Hi Dinesh,
The ones with a question mark after ‘plan to hold for long’ are the ones i have a feeling needs to be cleared from the portfolio. i have updated with my limited knowledge. please advice.
Britannia, Dabur - plan to hold for long
Pros - Benefit from GST, rural consumption and excellent ROE
Cons - Expensive to accumulate more
Plan - accumulate on dips if only this happens 
Hatsun - plan to hold for long
Pros - plans for huge expansion and majority is direct procurement without intermediaries
Cons - debt is rising, very high P/E
Plan - No plans to accumulate till the debt settles
Cipla - Plan to hold for long ?
Pros -
Cons - very high PEG, ROE less than 15.
Plan - no plans to accumulate more
Finolex cable - Plan to hold for long
Pros - it is a part of the franklin smaller companies fund which has generated more profits for me in past.
Cons - the growth is less. The stock lost 30+ rs after the quarter result
Plan - Plan to accumulate on dips
Cochin Shipyard - Plan to hold for long?
Pros - Less debt and good ROE for last 5 yrs
Cons - poor cash flow ? i do not know the reason for it
Plan - plan to buy more if the poor cash flow is justified
Good Year - Plan to hold for long
Pros - Less debt, good ROE, good PEG
Cons -
Plan - to accumulate on dips
Atul Auto, Ashok Leyland - Plan to hold for long
Pros - Less debt, good ROE, good PEG
Cons -
Plan - to accumulate on dips
NLC India, SJVN, NMDC, BHEL - Plan to hold for long ?
Pros - plans for expansion, less debt, good dividend yield
Cons - high gestation time for future projects which would increase the debt and government being the biggest promotor
Plan - no plans to accumulate
Cupid - Plan to hold for long
Pros -
Cons - recently the stock dropped huge and could not figure out a reason
Plan - no plans to accumulate till the cons part is clear
IDFC Bank - Plan to hold for long ?
Pros -
Cons - poor ROE, huge debt
Plan - no plans to accumulate
HCL Tech - Plan to hold for long
Pros - i expect INR to depreciate which would boost the stock
Cons -
Plan - no plans to accumulate
DHP India, HGS, Ion Exchange, mirza international, CERA
The above were cloned from other portfolio 
Pros - i see no debts and reasonable growth in them.
Cons -
Plan - Plans to accumulate on dips
Federal Bank - Plan to hold for long
Pros - aggressive bank with increasing exposure in rural areas
Cons - Gulf situation no good, Kerala floods
Plan - no plans to accumulate
Suzlon, Cox and Kings - when to sell ?
Pros -
Cons - the stock is dropping in value ever since i bought it
Plan - no plans to accumulate
Best Regards
Muthukumar D