Jey’ portfolio - from a newbie to financial independent individual investor

I have been wondering for a very long time, on where to keep a log of my investing behaviour. I have done so in pocket app, google drive and many other places. Somehow all these have been scattered and difficult to locate at times. So I’m starting this thread, one to keep a track of my portfolio and other to get your feedback on my portfolio,

At the start, I’m a doctor by profession and quite passionate about investing. I’m been in the market since 2006. I have committed almost all mistakes as a market enthusiast, right from option trading, intraday, swing trading to cigarbutt long term investing. I have witnessed two major correction in my portfolio of more than 50-60%, one in 2008 and other in 2020. In 2008, I was doing what that should not be done- watching live, all the doomsday predictions on days of Lehman crisis. I had invested my dad funds and mine. On watching the news anchors prediction, I sold all my positions at 10000 levels of sensex, as those financial experts were predicting that Sensex May even go to 3000-4000 levels. Such was the panic those days and I did panic badly. One good thing was the amount involved was very small as it was start of my professional career. This 2006-2009 period gave me very valuable lesson - euphoria, infra boom, reliance hype, Lehman crisis and prolonged fall in the market unlike the covid fall. Though the fall was significant, I was inclined to do fundamental analysis as I was very much into reading most of WB, Peter lynch, Philip fisher books. With the guidance of these stalwarts, I was constantly looking for fundamentally sound companies and investing in them with the regular cash flows I get from my medical profession. Because of lack of proper direct guidance, I did learn the trick slowly but surely. I always kept part of my money invested in mutual funds as I though that it will serve as an yardstick for my direct equity portfolio.

Now after close to 16 years of investing, and bulk of investments done in the last 5 years, I’m close to being financially independent now.
I will open my portfolio positions and the rationale behind it in the next post


As you are maintaining yardstick using mutual funds, what has been your 16 years experience? Who is winning? You or mutual funds?

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