My portfolio_ i am looking for suggestion

I am new here, i am also learning stock market.
I want to share my portfolio please suggest if any shuffling required in my portfolio stock.

  1. Varun beverages
  2. Tata power
  3. Adani power
  4. Jio finance
  5. Kei industries
  6. Cello world
  7. Titagarh
  8. Jupiter wagon
  9. Apar industries
  10. JSW infra
  11. Max healthcare
  12. Waree energies
  13. PNC infratech
  14. KNR construction
    If you guide me it will help for me i am looking more than 20% long term CAGR
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The norm of this platform is, to first share your thought process behind selecting each of those stocks for the long term investment prior to looking for the guidance.


Thank you for reply, i will consider it.

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Why go for such expensive stocks ? All these stocks have had a great run so upside is limited…Look for cheaper stocks


@ kabirmulji
Thank you for suggestion i will work on it,

I bought KNR and PNC infratech that’s was look cheaper.

All remaining stock i purchased in last 1 and half year when i have not knowledge regarding value investing.

Yes well at least those 2 companies have low p/earning ratios…I subscribe usually to low pes and decent book values…I try and avoid these growth stocks because everyone wants to own them and they are pushed really high

I try and avoid companies whose share prices have gone up exponentially or with high pes—unfortunately there are 2 many of these type of companies in India…Personally I think that even the FMCG companies (like HUL) and paint(like Asian) are far too their P/E ratios to their similar ones in the West like Unilever and Dulux…

Look at Jio Financial,Cello World etc…Ridiculously high P/E ratios…I’m not saying they are not great companies but it would take very little disappointment in their earnings for their prices to crash…


Yes you are right,
I am also thinking as you are saying, i will follow it for new buying.

Many times i was think to sell cello. result is also not good,but FII and DII continuously increasing stack that’s why i hold it.

Jio business is in initial state it will take few year that’s why i hold it and ambani name is also one of the reason.
But i am not happy with these 2 stock.

I am in learning phase, and what i learn i apply in stock buying.

I never like the policy of following what DIi and Fii are buying…Much better to buy things when they are selling !!

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I am not able to understand that why buy when FII and DII selling.

I’m exaggerating a bit but I basically like to buy when stocks are completely unloved…If you buy when everyone else is buying the values are usually not good

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this is good strategy for multibagger.

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Well, in my opinion it doesn’t work like that in the market that, one should buy when others starts unloving it. If the sector has enough tailwinds and the stock fundamentals are strong with huge potential to scale up business, then they shall trade at premium valuations. Bcz, markets are always forward looking.

I find if you buy at premium valuations(and India presently has so many companies with uber premium valuations) one has to be very patient and buy companies that don’t have much competition and will not have much competition…The risk is just too much for me because the stocks can really be trashed with bad results…Whereas if one buys bombed out stocks with low pes and low book value there is more of a chance of multibagger…It has worked well for me although I agree it’s much harder to find my kind of stocks in this environment …

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Am concerned about Apar and Waaree because I think they depend on USA a lot and they could be shafted by tariffs

Thanks for information
but trade deficit with USA is high not only from India from many countries. USA just doing pressure on other countries for bargaining.

If USA will make tariff on India and other countries then USA will be isolate. where he will sell materials ?

USA relation with china, Russia, iran, Brazil etc. is not good nearly 2 billion people is living in that countries.

Sentiments regarding usa is not good in middle east peoples due to lots of destruction by war.
In my opinion, I think tariff game will be small not large.

Anyone has any idea how much market will fall more ?
How much can consolidate in time wise ?
I am sitting on zero cash i am always fully invested, i am in service.
My stock is high volatile stock its tough time for my patience.

Could still go down a bit but Nifty should be ok

Ok, is it good time to buy or should i wait ?

Why that is so, could you please elaborate it a bit.

But it is possible too that if many people disliking somethig and not taking interest in it that means something is needed be analyzed very carefully?
Please fall some light on it.