Infibeam Avenues - A Fintech Play

Quick updates on Q3 results:

1. Payments
1.1 Payments NTR has picked up smartly (@8.9bps) driving up the segment profit to 18.6 crore from 10.4 sequentially and 4.94 crore YoY.
1.2. Management gave strong commentary on the payment business and expect to drive the NTR to 10+ bps by FY25.
1.3 Tappay is commercial and management re-iterates guidance for 100K merchants for Q4FY23 and 1mn merchants by Q4FY24. Refuses to provide any specific numbers on turnover, volumes etc.

2. Platforms
2.1 Platform profits on the other hand have declined to 15.65Cr from 17.76 sequentially and 23.43 on YOY basis.
2.2. While commentary on GEM is strong particulary for Q4 (which always sees huge volumes) - the fact that the contract terms are re-negotiated to cap payout on higher value transactions and possibly large discounting on Govt to Govt orders - have taken out all cream from the GEM business (which can be seen from the nos above)
2.3 Presentl GEM contract runs out in Dec’23 (from the new RFP). Little/no hope for extension of the present contract.
2.4 The new RFP payout is based on Fixed + Variable model. The variable model is based on no of transactions rather than value of transactions and has a deep discounting scale model built in. This essentially takes out a lot of charm and the payouts are likely to be significantly lower then current payouts even at higher volumes.
2.5 Effectively, extra-ordinary returns from GEM will no longer be possible in the new contract. Even in the present one Q4FY23 is the only quarter in which some windfall is possible (which also is severly curtailed due to capping). Modelling likely nos is no longer possible.

3. Others
3.1 Trust Avenue not likey to see any revenue for next few quarters. No clear answer on timeline and potential. Till something concrete comes out, I would take 0 for FY24 on this account.
3.2 New International forays - Saudi is operational. No specific updates on any other geography.
3.3 No updates on NEU license.


  1. Platform business will get (maybe already is) discounted substantially.
  2. Payments business is the key to future profitability beyond Dec23. So valuation of Infibeam will need to follow that. Within Payment EBITDA growth will be driven by NTR improvements, International forays and contributions from TapPay.
  3. Q4 will possibly see a good uptick on GEM perforamce and continued recovery in Payments. If some part of the govt payout on UPI transaction can thru in Q4, that will add to it, else it will add to Q1 FY24 or whenever it happens.
  4. In short, back to being a being a 2 wheel drive car, than the potential 4 wheel drive.
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Anyone still tracking this? Any idea if the recent run-up is due to any fundamental reasons and sustainable? Or just a trading move that can be sold into?

Disc: Invested and seeking opinion on whether to remain so.

Should be sustainable, now gradually UPI will also be charged at transactor level .

Not invested but tracking

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Infibeam Avenues Ltd, a listed fintech company, announces its strategic foray into the capital markets and digital lending software market by acquiring a significant 49% equity stake in Pirimid Fintech, investing Rs 25 crore to solidify this strategic partnership.

Source: Exchange filling
Disc: Invested

I saw this notification from Infibeam Avenues today:

If I understand this right, basically, Infibeam Avenues is giving guarantee of 140 Cr against term loan drawn by Infibeam Projects Management Pvt Ltd which is into real estate.

I am wondering if this should be a concern. The avenues business, a Fintech company, serving as a guarantee for real estate subsidiary. Is this common? Can the more informed members please throw some light on this?


Disc: Invested from lower levels and wondering what to do with this stock.

Hi Kapil,

As per disclosure made by the Infibeam Avenues, its subsidiary Infibeam Projects Management Pvt Ltd is enaged in the business of providing software and pre-built infrastructure, tools and resources to fintech startups (refer attached). So, it is not strictly engaged in pure real estate operations. Let us wait for the next concall and get more clarity directly from the management in this regard.

IPMPL.pdf (300.0 KB)


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Any idea when is Infibeam planning to declare their Q4 FY24 results and organize the conference call?

The results are on 16Th May. Till now no update on concall.

Thanks for sharing Kaiff.