Monte Carlo Fashions-Branded Apparel Stock at Good Valuation

I refrained from buying Monte Carlo despite low valuations because I observed such brands stores are located on 2nd or 3rd floor of a typical mall. When someone reaches that floor, either he/she has bought clothes already or there is no intent to buy by then and go to a food court :slight_smile:
Even the store aesthetics were not great to appeal consumers.


I tend to disagree. Brand carries great aspirational value in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Anyway no brand makes money from LFS and mall stores as rentals are extremely high and Metro guys buy in discount sales only .
Once you have sale, they will go to 4 floors etc.
One important thing that i have noticed with Monte Carlo is that their winter wear sizes and fits are designed for Indian population’s physical attributes which makes it popular.

My comments are based on experience from few stores in Tier 2 cities in Himachal and M.P.

Problem with Monte Carlo is that they are winter focused. I don’t know how they will address this issue but they need to find a solution.


I also agree the brand value is there… but the promoters have to realise that branding and manufacturing are two different aspects - they remain a manufacturing oriented company… thats why they got into home textiles - which is a very competitive industry and does not have any co-relation with the Monte Carlo brand !!
And they are closed to ideas, i know people who have reached out to them for helping them with branding and distribution strategy and they refused as they were doing fine - this was before they got it all wrong !!
But as investors you can only chose to buy or sell shares. i will avoid this company as i think they will take a lot of time to recover - please listen to concall before deciding…

This is personal opinion and not advise to buy or sell.

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