Manjushree Technopack

When we first ran into Manjushree, it was grossly undervalued vis-a-vis business performance.

Today it is more or less fairly priced, so the opportunity for big upsides may not be there.

Recent overhang on the stock is the high interest burden which is a drag on the company’s ability to get the most out of economies of scale. Quarterly variations in one or other expense head isn’t much of a concern, as long as annual trends are okay.

We understand the business a bit now, the company has its strengths and probably the best positioned to take advantage and scale up with the opportunities in front of it. However, at present levels it isn’t exciting. Q1 results may tell us more!


Thanks for your words. I was looking at your results tracker. Using fundamental mathematical analysis, i could gather a few things:

1). From statistics Q4 has been a good quarter mainly due to the Capex completion in Dec timeframe. Even though Q1 is excellent, Q2 and Q3 of subsequent years averaged out to be on par or better than Q4 of the previous year.

2). Going by this, wouldn’t be fair enough to state that the Q4FY11 Topline of 80 crores would reflect a FY12 of 320 cr atleast. Assuming a NPM of 6.25 would imply an EPS of close to 15. The atrraction of EPS growing at 36-40% still stands attractiveWould the mgmt be able to maintain these NPM’s is a question. This is where the interest costs would pitch in.

3). I had earlier pointed out that Donald’s table had an error in the Q4FY10 admin expenses/sales. Actually it seems that two different numbers are reported by the company in different ways.

Q4FY10 results show:

Materials consumed: 29.6896

Othe Manuf expens: 2.177

Q4FY11 results that compare data with Q4FY10 show:

Materials consumed: 24.2196

Othe Manuf expens: 7.6470

Somehow the Other manuf expense and materials consumed adjusted for each other to sum total the same.

Sorry about that Donald.





Just to add. The manjushree website states “Another capacity of 6 million p.a. Extrusion Blow Molded Containers has been added and commercial production and supplies have come into effect.” as of Jul 7th.

This must increasingly help Q2,Q3 and Q4.

Negatives -increase in interest costs/deprecation

Prospective postives - FCCB’s.Any plans of passing on Raw material cost to customers will be amazing to the growth prospects. Am i day dreaming? :slight_smile:

Excellent results marked by brilliant NPM and great growth.

The main positive is interest cost is back under control.

Results are good, we shouldn’t get too carried away though. Similar patterns for qtrly results for Q2 onwards will come into play. I just hope they manage the finance costs well herafter.

I expect them to close the year around 340 Cr Sales, with about 23 Cr in PAT, with EPS of 17-18.

You are still getting the company at <5 1 yr forward, which is good.

Completely agree. Net margin of 9.53% probably requires more careful analysis. Is this due to the new Preforms capacity? EPS of 17-18 is probably more realistic than expecting > 20). Good news is that with sales increasing, the depreciation/interest costs as a percentage of sales will fall.

)- Q1 is normally the strongest quarter. Q1 FY11 had similar level of margins ( 9.2 %). From Q1 to Q2 there is a sequential drop in sales, profits and margins.

)- One possible reason for high margins in Q1 :They benefit from increasing PET prices. They pile up inventory at the end of Q4 and sell it in Q1. If the raw material prices go up from Q4 to Q1 they benefit from it (Inventory gains). This hypothesis will be incorrect if this 60 % yoy growth in revenue is mostly driven by increase in volume and not realization.

Bear Case possibility:

)- What will happen if Raw Material prices correct sharply?- Realizations will come down sharply, revenue will come down sharply (even though volume may remain at normal levels) resulting in big inventory losses. Luckily Q2 is rainy season with lower sales and lowerinventory levels(hopefully).

)- Does anybody know how much Q1 YOY growth was driven by volume and how much by realizations?

May be able to meet Manjushree Technopack Management early next week.

Please send in your questions.


Hi donald,

Some queries from my side

1). What is the current rate of capacity utilisation? And current capacity in each segment?

