Markolines Pavement Technologies - Road to Riches?

Markolines Pavement Technologies Ltd

MCAP: 251 cr | PE: 15.7 | BV: 45 | Price: 131 | Promoter holding: 72%


O&M provider for highways.

Highway Maintenance

  • Asphalt overlay — Add a new layer of asphalt to increase lifespan.
  • Crack sealing — Filling cracks
  • Joint maintenance – repairing joints between concrete slabs.
  • Drainage cleaning

Highway Repair

  • Routine repair – patching potholes, fixing minor cracks, any other issues

  • Cold in place recycling - Rejuvenating existing asphalt pavement by milling it, mixing it with rejuvenators, and repaving it, reducing waste and costs.

    • Benefits - Reduced material usage, less waste generation, cost effective (low material usage, less transport cost, faster, longer lifespan, however costlier equipment). Higher quality repair. Versatile
  • Micro surfacing - Applying a thin layer of asphalt and polymer emulsion to improve skid resistance and pavement texture.

    • Their PPT claims Markolines to be the first company which introduced this tech to india. I found this to be inaccurate.
  • M&R projects have a project period of 4 to 12 months.

  • Markolines does site analysis, creates camp for employees and then starts with the work.

  • H1 is impacted by monsoons. Continuous monsoon impacted H1Fy24. Impact on H1fy23 was lesser compared to h1fy24.

  • Margins should remain intact as they take contracts on a “cost plus” basis.


Tunnel construction in hilly areas. New segment.

Slightly higher margin as compared to maintenance and repair.

Larger and longer projects typically.

For the J & K tunnel project they have a stake of 25%. It’s a large project and multiple contractors are working on this.

Soil Stabilization

Part of road construction.

Soil stabilization involves treating and strengthening the soil beneath a road to improve its bearing capacity and prevent premature pavement failure. This can involve techniques like:

  • Mechanical stabilization: Mixing the soil with aggregates or binders to improve its mechanical properties.
  • Chemical stabilization: Adding chemicals like lime or cement to bind the soil particles and increase its strength.
  • Reinforcement: Using geotextiles or grids to reinforce the soil and prevent erosion.

Performance Guarantee

  • Markolines also provides 2 years defect liability (“warranty”).
  • Markolines also provides a performance guarantee of 5%. i.e. Markolines will forfeit 5% of the contract value if their work quality isn’t acceptable. So far, this hasn’t happened as per concall Nov '23.

Operations Geography

Mostly Maharasthra. Serves multiple other states.

One tunnel project in J & K.

Outsourcing of Contracts

Markolines also does outsourcing of orders if they can’t fulfill it themselves. The margins are slightly lower in this scenario for obvious reasons. The cost of this is reflected in other expenses. In house fulfillment of orders has the cost reflected in material consumed.

There are multiple ongoing litigations where Markoline had outsourced the contract but the contract receiver either didn’t pay back or didn’t complete the work. Source: Right issue document.

Government Involvement / Receivables Concern

  • Markolines doesn’t directly deal with the government. Markolines gets orders from NHAI or private players. Markolines’s Management has repeatedly mentioned that they work very transparently with the clients
  • As per the management they work with reputed private players and don’t expect that there will be bad receivables.
  • They avoid direct contracts from NHAI because for government contracts there is a lot of interference, influences or local competition, and particularly, it goes on the cost basis.

Billing is done directly to the client on a monthly basis. Mobilization of machinery + initial setup takes 40 to 50 days => first billing happens in 70-90days


  • As per Mgmt, they are the preferred vendor and most of the InvITs as their offerings are more comprehensive than peers.
  • Google maps rating of 4.4 (Doesn’t add value to the thesis. Had it been 2* would it have been a concern?)


  • Unquantifiable due to lack of data.
  • Road construction companies operate in PPP and do the repair and maintenance themselves. Markolines is just a private player who offers O&M services if a private player of NHAI wants to outsource it.
    • The equipment for road construction differs from what’s required for maintenance.


  • The road construction companies have their in-house operations and maintenance arm.
  • As per the Management this is a very fragmented industry and they are the largest players and they don’t see any large competitors.


Vijay Oswal

Sanjay Patil

They have been versatile with the business they are in.


1.5cr total against 16 cr profit.


They own 3 private related companies - . Markolines Infra Private Limited & Markolines Technologies Private Limited Unique

UHPC Markolines LLP (Associate) – (Markolines public has invested or loaned 8.3 cr into it. Markolines public got 0.2cr interest). Markolines public holds 50% stake in it.

