Hitesh portfolio


I would like to put in my views regarding FMCG which might sound conventional, but that’s what I think. I think most of these top FMCG companies will remain relevant many years from now also. I cannot think of life without products from Unilever, Nestle or Colgate or other top few FMCG companies. With respect to disruption, we usually either overestimate or underestimate their impact. I think these FMCG companies are there to stay and maybe even get stronger. Over the years one thing these companies have demonstrated is their ability of innovate and stay relevant.

Reliance Inds remains company which keeps rediscovering itself every decade. And hence has remained relevant till now while a lot of other contemporary companies have fallen by the wayside. I think the vision and execution of Mukesh Ambani and his group is exemplary. One might question the tactics and intricacies in the balance sheet etc, but RIL remains one of the best placed companies to exploit the emerging opportunities going ahead.

I am no crystal ball gazer. Its not my cup of tea. I find it difficult to visualise businesses more than 3 to 5 years, let alone 50 years. One thing we need to learn and remember is that a good business may not always be a good investment. There are a lot of other attributes we need to look at. Valuations tops that list of attributes.


Hitesh Bhai,

What is your mindset when you buy small/mid caps? The reason why I am asking is because, Hikal has been showing very good numbers for last many quarters and the stock did very well. The future also looked very bright. The other metrics/ Balance sheet all looked great. Then the news of six people dying on account of improper waste disposal and the police after the management. Stock down 25%. Lux Ind. insider trading charge by Executive Director and the stock down 20% in one session.

one stock in One session can wipe off, all the profits made in several other stocks.

So how to avoid these potholes when it comes to small/Mid cap. All that we have is annual reports, the numbers and the management concall. But these events come suddenly out of nowhere. Small allocations to small/mid caps is the only way out for this problems? or you have any checks that you adopt.


Hitesh ji,

What are you thoughts on jubilant pharmova? It’s been continuously dipping without any support.

One of the ways is to limit maximum allocation to 6-8%. Let them win your attention with their performance for a higher allocation eventually. Also depends a lot on your time horizon, eg:- Deepak in all probability will do well 2-3 years out from here. Yet 1-2 quarterly blip will be there in every story. Studying past threads of Pi, Astral, supreme etc on this forum can help to understand not all these were linear stories. Some speed bumps are on the way. One has to decide what speed bump is a deal breaker



Buying small and midcaps for the long haul is a tricky proposition. One way to do it is as mentioned by @Worldlywiseinvestors which is to keep starting allocations low and gradually build up positions as the company proves itself on the fundamental front.

There are mainly two types of risks associated with almost all companies. One is market specific risk. Like we saw recently where there was severe meltdown and most stocks took a drubbing. In such situations there is very little we as investors can do. But the other type of risk is company specific risk. This would entail corp misgovernance, business risk like accidents, a quarter or two of poor numbers, etc. What I have seen is that in most cases these falls begin from fairly frothy levels.

In case of Hikal, it topped out at ttm PE of 45 -48 in Sep 2021 and then went down drastically. A sort of double top was also obvious on charts at around 700-710 which got confirmed on breakdown below 584. Now not many people will be able to read technicals and not many people will be able to figure out the PE stuff and its often possible to get this PE stuff wrong. But when stocks have run up a lot like what Hikal did from a level of 140 in March 2021 to levels of 700 plus in Oct 2021, five times in a matter of six months or less, we have to figure out that massive expectations have been built into the price. A large part of this rally is froth. This someday has to correct. While the odd stock may weather these kind of frothy moves, most stocks do end up badly and often crash or go sideways. So we as investors have to be mindful of the kind of froth built into prices and book partial/full profits as and when warranted.

Lux went up from 2100 in May 2021 to 4300 in July 2021, double in a matter of two months. Again very quick move in a very short period of time. Now here a lot of management antics were quite well known to most market participants. One only had to google to get details of their involvement in criminal cases etc. Now these charges may or may not be true or false. But these charges by themselves were quite grave. So anyone contemplating major allocations have to be mindful of these facts and either book profits after sharp run ups, or keep starting allocations reasonably low to avoid getting hurt.

When stock prices go up 2 to 5 times within 6 to 12 months, usually there is market specific or company specific froth built in and in each case we as investors need to act rather than try to be too smart and play buy and never sell strategy.

