Hitesh portfolio

Dear Hiteshji,

Please share a video recording if available for your lecture.


@equity, I dont have much idea about software sector and its subsectorā€¦ So not much in terms of exposure there.

@supratikā€¦ The lecture was absolute basic stuffā€¦ I dont think VP readers need that kind of tutoring much. I will get if from the organisers and try to put it up. I had a lot of fun with puns and jokes apart from some serious discourse on investment. I didnt know talking equities to an eager audience can be so much fun. :slight_smile:

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Hitesh bhai,can I buy Atul Auto,from a really long-term perspective? The stock is still at 11X TTM & among the VP stable stocks: I guess this is one growing,quality company that hasnā€™t re-rated as much as others.


Atul auto at the end of the day remains an auto stock vulnerable to sector risks. I wouldnt consider it for long term. For short to medium term the business momentum seems good.

Hitesh Bhai,

I have 10% of my portfolio as cash. I am willing to invest this portion also into Equities. I am interested in Kaveri, PI, Mayur, VST, Symphony and Repco. What do you recommend at CMP?

I am a lot in favour of putting a big chunk in Kaveri at CMP.


Most of the listed stocks have run up. But coming to business characteristics, I see less variables in repco. So I would consider repco.

All the rest of them have momentum in their favor.

Valuation comfort remains more in vst tillers followed by repco.

You can take your call.

Maybe you can wait for some time and put cash to good use during any market correction whenever that comes about.

Hitesh bhai

Can I buy Mayur @ CMP ?

Kindly adviseā€¦

Hi Hitesh bhai,

I am following Repco Home Finance and recently I came across news that says two directors ā€˜Mahesh Parasuraman and Shankar Nayarayanā€™ have resigned effective from 28 Febā€™14. Is there impact or noise can be ignored ? I totally understand few directors resigning is not uncommon considering large industry and possibility of exploring opportunities outside but just want to have your view points if they were key people.



These two directors were non-executive nominee directors of Carlyle.


Over a span of 3-4 years Repco should definitely outperform kaveri.

@naveen daiya,

I feel mayur valuations look stretched looking at the run up.

You can consider it on declines.


These as manish vachhani mentioned were nominee directors of carlyle fund. I think Carlyle might be shifting out of repco looking at the way things are going.

But Over a longer time frame Repco remains a good betā€¦ It seems like a great business at fair valuations.

@surya kanth. I wouldnā€™t be too sure about repco outperforming kaveri looking at the growth kaveri has shown and the prospects in future. :slight_smile: But both collectively in the same portfolio should perform wonders.



Thanks hitesh bhai for your advise.

Currently my portfolio is allocation:-

Ajanta 5%

Alembic 10%

Avanti 12%

ITC 8%

Kaveri 8%

PI industry 3%

Poly Medicure 4%

Shilpa 10%

VST 6%

Cash 35%

Kindly advise do have to make any changes in my portfolio, currently sitting with 35% cash need your advise in which stock should I increase my allocation or add any new stock in my portfolio at the current market levels, investment horizon is two years.

In case of PI ind and avanti am currently sitting with 80% profit should I book now or hold for some more time.

Kindly adviseā€¦


Most of the stocks u hold are VP portfolio stocksā€¦

All the hard work has been done by donald in putting up the earnings expected and the PE range expected. based on those u can take a decision.

Your portfolio looks okay and u can keep riding the winners.

Regarding cash most of the stocks seem to have run up so keep the cash and wait for better opportunities.


Hitesh Bhai,

Iā€™ve NIIT Ltd. in my portfolio stagnant for more than 1 year. Do you see any growth trigger in it in the near future.

Also, do you think Lumax Auto Tech worth holding at present price.

Thanks in advance.



Thanks, Hitesh Bhai.

@Hitesh Thanks bhai for your reply. I also feel Repco and Kaveri both in same portfolio can create wonders. How much allocation can one make in Repco @ CMP?

@Suryakant Thanks bro for your reply.

Previously Hitesh Patel wrote

Hi hitesh,

Do you think now that Carlyle may exit repco, the high valuation it was getting inspite of being a PSU, might now be done away with? I ask this because in one of your earlier post on repco and canton, you had said that repco enjoys more respect because of Carlyle.


have been holding Dhanuka-wanted to add-but it has run up 50%-can one still add at the present price- or shud wait for a decline



What is you view on Gujarat Gas? It has went down from 300 to 220. Its looks good value buy. High RoE (>25%) business is available at PE of 7-8.

@rajatā€¦ repco vs canfinā€¦ try comparing parameters like ROE, ROA, capital adequacy and you will make out why repco has got a long way to go with a high degree of predictability and profitability.

@hardtogetā€¦ dhanuka seems to be in a fair valuation zone. If I were you I would hold and wait for declines to buy.

@kamleshā€¦ no idea on guj gas.