2). What kind of capex in terms of capacity and investment are we looking at in next 1-2 yrs? And source of funding for the same?

3). What is the current break up of debt currently? long term debt, short term debt, working capital debt?? And what is roughly the interest rate paid on debt by the company currently?

4). What is the revenue breakup currently between different sectors? fmcg, cold drinks, etc.

5). What kind of growth projections has the company got for next 1-2 years?


Adding to Hitesh’ list of questions:

6). Any stock buy back plans for this fiscal year.

7). Expected margins for the next few quarters. The NPM of 9.53 was very high compared to previous quarters/years. Is this sustainable?

8). Any new export orders received/lost.?

Hey Guys,

Meeting Manjushree tomorrow afternoon.

Last chance for everyone to put up all your questions, and help us extract the maximum from the interaction.


10 Questions for Manjushree Technopack Management â 24th Aug, 2011

1). Excellent 1st Qr Results! Sales & Profits up by over 60% again just like 1QFY11.

Congratulations! With such a tremendous quarter behind you, how does the rest of the year look?

Any major clients added? Besides Coke as your major client, have you been able to penetrate deeper into Pepsi account?

2). Production Capacities

What has been the progress on the capacity expansion program? What is the current capacity available and what was the Capex incurred in FY11 for the same. What is the capacity utilization currently? What are the plans going forward and how much would be the Capex spend for FY12?

3). Product Segments - Preforms and Containers are the main segments.

Could you share the production/Sales break-ups between the two segments for the year? Is it correct that Container Sales are more or less stable from Quarter to Quarter while Preforms segment has major seasonality being driven by CSD segment in the hot summer months.?

4). Seasonality in sales âQ1 & Q4 are your best quarters

Looking at the results over last year and this year, it is very clear that Q1 & Q4 are your best quarters â demand-wise. And this is mainly driven by the CSD segment âhot summer months.

The Sales slowdown is usually more than 25% from peak sales in Q4 or Q1. How have the last 2 months been? Is the same pattern likely to repeat in Q2 & Q3?

On the other hand, if we look at the demand surge in Q4 & Q1 it looks like it could absorb any capacity. Something like 3x existing capacity may also get absorbed?? What is the peak demand from say Coke and how much is Manjushree currently supplying?

Amcor, Futura, Sunrise and AMD Industries are the main competitors in Preforms? Are there any others? Have any of them ramped up significant capacity in recent times? What is Manjushreeâs share in performs market currently?

5). Competition

Amcor is unlisted and so is Sunrise. Futura has been making losses since last 3 years. But AMD Industries has been doing well. For last 2 years they were at similar OPM as Manjushree but lacked slightly behind at NPM levels. They too had a very good 1Qr and registered NPM at ~16%!

Kindly elaborate and help us understand the competitive scenario better. How serious is AMD as a competitor, with ramped up Preforms capacity. What about competition in the Containers segment? How is Pearl Polymers doing? Any other significant player?

6). Operating Margins - Sustainability

The most noticeable and remarkable performance is in constantly improving Operating margins â from 16% to 19% to 22% in the last 3 years.

You had mentioned last year that this is simply economies of scale at play. What is the picture for FY12? We now have new facilities catering to the enhanced capacity? What are sustainable Operating Margins for FY12 and beyond?

7). Capex and Funding


What are the Capex plans for the next 2 years and how much funding would you need to tie up for the same in FY12 & FY13? Would this be totally through debt or are there any chances of equity dilution?


8). Working Capital Management

One of the pains in your seasonal sales demand is to keep producing and storing during the leaner Q2 & Q3 to deliver for bumper requirements in Q4 & Q1. This is perhaps reflected in the huge rise in Working Capital requirements in FY11. from 22% of Sales in FY10 to 38% in FY11, mainly due to rising Inventory.

The Interest burden has come down from Rs 3 Cr levels in 4QFY11 to 1.9 Cr in 1QFY12, but the pattern is likely to repeat in view of the above. Kindly share what the company is doing to manage burgeoning Working Capital needs.