I think currently times have changed and moves happen at alarming pace in stock prices, in either direction. In earlier times, information spread was slow and limited to few people and hence probably there was an orderly rally in stocks. Barring frothy markets as we saw in dot com bubble and in infra bubble esp in stocks like unitech etc. Nowadays with advent of instruments like social media to spread information/misinformation, its very easy to attract suckers and take stock prices to stratespheric levels. A lot of players are involved in these games. Sometime back we heard about a TV anchor involved in playing these games, by buying stocks beforehand and then recommending it on a show and then booking profits while innocent investors were lapping up the stock. SO FOR MOST RETAIL INVESTORS, ESPECIALLY THOSE WANTING TO INVEST IN SMALL-MIDCAPS WITH BIG ALLOCATIONS , ITS BEST TO FIRST LEARN THE ROPES AND THEN TAKE MAJOR PLUNGES.

An easy solution is to diversify the portfolio allocations to comfortable levels by buying a bunch of stocks , so as to be able to withstand these kind of shocks. Or be very very sure of what you are doing and then take large sized bets.



Before I can answer regarding Indiamart, markets have answered by drubbing the stock from recent levels of around 7000 to 4500 kind of levels. Here too as I mentioned in a previous post we need to analyse the kind of run up it had before it topped out. Just for purpose of reference, it went up from levels of 2000 in Sep 2020 to 9950 in Feb 2021, going up nearly 5 times in a matter of 5-6 months. These kind of rallies again entail a lot of froth and investor expectations which are difficult for most companies to meet. Base rate of making money after such run ups is quite low.

Question many people will have is if we sell out after stock has gone up 3 times in six months and still stock went up more and ultimately went up nearly 5 times, wont we miss a big part of the rally? The obvious answer to this is to control greed. Do not feel bad about leaving something on the table for someone buying from you. Getting three times your purchase price or even a double in three to six months itself is not bad. There will be a lot of counter arguments to these kind of theories, but what I have seen over the years is that very fast rise in a short period of time usually end in disasters.

Another live example I can quote at the risk of going wrong is that of Tata Elxsi. It went up from levels of 900 in July 2020 to high of 6700 in Nov 2021 which is a rise of more than 7 times in nearly 16 months and subsequently another high of 7800 in Jan 2021. Inspite of what is perceived to be good results, stock price is finding it difficult to go up and currently is at around 7000. Now for this stock to justify the kind of valuations it commands of nearly 85 PE ttm earnings, it will have to report market expectations beating returns for atleast a couple of quarters. If I was invested in such a name, I would at least book partial profits, if not full profits. It may or may not be one of the exceptions of stocks which continue to go up inspite of stratespheric valuations, but I think at these levels, discretion is better than valour. On charts there are some negative divergences on weekly charts and the structure does not look too alluring to me.

@x3c I do not track jubilant pharmova. Pharma currently seems to be a sector which seems to be facing some headwinds and is probably out of favour in terms of market fancy.


Reading your post gives lots of learning
You are doing great work for novice investors.
Sir I have made basket of 10 stock seeing their past performance. This is for long term investment and planning to review quarterly with concall. Me not from financial backgrounds and don’t understand deeply the results however con all gives broader pictures. So thinking to read it. Don’t know how much I will do consistently. Thesis of my selections is good corporate governance, walk the talk, moat in the business and consistent performance .

What your view on below mentioned names.

What is the ideal time to rebalance portfolio ( wait for bull market or present market)

Asian paint
Aarti industries
Avenue Supermart
Bajaj Finance
Relaxo footwear
Tube Investment
Tata consultancy services

lux industries has hit the news for insider trading.
however the fundamentals and business outlook seems to be unchanged.
will investors forgive and forget the management for the long term good fundamentals?

with due respect to @hitesh2710 ji , just small strategy which i follow . when your stock moves to 2x in short span take the invested capita out of the scrip and invest that in some other scrip which has good management and with good products with strong pricing power and growing market share and durable competitive advantages . In this way you keep the stock run in auto pilot mode in case you don’t require the cash say for next couple of years . Practically mind need some adventure as well and give you diversification , because sitting on cash is hard but in this way one can control one’s greed as well …
@hitesh2710 sir i want to ask is it a good strategy or one need more tweaks in it ?

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The polyfilm sectors have been on dream run for last two years. As the sector is typically cyclical, is there still steam left for new entry at this point. Is entry now to Cosmo films and polyplex be a good bet. My horizon is two years plus

Thanks sir

Respected Hiteshbhai ,
I want you to ask about IMFA , Indian Metals Ferro and Alloys , the ferro alloy player from odisha owned by the Pandas.

Yesterday qtrly results were published whereby the revenues for dec qtr touched 655 crs ( total production 61000 ton and sales of 56000 ton ) and a net profit of 121 crs.
For 9 month ending the revenue stand at 1856 cr and profits at 365 crs
Mcap as per last closing 1942 crs.

