Investing Basics - Feel free to ask the most basic questions

Form where can I get transcript of conference calls or analyst meetings??

You can get it from website under documents section

Thanksā€¦But cud u please give a more detailed path from there to find the transcripts of the con calls

Thanks for the path.
Now itā€™s clear

Hi Investors,
Any free websites I can use to see historical data like Price to sales, price to cash flow, PE and other details.

How is dividend received by the stocks held by mutual funds / ETFs taxed in this new tax regime? Iā€™m not asking about the dividend distributed by the mutual fund to the unitholders but the dividend received by them from their holdings.

After reading about investing in stocks, it looks everyone is aware of disadvantage of giving dividend. It is not tax efficient. But sill all companies follow dividend and not share buyback. Common investors are in love with dividend. Even I love the dividend.

if companies dont have any option to re invest, why cant they buy back instead of giving dividend.

Each individual company deducts TDS only if the dividend paid out by them through out the FY (that includes interim and final dividends) exceeds 5000. It is not across companies.

So, if RIL gives you a dividend of 7000 and TCS gives you a dividend of 3000, you will need to update the 15H only to Reliance and no need to send to TCS.

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  • Dividends are not tax efficient for individuals in higher tax brackets. But, they can be very efficient if you are a corporate/fund-house.

  • Buybacks donā€™t affect all the shareholders equally. Some of the biggest investors are pension funds and insurance companies, who would need the cashflow from dividend for their operations.

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Mahindra Holidays has 5000Cr as deferred revenues.
Could someone help me understand this term ?

Google search tells me that deferred revenue is a accounting entry for cash collected for a service that is to be rendered at a later date.

Does this mean that the company has already collected 5000cr cash and will recognise it as revenue over a period of time in future ?

Mahindra Holidays business model is subscription business model. They charge the customer upfront for say 10 years of subscription. This gives the customer the right to book a holiday resort for the next 10 year limited by number of days, availability and some other restrictions. The company hence is expected to deliver its services over the next 10 year. Now the revenue which has been collected is actually against the service for 10 years. Only the revenue against the current year can be recognized as revenue. The rest goes in to the deferred revenue account.

Most multi-year based businesses (like real estate) will also have similar accounting entries.


Thanks Ashishā€¦

So is my understanding correct that if the accounting policy is kept aside for a minuteā€¦
Company has already recieved 5000cr in its hands for the service that it has to provide in the future 10-25 yrs ?

Coming back to accounting, is my understanding correct that as and when in successive years the service is rendered, revenue from this will be realised ?

Yes for both your questions.

You can verify this using past financial statements and the actual cash can be verified from the cash flow statements.

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How do you differentiate between capital intensive business vs growth business?

There are two businesses. Business A is capital intensive and it needs cash every year to support its operation. EPS is not growing much.

Business B is growing EPS every year and it does not need additional capital to support the business. But it has more opportunities to re invest the earned money. So it puts back the money into business and it generates return on reinvested capital.

How do you differentiate these two companies using its financial statements? Which ratios/entries(in statements) will tell this info?


Can you please give some insights on what to make out of the Jet Airways come back? How do you evaluate this and what are the key considerations befire investing in it?

Although question is for someone else, let me try and answer some part of it. (Btw youā€™ve replied to possibly the wrong post, correct one is 839 possibly).

For any turn-around we need to understand a few things :

  1. Base rate of success for turn around is low. This is because of multiple factors which one can understand by diving deeper.
  2. Turnarounds take time. Bankruptcy fundamentally erodes your net worth. You cannot get it back as fast as you lost it. One cannot think that if stock price fell 95% in 2 years itā€™ll rise 20x in 2 years. The 20x rise might take 20 years (or whatever the timeframe is).
  3. One has to evaluate the precise conditions of revival for example the post resolution net worth, what assets they retain, what were foresaken to the lenders.
  4. One has to evaluate the ability of the current promoter to turn around. Some promoters are famous for executing turn arounds and can of course be trusted more than others.
  5. Imo best time to invest in such cases might be when actual green shoots of revival are visible. Not when it is announced. Because execution can make years and in the meanwhile opportunity cost implies notional losses (could have deployed money elsewhere).
  6. I can quote some annecdotal evidence for what I did in a similar case. I had invested in yes Bank. Went down 95%. I took my tiny post fall capital and deployed it in my high conviction holding which I had researched very well and which I had high conviction in. Name not important. That is up 3x. Key is to not get biased ki yahin paisa haara tha yahin Wapis kamaunga. Coz that can take decades, if at all it happens.

Hi Guys
Iā€™m new to stock market and I would like to understand technical analysis of stocks. Can anyone help me with good resources I can start with, videos preferred.

Shud be buy established business like Supreme Industries whose data(fundamental analysis) is better than astral ltd or buy astral ltd whose management is more pro active and return is higher than supreme ind??

When people say strong balance sheet? What does it mean? Could you please share few example for strong and weak balance sheet?

What are the key items which tells that company has strong balance sheet.

ITC has no debt, but it has put money money in the bonds and debentures? Does it qualify to be a strong balance sheet?