Introducing Satish as single-point Go-to-Contact for User Activity at VP

Satish has spent over 20 years in the IT world, especially in software development and project management, where he has led teams to tackle pretty complex projects. A Bachelors in Computer Applications and BE in Electronics & Comm, he has worked with some great tech companies, diving into areas like cloud computing and AI.* He has recently turned a full-time investor and has happily taken on the usually thankless job of moderating VP Forums!

@satishwe Satish has been moderating VP forums from Nov 2024. Over the last few months he has taken on major part of the responsibility. Fair to say he has been exposed to most of the usual patterns of USER BEHAVIOUR by now. Happy to announce Satish as the Go-to-Person at VP accessible for all first level queries that folks new to VP (even regular members) may need addressed. He has graciously offered his time/experience to help re-energise value-added user-activity at VP (which had taken a backseat last couple of years)

In Satish’s own words “I do have fair bit of experience handling conflicts ( as I used to head the entire India office of 200+ ppl including all teams engg+ hr + finance + Compliance etc), friends have given me feedback that I am someone who is easy to talk to but also firm in handling things.”

There are a few initiatives Satish feels we should immediately take on to re-energise user participation at VP. Basically make it easier for users to have a voice (that is heard) and engage constructively with a SENIOR MEMBER on what they use/like to use VP Forums for.

Basically Make it Easy for Users to:
1.⁠ ⁠Clarify any doubts on VP forum usage
2. Report on general housekeeping issues and participate in thread clean-up/sanitisation efforts
3. Report other issues like misuse/abuse of VP platform, violations of SEBI guidelines and other unethical practices
4.⁠ ⁠Reach out to seniors for deep dives on a business, work on and publish data driven posts
5. Find and network with 2nd-level Collaborators for doing deep dive work, compile comprehensive Stock Stories and the like
6. ⁠Enable 2nd-level Collaborators to do industry Scuttlebutt, approach Competition/Management for in-depth discussions - once base work is done
7.⁠ ⁠Enable Members with 10+ years in any industry to register as VP domain experts
8.⁠ ⁠Enable tweaks on UI/navigation at VP site to make access to resources more user friendly
9. Enable auto-flagging for AI-generated content with little value-add
10.Enable and engage users with UI/UX other relevant IT skills to send in their feedback/participate in planned tweaks e.g. much needed “Insightful” and “Actionable” buttons in addition to “Likes” on thread posts (that helps the system prop up more-valued content and hence more-valued contributors

PS: Satish also took the lead in convening VP Bangalore city meets (since 2016) and has personally vetted all the 500+ odd registered members. Post covid this important activity had stopped. He plans to renew the important energising effort, soon

Let’s welcome Satish’s efforts!
VP remains thankful for his initiatives. He will devise simple mechanisms for reaching out to him on specific agendas. Thanks


Thanks Donald for the initiative. From my little interaction with Satish & observation on his moderating skill, I am confident of his skills in handling issues & taking firm actions. I hope he will reduce the gap between moderators/admins & members. With his IT background, he can handle/help the technical issues/glitches.


Thank You @Donald