My portfolio updates and investment journey

Hii JP sir,
Why you sold Tejas network and frogg celsat?

I have joined Korman Capital.


@anmol_satyam Tejas i was mesmerized by order book, however margins seems to be difficult. I used this to concentrate my portfolio on my high conviction bets. Frog cellsat- i dont want to be in sme at this market levels. I rather enter micro cap and sme when there is drastic fall.


Sir,all time high pe chal rhe stocks ko kaise filter kre? 5 year or 6 year high stocks?

@Krishna19 sorry i am not aware of it.

@joinjp2003 : Thanks for posting your learning, it is quite informative. I am fairly new to direct equity market and always get confused on exit strategy. Do you only use fundamentals for exit or use technical as well ? how do you estimate projected growth is it just from management concall or follow any sites ?

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Sir any specific sector or shares on your radar to study or on your shopping list?

Sir please share your views on my portfolio

@sanjeev_mishra83 i donot use any technicals for exit. Valuations , stock price stagnation or drastic fall also a exit signal.

I mainly rely on management and industry knowledge for projections.

@ashutosh13 unfortunately i am not getting time to update. My recent entries are fino pay, carratde, sg mart, tejas, tips industries, start health and landmark cars.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and nor a SEBI registered Analyst. The content shared here is only for learning purpose. All the names mentioned here are for example purpose. I may buy more, exit or partly sell the stock/bonds without any prior intimation. Also note that I recently joined a investment advisory firm. My portfolio is not a recommendation for anyone. Some of these stocks might be in clients portfolio as well so please be aware of vested interest.

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Sir please share your views on valuation of rategain

@mayank_raghuwanshi, Mayank, this is how I see Rategain. I have assumed 22% growth. Management has guided for 2,000 crores revenue by FY27 (including ~300 crores inorganic revenues). Margin guidance is 25% by FY27. I am comfortable with 2PEG.

A FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27
Revenue 957 1168 1424 1738
EBITDA 190 257 342 434
EBITDA Margin 22% 24% 25%
PAT 145 196 261 332
Current Mcap 8440
Forward PE 43 32 25

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and nor a SEBI registered Analyst. The content shared here is only for learning purpose. All the names mentioned here are for example purpose. I may buy more, exit or partly sell the stock/bonds without any prior intimation . Also note that I recently joined a investment advisory firm. My portfolio is not a recommendation for anyone. Some of these stocks might be in clients portfolio as well so please be aware of vested interest.


Sir plz share your thoughts on peg ratio on which type of company you went for higher peg is their any criteria to do so.thanks

Nuvama is fastest growing with lowest valuation, just one concern if any regulation comes that will hit the profitability

Hello I was reviewing payment banks and got interested in fino play and digispice. Can you give your rationale of choosing fino play over other similar companies? Thanks.

Hi @mayank_raghuwanshi , I do not have well thought out strategy on PEG ratio. Generally I am ready to pay 2PEG for a 20%+ growth company. While I may be less comfortable in paying 2PEG for a 15% grower.

Other things I keep in mind is return profile (ROCE, ROE), capital intensity, management quality etc.


@Sandeep777 thanks for writing in.

I have not studied other businesses so difficult to comment.

On Fino, management guided 20% topline and 30% bottom line. I checked with someone who knows management somewhat, feedback is that management is good.

I have small position and shall ramp-up as management delivers.

@A.R_PAWAR Nuvama is mainly catering to UHNI and HNIā€™s so market regulator might not be that sensitive in this area.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and nor a SEBI registered Analyst. The content shared here is only for learning purpose. All the names mentioned here are for example purpose. I may buy more, exit or partly sell the stock/bonds without any prior intimation . Also note that I recently joined a investment advisory firm. My portfolio is not a recommendation for anyone. Some of these stocks might be in clients portfolio as well so please be aware of vested interest.


Sir, if Deprication increase ho rha hai. It is positive or negative. What is effect of this on stock.

Depreciation increasing means the company is capitalising more assets and they probably havenā€™t gone to full production (depends on where they are in the go live cycle and industry). Short term it will drag PAT down but long term it has potential to grow topline as utilisation increases. Is it good or bad depends on your time window (short or long), company prospects and many other parameters.

Result season is over, if it is possible kindly post an updated Portfolio as you said earlier, it would be beneficial if you could provide the reason behind your new picks, and why you keep existing stocks after results thanks in advance.