Physical copies of Annual Reports


It is always good to read annual reports. Nowadays if you have registered an email address with your DP the same is passed on to the company and we get soft copies of all the annual reports on email. But I like to read them the old fashioned way in physical format.

I understand that there is still an option to get physical copy of the annual reports by writing individually to the company. But is there any way to have that as a preference for all the companies? Can the DP provide such a option?


I have asked the same question to my broker. They said we have to write the companies individually. They prefer sending reports/communication in soft copy for obvious reasons.

I write to individual companies and nearly all send me their physical copy of AR. Another way is not to provide an email id in which case companies will send a physical copy. But that raises more problems as trade details etc cannot be sent to your mail by your broker. So, practically only writing to individual companies remain.


Interesting I do not even get a soft copy? Whom should I complain-broker (HDFC) or Company directly.Please advise.

Do we need to write to the company every year or once till we sell the stock is enough?
Thank you.

No need to write individually.
Inform your DP Holder that you required Physical copy.your DP will flagged for it.

Can you provide more details?


enquire with your broker /DP Holder he do the needful

Just sending a mail to the customer care did the trick for me. Cheers.

I have written to many companies for physical copy of annual report.
In all the cases I dealt with, I got the physical copy by courier within a week of my mail.
Whenever you need any such copy, directly write a mail to the company secretary mentioning your address and contact details.

Does this works for non shareholder category also ?

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I have account with Geojit and Zerodha. Spoke with customer care of both. Like GokulKrishna told, sending mail to customer care will work.

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It varies from company to company. Many companies will ask for ur dmat account details before sending physical copy.
And few wont even bother to respond to your email requesting physical copy.
So its not guaranteed that u will get it but worth a try. Worked 7 out of 10 times for me.

For those companies that doesn’t bother to even respond for a request for physical copy of annual report, is there any provision for the investor to take up the matter to sebi or the registrar? or is it purely the companies right to not respond back for the same?

Hello, has anyone received physical copies of Annual Reports of FY 2019-20?

I have written to a few companies, some like Alembic Pharma have replied saying they are not printing Annual Report for FY 2019-20 pursuant to relaxations given by MCA.

Wanted to know in case anyone else also has received similar response

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I requested HDFC’s physical annual report few days back thought the link in their website, and they sent the following mail today.

Dear Shareholder,
We trust you and your family members are safe and in good health.
This is in relation to your email requesting the Corporation to send you a physical copy of Annual Report for the financial year 2020-21.
In this connection, we would like to inform you that in accordance with the circulars issued by MCA and SEBI, the requirement of sending physical copies of annual report to shareholders has been relaxed and that listed companies may circulate the annual report for the FY 2020-21 along with the AGM notice only via electronic means.
In view of the above, the Corporation has sent the Annual Report for the financial year 2020-21 along with the Notice convening the 44th AGM through e-mail to those Members who have registered their e-mail address with the Corporation or their respective Depository Participant.


@sujay85 Thanks for the info.

I have mailed to a few companies requesting hard copy of their latest annual report. But for over a week nobody responded even to the mail.Is there any provision by the SEBI in case a company fails to mail a hard copy even after individual mail to their respective company secretaries or compliance officers

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@Kinshuk_Sharma Have you got your annual report? If yes how much time it took?
Few days back i also requested from 3-4 companies but there is no response

I have emailed the request to 3 firms, (Belongs to Nifty 50). No one bothered to send a physical copy.

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