Hitesh portfolio

i am new hitesh bhai any old call or new call which can add …tks

i am new hitesh bhai any old call or new call which can add …tks

i am new hitesh bhai any old call or new call which can add …tks

vicky… not tracking granules too actively but stock seems to have broken out with vigour.

jitendra…as mentioned in some other thread by another boarder, please go through the thread of stocks you are interested and then decide what to buy and when to buy.

As you are booking profit what is on your radar?

I Like Polaris at this level. Also Mr Arun Jain has not taken any compensation as per Annual Report. Along with low valuation and good management any positive trigger will result in rerating(which sector is going thro).

Appreciate your comments on this and its chart.




While I am booking profits, cash is on my radar… :slight_smile:

polaris I dont have much idea. On charts it seems range bound with support around 120-125 on downside and resistance at 150-155 on upside.


Hi Hitesh

am new to this group, impressed with your stock selection abilities. Which stocks you would suggest out of Kaveri Seeds,VST Tillers, Hawkins Cookers,Gruh finance,Mayur Uniquoters,HDFC Bank at the current valuation.If possible, Please put the rationale as well and possible triggers if any.

)- Pavan


due to the price correction in some stocks like hawkins, gruh, hdfc bank, polymedicure I feel risk reward is favorable.

the rationale for these stocks is discussed in the respective threads and in some portfolio threads…

these are great businesses available at reasonable valuations… having said that, if the correction progresses, they could become even more attractive…

Hitesh bahi,

all the 4 four stocks are still within 10-15% of their recent and all time highs - there is hardly any correction !

In stocks with strong uptrend, thats all you get in terms of correction…Most of the times it is time correction where stock price remain range bound for long period of time before making a new upmove…

e.g hdfc bank.

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Thanks Hitesh.

Will go the resp. Threads and understand them better.

Hi Hitesh,

Are US FDA rules so strict that companies find it difficult to comply? I don’t know the real non-compliance but some of the things which was mentioned in the news paper was that they found flies in the facilities and also hair in some tablets.

I think these are the basic precautions which they have to take… are they too complacent to take care of these issues? Or there is something serious then what is appearing in news paper.

Second, if these are the only things then I think once it starts impacting the revenue … these people can put in the processes in place. So now as this has impacted… so things will fall in place. With that context does this company offer a value ?


Hitesh bhai,I want to add my positions in JB Chem.Just wanted a technical check: Is the stock ‘breaking down’? What are the key supports or it can be bought at CMP from a purely technical perspective?

Hitesh Bhai,

Even I want to know your view about markets in general from technical point of view?

At what price can one start accumulating stocks like Symphony, JB Chemicals, Ajanta, Alembic, Shilpa, VST Tillers (I already have them but want to add more)?



Hiteshji, wanted your opininon on Hawkins. Hawkins plans to introduce induction cooktops and cooker range in the coming quarters. Can induction range be thought of as a totally new market area with a multi year sizable growth story in place which can significantly contribute to top line and bottom line?

also, if induction range were to be significant contributer to earnings, do you think Hawkins can bag a decent market share when so many players like TTK, Bajaj, Philips, etc already have their induction based products in markets? Is cookers and cooktops becoming more of commoditized business instead of Hawkins and TTK dupoly with decreasing brand consciousness which might hurt Hawkins?

@pankaj j… the audits of USFDA are not limited to only finding problems in quality standards… they also insist on standard operating procedures being followed strictly and strict adherence to good manufacturing practices. It usually entails proper record keeping and sticking to basic rules… thats where some Indian companies and their employees wanting to cut corners are caught unawares.

@sagar and @ankit… coming to the various stocks mentioned… current levels after the fall in all these stocks mentioned seem attractive with view to add more on declines. specifically jb chem should find support in earlier top in the range of 108-115.

@ nishant savla… hawkins is a great business to be in… Its often not about growth but cash flows, high returns generating business, high brand strength etc… When all these combine with reasonably good growth, the results are often awesome… I feel till now hawkins was a lazy company run by a autocrat… But with induction of a new guy at the helm, things might start turning for the better… But till that time comes it will test the patience of investors… In such situations, the guy who buys on pessimism when nil growth delivered during the quarter is digested into the prices, will often make loads of money.

Problem with most investors is that they tend to chase prices and when they come down they often are a disappointed lot.

Deepak Fertiliser seems to be an interesting opportunistic bet… after a few quarters, things seem to be going right for the company. the latest quarter shows a good jump in sales and profits.

period q3 fy 14 q3 fy 13 9M fy 14 9M fy 13 fy 13 (12M)

sales 1013 623 2746 1947 2606

NP 64 32 152 118 147

eps for 9m fy 14 is 17.2 per share… Company is likely to do eps for full year of about 24-25 per share looking at the momentum shown in the last two quarters.

cmp 112… I think if things go right there could be possibility of around 30-40% upside from current levels.

disc: invested … purely as an opportunistic bet.

Hitesh Bhaiya - first of all thanks so much for sharing your bets from time to time and being this transparent. It looks like Ajanta has 40+% upside from current levels, which is a known devil. Also it’s a safe wealth creator, compared to Deepak, which has not created much wealth over the decade. Hence holding and waiting comes with a risk as well, unlike Ajanta.

I understand that these new ventures are necessary from time to time to learn lessons from the market. What is your theory on portfolio allocation and venturing into the unknowns vs allocating more to proven ones? Genuinely would like to understand the way you think.


I didnt get your question.


How much percentage of Portfolio do you allocate/recommend for Opportunistic bets like Deepak Fertilisers.
