My Portfolio-Any suggestion on my portfolio will be very much appreciated


My suggestions

Instead of attaching an xl sheet, write down in simple words your portfolio constituents and reason for your buying it.

Whenever i see an xl sheet attached, my first impulse is to ignore going ahead as I feel if I am looking out for help, I should be very clear and lucid in my presentation and make sure the guys going to help me find it easy to read what I need. We need to atleast make a decent effort at explaining ourselves clearly.

The above message is not directed to you only. I see a lot of guys attaching xl sheets or copy pasting stuff. Its a big turn off for anyone reading the thread.

Sl No Symbol Sector % of Portfolio-* Up/Down in %-* View Action Reason to Buy
1 ITC Consumer Staples 25.66 -28.42 Long Term Will Hold as it is Market Leader in the segment i.e in cigarettes,Zero Debt,Pricing Power,Popular Brands,Decent Dividend payout
2 IDFCFIRSTB Financials 9.9 -43.2 Long Term Will Hold as it is Simply a better choice than a NBFC,Honesty of the CEO,Gradual increase of pre- provisioned opearting profit.Because a company gets high PE expansion during the process of building the bigger company rather than after becoming a bigger company.However one should invest after earnings are increased instead of hoping the increase of earnings.I could not control greed and invested in this.
3 CDSL Financials 7.77 -17.13 Long Term Will add in SIP mode No listed competetior,Makes money on every transaction in our DEMAT account,More demat accounts to be opened in future.
4 MARICO Consumer Staples 7.02 -15.95 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment i.e Hairoil,Popular brandsZero Debt company,Good RoE,Decent Dividend payout
5 CENTURYPLY Materials 4.83 -51.84 Exit Will Hold as it is This one I bought on watching the Business Channel on very much high PE & will exit from it.Because lots of good options are available in the market at present.
6 CARERATING Financials 4.24 -38.6 Better Than Fixed deposit Will Hold as it is Purely fixed deposit point of view as dividend income
7 OIL Energy 3.79 -26.7 Better Than Fixed deposit Will Hold as it is Purely fixed deposit point of view as dividend income
8 HINDUNILVR Consumer Staples 3.15 5.36 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,Popular brands,Zero Debt company,Since stock corrected little bit and therefore I am adding.
9 GAIL Utilities 3.07 -39.54 Better Than Fixed deposit Will Hold as it is Purely fixed deposit point of view as dividend income
10 STRTECH Information Technology 3.05 -29.42 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,available at Low PE,Promoters released the pledged shares
11 TCS Information Technology 2.47 -8.12 Long Term Will add in SIP mode
12 CRISIL Financials 2.25 -29.32 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,Good divident pay out,No capital requirement
13 VIPIND Consumer Discretionary 2.09 -25.44 Long Term Will accumulate Lowe market Cap,Market Leader in the segment ,Popular brands,Since stock corrected, and therefore I am adding.
14 IOC Energy 2.04 -35.55 Better Than Fixed deposit Will Hold as it is Purely fixed deposit point of view as dividend income
15 FINCABLES6 Industrials 1.79 -50.07 Long Term Will accumulate Low Debt company,Good RoE,Decent Dividend payout
16 NAM-INDIA Financials 1.73 -12.84 Long Term Will Hold as it is I invested it when it was very much corrected.At that time it was cheaper than HDFC AMC.No capital investment and high margin business.
17 BEL Industrials 1.71 -0.54 Short Term Will Hold as it is Purely invested for shor term opportunity.
18 HDFCAMC Financials 1.68 -23.17 Long Term Will add in SIP mode Market Leader in the segment ,No capital investment and high margin business.
19 BRITANNIA Consumer Staples 1.54 1.82 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,Popular brands,Since stock correctedand therefore I am adding.
20 UBL Consumer Staples 1.45 -13.02 Long Term Will accumulate Leader in the segment,More consumption in the segment in the near future
21 HDFCBANK Financials 1.35 3.87 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,Since stock correctedand therefore I am adding.
22 GICRE Financials 1.29 -40.32 Short Term Will Add SIP Mode Purely fixed deposit point of view as dividend income
23 IDFC Financials 1.21 -58.8 Long Term Will Hold as it is Good future dividend payout in future since it is holding around 40% share in IDFC first bank
24 RADICO Consumer Staples 0.99 -17.87 Long Term Will Hold as it is Popular Brands,Good return since last 5 years.
25 INFY Information Technology 0.93 9.2 Long Term Will add in SIP mode No capital required for the company,Lots of liquid cash.Good Dividend payout
26 HCLTECH6 Information Technology 0.88 -24.37 Long Term Will add in SIP mode No capital required for the company,Lots of liquid cash.Good Dividend payout
27 BATAINDIA Consumer Discretionary 0.84 13.46 Long Term Will accumulate Market Leader in the segment ,Zero Debt,Since stock correctedand therefore I am adding.
28 HINDZINC Materials 0.7 -20.07 Short Term Will Hold as it is Invested Just for short term opportunity
29 MCDOWELL-N Consumer Staples 0.45 -19.69 Long Term Will accumulate Leader in the segment,More consumption in the segment in the near future

I am a beginner so do discount my words appropriately.
Why have so many stocks in the portfolio? Do you have time to follow up and read about all the companies? Even if company you invested 2% goes up 50% you only have 1% net effect. It also becomes harder to comment on the overall portfolio.

I have recently read “Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits” author is for 10 or max 15 stocks in an Individual portfolio. Even Peter Lynch said that over-diversification is bad.

I am also a beginner.Day by day I am refining my portfolio.

Now only 4 stocks are in my portfolio-ITC, Marico, CDSL, IDFC first bank

Your money will be safe with this portfolio with less chances of growth. Putting in mutual funds is better.

@sanjay192 why did you chop down your portfolio to only 4 stocks… you can have minimum 15 -20 stocks in your portfolio…

You can have 50 stocks in the portfolio…provided these are good businesses and available at good prices.However that list of 4 stocks is two year old.Now I have 18 nos of stocks.

HCLTECH-under observation
INFY–under observation
LTIM–under observation
MANYAVAR-under observation
MEDPLUS–under observation
MPHASIS–under observation
WIPRO–under observation

*-under observation means stocks with 1,2 or 10 qty just to keep track …if available at good price in future …I will purchase in large quantity.

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Star cement
Godrej Prop
Bajaj Finserv
Rainbow & NH
Kotak Bank
EID parry

My dad’s Portfolio:
Almost equal weightage, Andhra Paper is 3x others

Helios Flexi Cap Dir-G
NJ Flexi Cap Dir-IDCW
ITI Small Cap Dir-G
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Dir-G
Andhra Paper Ltd.
Maheshwari Logistics Ltd.
Kotak Nifty Alpha 50 ETF - Growth
Phantom Digital Effects Ltd.
Indiamart Intermesh Ltd.