Malkd's Core Portfolio

My thoughts(dint want to post this in the alembic thread):

There’s something big brewing here but patience will be needed. Debt repayments and capex will hit the P&L next 2 years but there will be an inflection point and by FY 24 we could see more than double the profits when
major capex and repayments go down, capex kicks in and R&D reduces on percentage basis thereby improving margins and FCF(what PE rating would you assign to a company like this :slight_smile: )
There could be a case to wait until FY 22 is done with to invest but markets are always forward looking and may take this huge surge jn profits in consideration much earlier than FY 23/24 so staying invested for the next 5+ years looks prudent and adding more in dips if there’s consolidation could be a good move over the next year. A doubler based on earnings growth alone over 3 years may sound boring considering the current bullish market but I’m more than happy with that and would take that return gladly anytime. A rerating is something one can’t predict but it could take it to much higher returns too considering it’s currently near half pharma valuations. Very confident and bullish management about the medium term and very realistic about the short term(definitely blue chip management for me).

Disc: Not a sebi advisor. Invested