One More Subsidiary in GHana
Seems Procurement going to be 1000+ Cr in Near Future
200*5 Subsidiary(Ghana is not mentioned in Notice) + Domestic Procurement
How much of it will be saleable could be the question.
Does anyone has readymade(extracted) data for 500 cr of annual sales how much procurement they did ?
it will give us idea.
Is the company not conducting a Concall for Q2 results? I thought with Q1 results, they started the practice of conducting quarterly Concalls.
Doing concall is not compulsory. They may do it once a yr or twice a year / every quarter.
Sale of shares by promoter group.
Three fund houses (Bank of India Mutual Fund, LIC MF & Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund) have entered into the stock; via the sale of shares.
All rounder performance by the Company
Finance Cost seems too high.
After Company received IND “A-” from IND “BBB+”
it shall come down
Adding some views by a friend
Company can do 40crs + pat in Q4FY25
Which is equal to fy24 PAT
And I feel next year company can do more than 200crs pat
And new capex announcement is come
Currently they are 40000 mtpa
Next year they can added more 20000 mtpa
If coco butter price go up more then clients prefer more CEBA
But max can be only 12.5% mix in India
Also they are increasing value chain
Which can be seen in margins number
For remaining 20000 mtpa no need of land
Post 20000 company can buy land
I feel 250-300 crs sales every 3 months
PAT can be 200crs
PE can be anything
Because currently Roce is looking not so great which will be very big post q4
Also soon company will be free cash flow postive
No need of external cash for growth
Africa business is same as indian business
Raw material cost is going down so GP margin is increasing
Asset turns will increase soon