New entrant: Portfolio suggestions: Valuable opinions

May to Jan investment journey summary:

  1. Enjoyed absolute returns of approx 45%
  2. Read too much about business & accounting
  3. Realized that I need to switch to a low churn portfolio in the longer term & that while having a day job I need to cut short the # of companies to 8/10 & not more

I still am going with my two groups, one that has proven itself over the past & the other one that is much smaller & growing at a much faster pace, since I am 27 or something I do have an appetite for higher risk.

Need suggestions from experienced members on which one to let go of, I thought I would able to decide on the same after the latest quarter results, but none has performed average or below average, hence the confusion & also because I have read too much about these companies & I am confident in all, but I don’t have the time to track all of these so as to reduce my involvement.

veterans, please help @Donald @hitesh2710 @Sudheer_Pal

My latest portfolio is



Banks and NBFC seems missing in your portfolio. ?
Any reason

Yes, I am not into the lending business, lots of regulation changes & too much business uncertainty.

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Good for now and until covid is there.

But once economy starts growing, these lenders (class 1) will grow and will gain market share as well.