Master Trust-Unknown broker

Master trust-462
Market cap-1006 cr
Industry - Non fund based Financial(mostly broking)
P/e-12 time
P/b near 2.5times
Last 5 year profit growth -46%
Broking contribute 87% revenue , company has developed own platform… company touches over 650 offline points…33% online orders…over 2.4 lakh customers near 37% are active and over 19 k crore…
Promoter holding-74.83%
Share india securities owns near 2%
Huge skin in the game
They also owns another company called prime industries which has done pretty well this year.
Trigger for me-
Preferential issue
Company is issuing near 28 lakh 50k shares of which and promoter are buying near 21 lakh of it … At 350 rs a share… Names of other people participating which are interesting are share india algo plus near 3 lakh share, Sangeeta parekh and saket Agarwal… Company is raising near 99 cr of which promoters are putting over rs 60 cr…this is totally unknown company… Can be huge wealth creator in long term…
all info is available on best research platform screener…if anyone can add anything interesting related to company it would be great.

Disc- Invested and biased