Paid Subscription Review of

hey everyone,
this is my very first post at VP.
i am a novice Value investor, and after reading a lot about value investing & watching tons of videos
i heard mohnish pabrai, about cloning, in one of his videos,
so, i thought why not give it a try…

and i stumbled at
their paid subscription gives quite a lot of info., if one wants to shamelessly clone any Guru.,
so, here i was thinking about the review of
had anyone paid for its costly $450 per year ? for US markets.

is it worth ?

since, i am in my first year, and i want to learn by doing, so
i had decided to clone best reputed one money manager,
with small amounts, and if that works out well than i will look under the hood, why they invested in it.…etc etc…

so guys, pls dont get me wrong, when i say, “cloning shamelessly” …
its just my way of doing the things…

i may be wrong in this approach…

I don’t know if it is worth paying for subscription of gurufocus. But cloning is most of the time very difficult to do and also not very profitable. Simply because as a small investor we will come to know only after a certain position has already been bought and the big investor wants to get it on the radar of the market. Similarly, while selling, we will also be significantly late.

If you are starting off, you are better to learn to analyse businesses and start investing small sums of money in good companies that you understand and have studied.


Gurufocus gices a 7 day trial
They are like screener but have more data
What do you mean by cloning, having another service like screener
I am merely asking because their current 7 day trial let’s you query only 1 or 2 companies
However before this their 7 day trial let you query as many companies as you wanted, it was a true trial
During one of those trials I downloaded a lot of data from their site
Incidentally they put the limit on as I was downloading, I think they suspected me of downloading and somewhere towards the end limited access

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i exhausted 7 day trial, once…
and now thinking about subscribing their services…
so i was seeking some guidance from anyone who had paid subscription… and
used them "effectively… "

thanx for your reply tough

I found most data is available free or I can generate from open source with ruby scripts requiring no manual work
Why would I pay them
Ruby is easy to learn as well
I studied it without much IT background in about a month for what I am using my know how is enough
If you want to pursue that path take a look at ruby with watir browser automation

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Agree with edwardlobo. You can also use python & selenium which is probably more mainstream with much more free learning information.

thanx for great suggestion…
will try…