Hitachi Energy - A Century old MNC in a new bottle!

One amazing thing is "Reliable power can be transmitted in either direction depending on demand "

If any power experts are there @hack2abi @MyCapitalNotes please enlighten us more on this.

Few links that I have come across

This is fascinating technology.

IEX management explained in one of the concall , Wind Energy is generated in India (peak) from May to Mid of August ( I have posted some key learnings from the concall here

Basically the advantage of UHVDC is you can transmit the power for long distances without having additional substations ( I don’t know how many transmission substations are required for a length mentioned above 1,800 km)

From the recent analyst call Mr Venu said it reduces the amount space needed by 1/3 ( that means less number of substations ? )

On a given month if one part of the country is producing Wind energy then the same energy can be transmitted (this is the most cheapest way of producing energy among all other sources ) , so basically you can switch the supply from B (wind ) to A (Coal based )

I am assuming the conventional powergrid transmission do not allow this kind of reverse supply

Please correct me if my understanding is not right.