My Portfolio - Alvi

Hi all,

I began my investment journey in the midst of the COVID pandemic, with the majority of my current investments made between 2022 and 2023. Like many newcomers, I’ve been fortunate with favourable market conditions.

Currently, my portfolio consists of 30% direct equities and the rest is invested in mutual funds. The value of my direct equity holdings has increased by 60%, leading to an overall portfolio gain of 40%.

Given that I’m still in the early stages of my investment journey and have a significant portion in mutual funds, I’m inclined to take a slightly more aggressive approach with my direct equity investments.

I also have minimal exposure to Rainbow hospitals,Shivalik Bimetal, Lauras Labs, krsnaa diagnostics & Ugro Capital for tracking purposes.

Most of my current stock picks are based on online research and recommendations from channels such as SOIC(Thanks to @Worldlywiseinvestors) . I have liking for companies with MOAT and in niche sectors.My investment choices are still based on the recommendations and research of others, making them essentially “borrowed convictions.” This is the aspect I want to enhance in my investment approach.

My plan is to maintain a portfolio of 15-20 core stocks while allocating less than 1% of my portfolio to another 10 stocks for tracking purposes.

I don’t intend to inject additional capital into direct equities until I get really good with fundamentals and & build strong convictions on my picks; instead, I will continue with my SIPs in Mutual Funds.

Since I’m relatively new to the market, not inclined towards a concentrated portfolio for now. This might change as I learn more with experience.

I’d like to use this platform to document my investment journey, including my reflections and any mistakes I make along the way. I will be updating my investment thesis on each of them soon

Any suggestions or advice are welcome!