Company declared a liberal bonus of 1: 1 last month to reward its shareholders. Company had been constant dividend paying history with some blips when commodity prices were on a very downside .
The company has also repaid the loan to the tune of 210 crs in this qtr thus the debt equity stands at 0.07 which used to be 0.40 cpl of years back .
The history of prices and the performance shows that this space is cyclical . But off late many small players got liquidated and bought out by the big players for example Rohit Ferro taken by Tatas , Facor by Vedanta and so on.
By the appetite displayed by the Giants in lapping the small ferro chrome players can we assume that the space is moving from the general commodities structure towards a more specialised product reqd by the steel industry ? There are also certain macros in international mkt like SA superiority ,signallingg towards end from last cpl of years . Also China’s strategy which has led a bigger and better market for Indian players in the international stage.
Due to this macros and companys internal accruals can we expect a rerating in this company than the meagre valuation it is getting in current.

Thanks a lot , hope some day I could meet you in person in the old sleepy city of Baroda.

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hey sir loved your stuff here just wanted to know your views on laurus labs , equitas holding(equitas smfb),iifl finance,india bulls real estate and acrysil.

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Lux inds is doing quite well fundamentally, as you say. Markets do have a short memory. So after a brief period of atonement, things should gradually limp back to normal. Provided the management does not steal money or cheat minority shareholders, and if earnings trajectory continues, it should be ok for Lux. This is what I have seen over the years happen in a lot of companies with corp misgovernance. Atonement time can vary.

I feel that some managements are penny wise pound foolish. In their greed to get a few crores by insider trading, they lose a few hundred to a few thousand crore in market cap.

@virtualmanish , the list of stocks you have put up consists of high quality companies and should do reasonably well over next 3-5 years, if that is your view.



Polyfilm sector is a cyclical sector currently having a good time. This is something that needs to be ingrained in the mind while investing in these companies. So taking a call beyond 2-3 quarters is often difficult.

Cosmo films is gradually increasing the contribution from speciality films and trying to reduce the risks associated with commodity products. However, it’s difficult to ascertain how well these speciality films will be able to withstand raw material and other input cost shocks.

Polyplex has good geographic diversification, being present in India, US, Turkey, Thailand. Plus they also keep putting up plants for value added products. And dividend payout is extremely healthy, which makes dividend yield attractive. I think the big trigger, if it materialises could be promoters selling out their stake. I hear since a long time that things are moving in that direction. In these things, timelines can stretch a bit but if a sellout does happen, there can be decent money to be made.


Hitesh Sir, Very well Explained.

If I will talk about Indiamart for the long term(5 -10 years), It will not be a compounding machine-like Asian paints.

As I am Google Certified Partner and have a very deep understanding of the Business Model of Indiamart. Their Business model is not that robust.


@hitesh2710 sir, i would like to learn about reading charts. Can you suggest some books/ youtube channels or any specific course for beginners.
I feel reading and understanding charts can help a lot in the long run

Hitesh Sir your view on bhageria industries result

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Hello Hitesh sir. Thanks for sharing your valuable insights and guidance on this thread. They have been educational.

Do you have any views on MAS Financial Services? I remember you used to be interested/invested in it back in 2018-19. The stock/mcap has downhill especially since second wave of Covid. Management has been prudent (just like how they have always been) and has preferred balance sheet quality over growth.

What’s weighing on the stock/company? Thanks.

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hello hitesh sir, in thecase of cyclical value dont come from only from earning but also from capacity cost. say it ,it cost rs 500 crore to put million ton cement plant. a three million plant should worth rs 1500 crore. if there is rs 500 crore debt. the equity should be worth about 1000crore. in the market , that 1000 crores shoul be valued at 500 crore or 2000 crore-that is the range. so if its above 2000 crore then its reagard less of how favourable is cycle, its too expensive,and if its below 500 crore, you are just cycle to turn- you know 500 crore become 2000 crore. from the book master class with super investor from page no.142 rajaj shekahr iyer.

my two cents ,birla corporation , 3.9 mt plant is setting in mukutban maharastra cost approx 2800 crore , now thy become 20 mt by fy23, now 20 mt cost for new plant for any cement company is 14000 crore and debt is 4000 crore at present mkt cap is around 10000 crore in my opinion mkt is given value of 1:1 ,the green power contribution is around 20%of total power of requirement,mukutban plant state of art recieve 20 years of gst,maharastra has 32 million annual demand ,15 million had imported from other states,digitisation n
had lowest cost producer of mukutban may be turnaround story, this my first time view on any cyclical company.

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@hitesh2710 sir ,

Shipping corporation of India has posted good set of Q3 numbers provided by freight rates staying at very high level. On the disinvestment front , final bidding is now postponed to March and little chance to finish this fiscal . R u still tracking this since it came to the level of stoploss

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