Kilburn Engineering - Huge undervaluation

Management Guided for total consolidated revenues of Rs. 450-500Cr by FY-25 with 18-20% Margins easily achievable.
Also, the company will close this year with consolidated orderbook of Rs.310-320Cr and expects orders worth 150-200Cr to flow in first four months of FY 25.

Also, the management was bullish on ME Energy which can give better revenues as post consolidation Balancesheet Strength would increase which could help ME Energy bid for high value orders going forward.


:zap:Robust Orderbook
M. E. Energy orderbook- 118.5cr. (recent acquisition)
FY24 estimated closing orderbook- 330cr+
Order Enquires- 1000cr!:boom:

:green_heart:Management Guidance:
:large_blue_diamond:FY 24 revenue: 330 cr
(Reduced from earlier guidance of 400 cr due to order spillover to Q1 FY25)
:large_blue_diamond:FY25 revenue target remains intact. (500cr)
:large_orange_diamond:OPM will be around 18-20%
:small_orange_diamond:Capex will be in the range of 15-20cr over the period of next 18 to 24 months.

Read full Q3 concall insights at:


Management also mentioned that post 2-3 years, ME Energy will enter into waste heat recovery systems for Cement industry wherein single order size is around 250Cr+ which could again give a boost to its revenues forward.
Hence, ME Energy can play on strong balancesheet of the group and get big orders in future.



Can any one help me to understand this announcement of company.

bc39fb90-b54b-406f-a24d-70b7268b5ab7.pdf (382.6 KB)

Its just conversion of warrants allotted earlier and not fresh buying.

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