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One has to be careful on buy/entry price - That’s where your margin of safety comes. Stocks by its nature are very volatile in short period & may give negative returns(this could be for few days or few years also)…but in long periods (say, above 3 years or more ) they give positive returns if good company is selected.
The return percentage varies but you should see positive returns. This a learning I had and every one will learn at some point.
If some one bought at wrong price but right company, then need to patiently wait for few years.
Even good stock gets ignored by Market for several years but later comes back(like ITC)

Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd :
1)Is very diversified company. Mkt like focused company as its easy to predict growth/valuation etc. this is a negative.
2)Its a holding company for several companies - this is also a negative. as holding company do not get full valuation of holdings. Mkt consider 30-50% discount to actual valuation.
complex corporate structures also negative
3)there are some positives like good roce, cash conversion cycle & WC but growing debt is negative along with de-growth in EPS. could be reason for stock price decline
4)Management quality -??
Go through respective thread to know more Bombay Burmah

I am just giving one stock quick analysis here. based on above factors i will not invest (its my view) in Bombay Burmah as there are other better companies.

Hope you did some kind of fundamental analysis before you bought.
You need to re-look at each stock why you bought and check what is your exit criteria (if not have, then create one). Then decide what is best.
Valuepickr has a thread on all the stocks in your list and should help in your analysis.