), said in a phone interview from Mumbai. aThe situation is as critical as last year, when India had to face low demand and high inflation.a

The weakest monsoon in three years in 2012 parched parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Gujarat states, cutting harvests of sugar, cotton and rice. The agriculture sector is set to expand 1.8 percent this year, the least in 3 years, according to the governmentas annual Economic Survey.

Food Inflation

Indiaas more than 235 million farmers depend on rain for irrigating crops such as rice and cotton. The sowing of monsoon crops begins in June and harvesting starts in September.

aFoodinflationhas always been a main concern, having a normal monsoon is definitely a necessary condition for inflation to be under control, though by itself cannot be sufficient,aSabnavis said. While there hasnat been a nationwide drought in the past two decades, patchy rains always drive up prices of specific commodities, he said.

The correlation between the monsoon and El Nino conditions is very strong,SkymetasSingh said. aThere is a 60 percent chance of a drought in an El Nino year.a

Model forecasts and expert opinion suggest that the likelihood of El Nino or La Nina conditions developing during the first half of 2013 is low, and neutral conditions are likely to be maintained through the boreal spring, the World Meteorological Organizationsaidin a statement on March 11.

Below Average

aWe willforecastour estimate next month after taking all parameters until March 31,a said D.S. Pai, head of long-range forecasting at Indiaas weather bureau. El Nino conditions may stay neutral, he said.

India received only 92 percent of the 50-year average of 887.5 millimeters of rain in the June-to-September monsoon season in 2012. Rainfall between 96 percent and 104 percent of the average between 1951 and 2000 is considered normal, while anything from 90 percent to less than 96 percent is classified as below-normal. Below 90 percent is a drought.

A ban on exports of sugar, rice and wheat was extended in 2009 following the weakest monsoon since 1972. Record harvests of rice, wheat and cotton in 2011-2012, following two normal monsoons, prompted the government to scrap the bans.

India may produce 110 million tons of rice in 2013-2014 if rains are normal and more farmers adopt new technologies and higher-yielding seeds, said Vijay Setia, a past president of the All India Rice Exporters Association.

Anand Rathi in its latest report on PI dated 20th March 2013 has Initiated Buy on PI with a Price Target of INR 778…

Some Excerpts from the 16-page report :

PI Industries

A differentiated play; initiate with Buy

PI Industries (PII) is one of the larger players in the domestic agrochemicals

sector, and has over the years built strong expertise incustom synthesis manufacturing (CSM). On the back of strong R&Dand commensurate production capacities, it has built a steady pipelineof in-licensed products in agro chemicals (3-4 annually) as well as CSM

(strong order book of US$310m). Accordingly, we expect the companyto post revenue and PAT CAGR of 25% and 34%, respectively for FY12-15. Hence, we initiate coverage on it with a Buy recommendation witha target price of `778.

New CSM facility should boost exports. We expect significant volumegrowth from its newly commissioned CSM (export-dedicated) plant atJambusar SEZ (Gujarat). Thus, CSM revenues over the period FY12-15should be able to post a CAGR of 37% and touch ~`9.6bn.

Commercialisation of almost a dozen patented products, with staggeredlaunches (3-4 annually) could offer considerable pricing power and boostmargins as well as profits in the same period.

High-margin in-licensing business a gamechanger. The share of inlicensingbusiness within agro chemicals has risen to ~50% (20% in FY09),following PIIâs focus on the same. Moreover, its policy of exclusive tie-upmodel is convenient for nurturing the high-margin in-licensed business, whichforms 50% of the `5bn agro chemicals segment. Accordingly, we expect theagri-chemicals segment to post 15.9% CAGR over the next two years on backof consistent launches of innovatorsâ in-licensed products.

Our take. Strong traction from CSM (order book of 4.5x FY12 sales) andvisible pipeline of high-margin in-licensed products could propel a 30% EPSCAGR over FY12-15. This could enable a 95bps improvement in EBIDTAmargin over FY12-15. At our target price, PII would trade at P/E of 14xSepâ14E earnings. Risks. Disruption in demand and rising competition.

Outlook and valuations

In 9MFY13, PII grew its CSM business 55%. In 3QFY13, it commenced

operations at its export-oriented CSM plant at the Jambusar SEZ in Gujarat.

In FY14, the new plant is expected to bring in `0.75-1bn, and to operate at

optimal capacity during FY15. With this new capacity and higher revenue

from in-licensed products, we expect revenue to grow 25% over FY12-15.

The greater capacity to cater to CSM and thrust on commercializing its

R&D and pilot products would help CSM to post `9.6bn revenues by FY15

and increase it at 37% CAGR over FY12-15.

The company recently concluded a 1.17bn QIP at609.60 a share. The

proceeds will fund the expansion of the recently commissioned unit at

Jambusar and meet working capital. We believe this has strengthened its

balance sheet and reduced its debt-equity ratio. Promoter holding has come

down from 63.4% to 58.9%.

In the past three years, the stock has traded within the one-year-forward

P/E range of 5-19x. RoCE is likely to improve from 24.7% to 26.6% over

FY12-15 owing to better product mix. With most of the intensive capex

behind, overall return ratios may steadily expand and significantly improve

operating cash flows. This could call for stock-rerating.

At our target of `778, the stock would trade at 14x Sepâ14e earnings (slightly

higher than its past three-year one-year-forward average). We believe that it

would command a premium to its past trading band due to the strong

earnings-growth assurance and commencement of the new CSM facility in

Gujarat. At our target price, the stock would trade at FY14e and FY15e

P/BV of 3.3x and 2.7x respectively.