Kaveri seeds company limited -- kscl

Monsanto has been blacklisted by several governments at different points of time over complaints of crop failure.(Tamil Nadu -2007, Maharashtra-2012 and now Karnataka.) The links are given below.

That might be temporary area specific problem in a particular year.

Coming to our Kaveri Seeds, since it forms a part of VP public portfolio we’ll be warned by seniors at appropriate times should there be a concern.

Disc : Invested.

I think we all are equating Mahyco with Monsanto. These are two different companies. And Mahyco uses Monsanto’s technology like Kaveri does. I think Monsanto has a JV with Mahyco, but that JV does not own the technology of Monsanto. The original technology is owned by parent Monsanto and given to a host of seed companies including Mahyco. If Mahyco cannot manage their seed operation well even after having a JV with Monsanto, it does not show poorly on Monsanto’s technology. It only shows poorly on Mahyco, as other companies using the same technology does not have problems like Mahyco does. And like in any other business, Mahyco’s loss is others gain.

Outcome of Compensation Committee Meeting 04 Apr 2014 18:32
Kaveri Seed Company Ltd has informed BSE that a Meeting of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company held on March 28, 2014, consequent upon the sub-division of the Company's Authorised/Paid up Share Capital of Rs. 10/- each into 5 equity shares of Rs. 2/- each, accordingly the total number of options were granted under the ESOP Scheme 2009 and the face value of each such options allotted/ to be allotted under the ESOP Scheme is subdivided from 1,37,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each to 6,85,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 2/ - each consequently.

How much impact can El Nino have on companies such as Kaveri and PI?

Below is the link from Insecticides Mgmt interview where they say that their sales could be impacted by 10-15% because of El-Nino.

http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/weather-el-nino-can-impact-sales-by-10-15-insecticides_1065524.html Link: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/weather-el-nino-can-impact-sales-by-10-15-insecticides_1065524.html


What is your call on Kaveri based on outcome of meeting.

Is it is worth holding or to exit kindly advise.


Kaveri expected to move to next orbit with every passing year due to

  1. Mkt share in cotton seeds expected to grow to 25% from current 16%

  2. Cotton prices firming cotton acreage expected to grow

  3. Non cotton seeds like Rice & Maize expected to grow by 20% where margins are much better then cotton

4)Cotton seeds prices expected to rise in March 16 as its long overdue.

  1. Earning growth momentum is expected to continue for several more years is the consensus from IIFl,Espirto santo securities,& Emco

But Emco also says that germplasm is no longer a major differentiator.

Has anybody gone thru recent Emkay report on seeds?If so whats the conclusion?


My key takeaways from the report:

)- hybrid corn and rice to drive growth in the short run by increasing penetration, but high density Gm cotton can drive growth over the long term

)- within the seeds market, organized players are eating away into market share of smaller players on account of newer launches

)- Access to germaplasm is not important, as companies can easily tie up with others. But all companies are looking at crop diversification. Kaveri is among the few that is nicely placed relative to others with crop diversification

)- Cotton seeds prices have been fixed by govt, and have not been raised over the last 3 years. Next year (not this year due to elections) may see price hikes of 15-20%

)- Vegetable seeds market already has 95% hybrid penetration and will not offer a big driver of growth in the medium term.

http://www.valuepickr.com/forum/not-so-hidden-gems/608487840 Link: …/.

Can you provide a link to the Emco report? It looks like the conclusions in both Emco and Emkay reports are pretty much the same.


Sorry wrong link was posted earlier.

It seems that Good Times are here to Stay !! :slight_smile:

Apr 17, 2014, 09.22 PM IST | Source: PTI

India Ratings revises cotton outlook upwards by a notch

Also, a spurt in demand from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey and Vietnam is likely to offset lower cotton demand from China. Additionally, the agency report expects revival seen in domestic production in April-November last year to continue this year.

Non-cotton seeds**may**have just been allowed field trials in the country and so the question of growth in rice and maize revenues is a bit early. Only after field trials are successful can there be sales, profit, EPS, and growth.

There is a lot of murky politics in the whole GM foods business as there is big money involved. See here:

Verappa Moily approves GM crops:

Verappa Moily denies approving GM crops:

Finally, this latest news 4 days ago, on how the supposedly inactive PM pushed through the decision:



I think you are confusing between normal hybrid seeds and GM seeds. They are completely different things. I think the link below will give you a very good idea about the difference.

The revenue accrual in context of Kaveri that we are currently discussing is from just normal hybrids seeds of rice and Maize which Kaveri already has and probably working to develop more varities (no restrictions on it, like GM crops) . Like you mentioned correctly the acceptance of GM seeds for food crops is still a long way to go and subject to regulatory approvals any more things.

Non-cotton seeds**may**have


**More than 6% exports drop this year and 20% next year estimated. Wonder how it will impact cotton and their seed prices.

Typically this kind of hoarding and opportunistic selling in the face of artificial deficiency is done by private sector. Wonder what is China upto.**

With the correction, I think it is time to add KVSCL

Is the correction related to the bad monsoon forecast?

Not sure if it is due to potential adverse NDA policy risk on GM crops.

I dont think it is bcoz of risk of GM crops…if gm crop would have been the reason, Monsanto would have been most impacted … bt monsanto is at 52 week high…


As many as 11 people were killed and crops in over 20 hectares suffered damages due to unseasonal rains that lashed Andhra Pradeshin the last several days.

According to official sources, the 11 people lost their lives in different rain-related incidents like wall collapse.

Besides crops, the rains also caused damages to horticulture crops in 36,380 hectares, the sources added._


As Andhra Pradesh Link: http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/unseasonal-rain-claims-11-lives-in-ap-114051200888_1.html in days. _




Nature is not Natural this year :frowning:

Thanks to Al nino effect and precautionary measurements. Badly hurting Kaveri.
