I get a feeling that the company is stretched too thin with too many items in parallel. They will need to fight competition in every aspect. Their only uniqueness seem to be that they are the only listed player who is doing all of these together in an integrated way.
The reviews of Antara are quite good. I would normally the company focusses more on Antara and scale it out. But, I might be wrong as the market opportunity could be in an integrated approach.
Antara has senior living and care homes if I am not wrong. By Antara, which part of business you meant?
By Too many items, you are referring to which all businesses? Why I ask this is because of various things that happened with this group last few years, it is not clear to many what the listed Max India holds…so would be good if you elaborate more here…
I was referring to the first three items which seem to be the core of the business. MedCare and Phygital platform seem to be distractions.
Having 5 different lines of business is what I consider as too many, considering where the company is currently. It would spread out management bandwidth considerably.
Rgd. MaxIndia’s business verticals, you can refer to the snippet from presentation:
I agree with your thesis. However, remember that Max India has a proven track record in many areas. Doing it before gives them a higher probability of success since the learnings are already noted, and failures won’t be a negative surprise but a probabilistic bet.
Residence - this is new for the management. Dehradun took many years to sell. If I am not mistaken, it started in 2013 and sold out in 2021. They learned many things which they have mentioned during the council. End-result is a unique project where the resale value is almost 2x the original price.
Care home - they have experience in healthcare and hospitality. Replicating while keeping in mind the specifics is the key which they are aware of.
Care at Home - same as 2. My view is that this will not make much money bc. of the competition and non-sticky nature of the game - but is rather for the captive audience for 1 and 2.
Medcare - very appealing for the audience in 1 and 2. They are partnering and white-labelling, not many ways to go wrong here.
AGEasy - this won’t make money. just a distribution channel to sell 2,3,4
I have come across this co recently and i was trying to decipher the projections they have made in their annual reports because of the multiple verticals that the co is into. Can anyone explain how much revenue the company is planning to achieve?
Below average numbers as expected. They did not have much in inventory to sell the residences. Other business such as Care Homes and Care at homes are still small to make any impact in the overall performance.
Their NOIDA Phase 2 project in limbo as RERA rejected their application. They have moved the court. Not sure about the full implication of RERA rejection.
Gurugram project approval also getting delayed. Hyderabad progress also doubtful as the last few investor presentation are not mentioning that.
Max Group merged its healthcare assets into Max Healthcare and demerged its senior care and allied businesses into Advaita Allied Health Services Limited in June 2020. This subsidiary was renamed Max India Limited, which now holds the senior care business, Antara, offering integrated solutions for senior needs.
This merger of Max Life with max Financial was tried many years back. Think the issue is the past of Max Financial that was a road block. Max Financial has telecom business earlier and there are some liabilities on that side, that prevent its merger (objected by IRDA) with Max life. That path is not available per my understanding.
Interesting to see the institutional investor names for the analyst meet scheduled on Nov. 29th. Few foreign investors, Malabar investments, Birla sun life Asset etc. I think slowly the stock is getting the attention of institutions, a good sign.
As per last concall, management planning for a 100cr fund raise mostly via rights issue.
D: Invested, Biased. Optimistic about the senior care sector. Closely watching management commentary & the scale up of different verticals.
I really feel 10 years down the line this could be as big as 1 lakh crore mcap…the next hot decadal theme will be senior care with senior community living and care as service… with a major shift in India’s demographic dividend in next 20 years…this could easily be your 100 bagger and retirement fund