No significant RPT between Marolines and these pvt companies.


PE of 15. Mcap 257cr
Borrowing of 50cr, Payables 32, Receivables 108 → is quite high as compared to the net profit.

Order book is around 500 cr. ~170 of it is for the tunneling projects which take 1-2 years for completion. The remaining 330+ cr of it is for highway repair/maintenance.
My estimate for H2FY24 is 200cr revenue, 10% EBITDA margin. Expected FY24 PE to be 14.4


  • Fixed assets increased from 10 to 26cr in one year coupled with a larger order book of 400cr+. & low PE makes it attractive.
  • Possibility of tailwinds, because highway construction has increased significantly since the past 5+ years and highway roads require maintenance after 5 years.
  • Management expects very good growth (number not provided) for H2FY24.
  • They have ventured into new businesses like Tunneling, Soil Stabilization, Full Depth Reclamation. They have good initial success in Tunneling.
    • OTOH, why did they have to venture into multiple businesses instead of focusing on expanding on maintenance & repair?


  • No visibility in TAM.
  • Working capital intensive business with low EBITDA margins.
  • Business is heavily influenced by external variables like the Government’s willingness to spend, regional politics & favoritism, monsoons.

Disclaimer: I hold no position in this company. Making this post to invite collaborators.


Does anybody knows what percentage of new national highways are made of concrete? I am reading contradictory articles. Some sources are suggesting 100%. Which will be very bad for the future of Markolines as concrete roads don’t really require maintenance.


Business is heavily influenced by external variables like the Government’s willingness to spend, regional politics & favoritism, monsoons.

Management clarified in concall that they do not work with government. They work with trusts or funds who aquire road assets.

But government’s spending will allow invits to execute road construction projects right?

Some highlights for me

Not cooperating with credit rating agencies, while they will need significant funds for working capital.
Due to not cooperating, we can see that interest costs are also high due to the high costing unsecured borrowings, these loans are all above 15% roi.

Tunneling they got a contract/order without any past history in the segment, shows their recognition and capability from the customer’s perspective.
Tunneling will bring a lot of stability to the biz, due to long term contracts,
although this would also need significant investments, especially in the beginning for mobilization etc.
This can be seen from the other expenses in 2023 Specialised Construction expenses- 59.3cr, which was nil in PY and is due to the tunneling segment.
Also it is higher margin.
Breakeven should take a lot of time in this segment.
Since this was the first project, they took it at a lesser margin, maybe to prove their mettle to the industry.

Cost plus basis mitigates rm risk, leads to stable margins.
Thus i believe to show growth they need continuous inflow of orders as there is not much opt lvg possible in the biz.

One interesting point is that they don’t need to be L1 to win orders.
Customers require quality, experience and lastly credentials, these giants/foreign funds wont trust a new upcoming player to handle their projects, they need a reliable firm.

Need to understand more about the airport potential, they had done a project in 2018 for the ahmedabad airport.

Need to understand the Repairs & Maintenance cost under other expenses- 104.5cr (PY- 56.4cr)

Performance guarantee and dlp has never been invoked, proves the quality of work.

Jan 27, 2023, right issue was announced, didnt go thru due to lack of interest from investors.

The promoters do not have nay lineage in the biz

They had also announced Preferential, but due to the market’s sentiments they withdrew that (as mentioned in the screenshot), So we might see them raising Preferential soon.

ILFS acquisition

they were the only bidders, did they see something that others couldn’t or they hope what they saw will yield huge returns

This acquisition would need dilution

the financials of the acquisition firm


receivables are all haywire, aged more than 3yrs majorly
2kcr+ of ltb, declared as stb
655cr of stb
975cr worth of payables, 726 is aged more than 3yrs

Need to understand how they will restructure the firm post acquisition, either they will grow hugely or this entity will engulf them.

more roads-

Pipeline of assets to be monetized by NHAI in Financial Year 2023-24.
All these assets will be taken by investors/funds, who then give orders to marko.

The huge investment required for these TOT (toll opt transfer) packages ensures only well established and professional players mostly MNC /Funds would participate in Bidding.
These huge incomers wouldnt like to go with small/newer plyers with lesser experience as this would impact their start and overall biz plan, they would need a solid and reliable player who can handle operations domestically- my thoughts.

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