Hitesh portfolio

Dear Hitesh Bhai

What are your views on Capital First

I dont have too much idea on it but posted my views on cap first thread.

Dear Hitesh , is there any particular news or coverage by broking firms about mayur and manjushree . I want to hold them for long but with current run up …is it good to sell now and wait for a good correction of 15-20 percent

Thank you



mayur and manjushree are in a different orbit altogether. Valuation wise esp mayur seems quite stretched but it makes sense to keep riding your winners till the first sign of trouble.

Technically a lot of markers are followed by various guys to determine a break in trend.

e.g some people follow a fixed time period moving avg and closing below that particular moving avg is often first sign of trouble.

Others follow the theory that strong stocks dont correct more than 15-20% from recent top and any correction more than that warrants caution.

And many more.

Fundamentally its difficult to justify prices of mayur but when there is euphoria everything flies and we have to learn to latch on to these fliers higher and higher.

hi Hitesh,

What kind of growth rate do you see Mayur might give in next 2-3 years ?

GIC Housing declared its results.

Topline growth of 14% with revenues up from 147 to 168 crores.

Op profit up by 16% with op profit up to 38.38 cr from 33.03 cr.

Net profit up marginally at 25.36 from 24.3 cr. (this has been due to worth 2.47 crores deferred tax liability charged to profit and loss account in accordance with guidelines issued by NBH) Barring this provision net profit would have looked better.

eps for the first quarter at 4.71 per share.

Fulll year likely to be 20 plus for fy 15.

Book value likely to be around 135 per share for fy 15.


I think mayur can do around 25-30% cagr growth for next 2-3 years. If the PU plant comes up earlier then maybe growth can be higher.

You can listen in to concalls or access latest research reports to get an idea about the projected growth rates.

Hitesh bhai,

You have been quiet bullish on HFCs.Do you see the same kind of opportunity in the Auto Ancillary space? Many cos. have cleaned their balance sheets,cut costs & invested in R&D/own business.Moreover,some of them will have considerable op. leverage when the CV cycle turns.

Disc.: Invested in a few of them.

Hitesh sir,

I have been investing in stocks for some time but stumbled on valuepickr(luckily!) only recently. thanks for the great discussion and the effort made by you and other seniors. I have majorly invested in large caps and have avoided smallcaps due to lack of knowledge or say wrong advice.

Due to my medical profession ( non financial )background i could never understand the numbers well but thanks to value pickr i am beginning to learn.

looking at the stupendous performance of the valuepickr portfolio and also your PORTFOLIO how should a new investor go on about these stocks. the score card mentions that they all have multplied many fold over the time.

how can people like me who have say " missed the bus" start now especially that the markets have rallied?

i want to invest in MAYUR , Shilpa and ajanta pharma and capital first.

i have read the forum discussion on all these stocks and would like to invest in these.

would it be right if i ask you for a say approximate level to enter each of these stocks from a 5 yr view?

i know know this is not a forum for tips but for a beginner like me i would like to have a second opinion whether i should wait for correction in these stocks.

thanks in advance

Dr Baliga

Hitesh sir,

I have been investing in stocks for some time but stumbled on valuepickr(luckily!) only recently. thanks for the great discussion and the effort made by you and other seniors. I have majorly invested in large caps and have avoided smallcaps due to lack of knowledge or say wrong advice.

Due to my medical profession ( non financial )background i could never understand the numbers well but thanks to value pickr i am beginning to learn.

looking at the stupendous performance of the valuepickr portfolio and also your PORTFOLIO how should a new investor go on about these stocks. the score card mentions that they all have multplied many fold over the time.

how can people like me who have say " missed the bus" start now especially that the markets have rallied?

i want to invest in MAYUR , Shilpa and ajanta pharma and capital first.

i have read the forum discussion on all these stocks and would like to invest in these.

would it be right if i ask you for a say approximate level to enter each of these stocks from a 5 yr view?

i know know this is not a forum for tips but for a beginner like me i would like to have a second opinion whether i should wait for correction in these stocks.

thanks in advance

Dr Baliga

Hitesh Bhai,

At expected BV of 135, GIC Housing is tradin hardly at 1.22 times. Isnt that quite cheap.

@dr baliga, Most of the stocks you have mentioned have run up a lot. You can invest around 25-30% of what you want to invest in them currently and wait for declines to add more.

But first of all try to go through the threads of individual stocks (still better idea is to go through the stock story of each company-- it is provided in right hand corner of the home page once u open it.) to get a better idea about he business.

I too am a dermatologist so figures should not scare you. :slight_smile: Its not as difficult as it is made out to be.

@sagar, I dont follow auto ancillary companies so not much idea about those.

@ashwini damani, gic does look attractive mainly bcos I feel downsides are limited due to div yield and modest growth.

Hitesh sir,

Thanks a lot.


uexitedvsttillerrecently.couldutellusthethoughtprocessthatmadeu exitvst.whatwasthefairvalueaccordingtou.



VST TIllers I think around 1800-1850 was running ahead of its fundamentals. It might not fall too much but probably will undergo time correction.

You can go through Pat Dorsey’s book Five rules for successful stock investing. available on flipkart at around rs 500-700.

Hi Hitesh,

Would like to know your views on Canfin and Lic Housing post results. Would you be subscribing to the rights issue of canfin or adding both in this dip?

Thank you!



Both canfin and lic hsg and even others like gic have suffered in terms of net profit growth due to provision of deferred tax in P&L account which has reduced reported profit.

Other than that results for both seem good.

Canfin and Repco both look good for investment. In shorter term they may be under pressure due to perceived poor profit growth esp in case of canfin and exhaustion of FII limit in repco. (announcement today in bse regarding that.)

Hi Hitesh,

Canfin and repco, what would be an entry price to start buying before it starts making upward trend. I understand there is no perfect price to enter but do you suggest any approx entry price…

Thanks - Kaushal

Hello Hitesh, what is your opinion on PIIND Q1 Results , do you have any projections for this in your mind.

Thank you


hitesh bhai

we havent seen your portfolio for many days now

please post your portfolio for our knowledge

