Market Cap:Rs.729.50 Crores Current Price:Rs.75.75
Book Value:Rs.58.75 Promoter Holding:70.74%
Dividend Yield:0.26% Face value 1.00
Fundamental study:
*It’s an EPC company with distinctive knowledge in Hydro mechanical sector.It’s engaged in hydro mechanical and EPC contract for Hydro power & Irrigation project .Already executed 60 hydro mechanical contract successfully.
*It’s also diversified into various structural steel design and bridge fabrication large building construction ,heavy engineering and real estate work .
Current order book approx 900 crore
- The Pallacia Project overcome the all legal hurdle and 75 % pallacia project work has been completed ,only pallacia project will generate profit approx 200 crore next 2 years .In pallacia ,company will realise from the sales proceed around 650000 sq ft, the minimum realization will be in the region of Rs 1200-12500/sq ft.
So in lower end 650000 sq ft x Rs 12000 /sq ft=Rs 7800000000=780 crore
& higher end 650000 sq ft x Rs 125000 /sq ft=Rs 8125000000=812.5 crore.Company has spent 200 crore to purchase of the land and approx 300 to 350 crore for development cost .So profit may be in the range of 200 to 250 core.But already completed 75 % of pallacia,so development cost for 75% already priced in ,so next 2 year cash flow will be more . - Apart from pallacia company has a land bank at Bandra bay.It has given devolopment right to DB reality and ADAG group The company has not spend any money for this project and it will realize from the sales proceeds around 250000 sq ft as and when the sales are made In Bandra the minimum realization will be in the region of Rs 25000-35000/sq ft which will generate cash flow of 625-875 crore over the next 5 years. In Bandra the minimum realization will be in the region of Rs 25000-35000/sq ft
So in lower end 250000 sq ft x Rs 25000 /sq ft=Rs 6250000000=625 crore
higher end 250000 sq ft x Rs 35000 /sq ft=Rs 8750000000=875 crore
Apart from above company has lot of other project such as Silos,road BOT project ,hydro mechanical dam project etc
Technical Observations:
*The stock has crossed above 64 which was a 7 year resistance. We have seen big outperformance in stocks which have Crossed multi-year highs. The current breakout is an indication of a major change in trend for the stock.
*This period could be an excellent time to accumulate the stock.
*Recently a famous PMS service provider bought 14 lakhs share from open market also promoter bought from open market.
Disclosures:Holding my personal portfolio with approx 20 % of allocation
Risk : Slow execution of project might be impact profitability and also stock price
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