Interviews of Good Investors posted on Youtube & other platforms

Very Nice Video presentation by RV Capital (Robert Vinall)

Fund Factsheet

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Shankar Sharma of First Global spoke to Nikunj Dalmia on why he fears the markets are getting polarised and how can this decimation of smaller businesses be reversed in the economy.
Even if i dont agree with him on some points it was really good to hear different viewpoint.

He always goes with the flow …

Yes. His views are too coloured with politics so difficult to trust him. He was staunch anti-NDA a few years back but has toned down a bit.

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All about Cycles and cyclicals by @jitenp


Countering home country bias. Great video.

Recent memo from Howard Marks. Insightful about what’s happening in the markets today?

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Interesting podcast episode with Jeremy Siegel, Author of many books such as Stocks for the long run and Future for investors. (Aired in June 2020). Key takeaways

  1. After GFC in 2008- Fed had increased liquidity in the system but almost all of it was sitting with banks and financial institutions as excess liquidity or buffer capital to prevent systemic shocks to banking industry. This time, the liquidity increased by Fed has been actually disbursed to the people.

  2. As a result, M1 supply has increased by a large amount within a short span of time.

  3. All of this has led to conditions to believe that moderate inflation (in the US) is the most likely outcome (more than last few years).

  4. All of the debt borrowed by the Govt has to be paid back to the Fed. One way of doing that is simply - Inflation.

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25th Wealth Creation Study by Raamdeo Agrawal

shorter version on core topic.

All 25 Wealth Creation study can be accessed

Refer, 25th Wealth Study- page 17 for - portfolio of the potential 25 Wealth Creators for the next 25 years they have come up this year.


Thanks for sharing.Great learning and insight.I could not able to discontinue and spent entire two hours.I became fan of Mr.Maran.

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First few minutes on the reason for GDP slowdown and what can potentially happen in H2.


What a great take - investors are taking all the risk rather than promoters or banks