Malkd's Core Portfolio

Just finished with the concall of expleo. Literally all your re rating triggers got activated :slight_smile:

  1. Overall and especially North America pipeline buildup:
    Expleo bagged the biggest deal in the life time of expleo ie a mega global deal covering various geographies including US , Europe, Australia, Asia & india from a Financial MNC. Many more similar deals expected too and demand is currently huge

  2. Pricing pressure coming off:
    Q4 is already set to better than Q3. They are targetting doubling revenues over the next 3 years and seem confident about it and have said margins will improve from next quarter. Safe to assume pricing pressure is coming off now

  3. Continuing hiring of digital skills for deployment:
    They are hiring around 120 people just for that deal above! They are already hiring for development

  4. Extending india contribution to other industry verticals and digital solutions:
    I dint even know it was possible but they’ve managed deals in non BFSI segments in the auto industry!

Next few quarters will be interesting to see if management walks the talk and deploys their 140 cr cash ably and manages the growth they are talking about. If they do walk the talk they’ll be growing EPS at 33 percent per year which even if they pull half of it off is unbelievable for a company valued in single digits currently(with 140 crores in hand no less). Thanks for giving me a checklist to tick.
I may not understand this sector too well but I now have a few years to study it in peace while I wait for this story to unfold. Thanks to everyone on here especially @rshankv for your inputs :slight_smile: