Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd

If I already have a health insurance which covers almost all hospitals, why would I want to take a hospital specific health insurance?

Can someone shed light on which whitespace is the company trying to go into - Affordable surgery?


Current scope of health insurance is just hospital stay, over time scope may expand to cover all expenses, like US based HMOs. Also a large population finds the current cost of insurance prohibitive, hence they might also be the target market. disc: have a tracking position


Very Interesting!!

Taking a complete different route, expectations of breaking even within 5 years. Pretty impressive.

Let’s see how things pan out. If they’re able to scale it, I believe we’ll see major shift in Insurance industry. But things are very far from today.

Disc: Recently exited, not SEBI registered.


Anyone with the list of hospital & number of beds planned between FY24-28?

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NH predictions by KIE


The target audience for NH insurance foray will not be urban upper middle class people, it will be lower middle class people who are currently not part of any insurance or only dependent on govt schemes. I understand that there is income cap for one to be eligible for Aditi policy. They won’t offer it to anyone who is above the defined income limit. Plus it covers only general ward treatments, if anyone is opting for semi private or private ward then pro rata difference will be borne by patient. It is kind go a private sector Ayushman Scheme. This won’t compete with other private insurers.


HDFC Security Coverage on 05 Feb 2024