Have you tied up any loans through the ECB/FCCB route for lower cost funding on both long term debt and working capital front? Could you give us a sense of the likely Interest range for FY12?

9). Net Margins â Sustainability

We had exactly the same situation in FY11. A stupendous first quarter with Net Margins crossing 9% for the first time. Management had sounded very confident of maintaining Net Margins at 9% levels for FY11, but ended up at ~7%.

Please comment on what are sustainable Net Margin levels for FY12 and beyond?

10). Major opportunities & Challenges

Where does Manjushree technopack see itself in the next 5 years? What is the size of the opportunity in its niche? Can we see Manjushree Technopack reach 500 Cr Sales, by when? What are the major challenges before the company and where are the big opportunities?

One more.

There is frequent regrouping of account entries in the quarterly/annual results. For instance the Loan advances for FY10 showed a different number in Q2FY11 results sheet and a diff number in Q4FY11 sheet. The loans was adjusted against the liabilities and provisions. Similar disparity was observed in the Manuf expenses in Q3.

I think we should emphasis on the total debt position of the company. By end of 2011, it was the first time the debt:equity ratio went to 1.31 after 3-4 years. In a rising int rate environment and slowing economy…debt:equity above 1:1 ratio becomes risky.

What would be outstanding loan as of today and cost of same?

The int cost has reduced drastically in FY12Q1 from FY11Q4, what has been the reasons?

Usually the depreciation cost used to jump up by almost 100% in June qtr over last qtr…but it has not happened this time. Reasons? Similarly when new capacities will be added?

With competition coming into the preform business…how sustainable are the margins?

Risks of technologyobsolescence?For eg - Like in textile sector new better efficient machines keep coming in and the competition keeps increasing. How real is this risk over the longer term and how does the co manages the same?

With crude prices coming down any major benefit?



Hi Guys

Manjushree Technopack Management Q&A Aug 24, 2011 uploaded.

Looks like business as usual. We need to be watchful of coming quarters. Manjushree has inducted a CFO to focus on improving financial management signaling its intent on this front.

Please carry forward the discussions.


Thanks donald for ur untiring efforts.

Some positives coming out of the q&a

1). Target of 300 crores topline looks quite achievable. If one were to apply NPM of around 7% to be conservative on this then we have a net profit figure of around 21 crores which gives around 50% jump of net profits for fy 12.

2). They seem to be operating at good capacity utilisation rate of 90%.

3). There are not lofty projections of growth. Whatever they have said looks achievable.

On the negative side the debt/working capital ghost is going to come back to haunt it again unless they do something about the ecb borrowing soon.

Again there is dependence on their customers’ growth for their own growth.

The general feeling I get after going thru the management concall is to buy this company when the chips are down during q2 and q3 and offload most of the stake during times of euphoria.

At expected EPS of 15 as a minimum conservative calculations this looks a good bet to accumulate especially as we seem to know this company better than most.

Yes Hitesh, Manjushree Technopack looks set to manage a 30-40% plus growth in earnings in FY12. I am taking 30% on the lower side in case the FMCG slowdown they mention worsens in the coming months -those risks are real.

The good thing is most of the downsides are known, can be factored in. We can’t say that for too many companies we track that will keep growing at 30% plus in FY12, can we.

If they get the ECB loans and manage some more optimisation on the financials, there can be some pleasant upsides too.

Its not expensive, but will wait to accummulate more on corrections.


Cant understand the answer to the question on reduction in interest cost in Q1FY12. How can one make provision for interest and bank charges in Q4 FY11 for expenses pertaining to Q1FY12?

What was meant is that - all banking and finance charges accruing through the year in FY11 was accounted for only in Q4, hence there was a significant difference.

Even then, it is not a correct practice. Except for maybe tax provisions, one has to account for all expenses as and when they accrue. Also, they should have disclosed this in quarterly results