Why is solar power important for Green Hydrogen?
@vij , It is mentioned here.
Hydrogen can be produced through electrolysis of Water for which electricity is required. And if the required electricity for this electrolysis is produced through Renewable sources of energy such as Solar, wind, Hydro, Bio-mass etc , then we call Hydrogen as Green hydrogen because in the entire process , there is no carbon emission.This is what the whole world wants !
However , Hydrogen can also be produced by various other methods such as Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas which would involve carbon emission , so these Hydrogen can not be called as Green hydrogen…different names are given for these carbon emitting processes involving production of hydrogen
Reliance New Energy Limited (RNEL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has
entered into an agreement with Altigreen Propulsion Labs Private Limited (Altigreen)
Based out of Bengaluru, India, Altigreen is an eleclric vehicle technology and solutions
company for commercial last 川le transportation through 2/3/4 wheeled vehicles. It has
developed an E3Wvehicle and its vehicles are built in-house in Bangalore, India on a mobility
platform that is 100% indigenous. Its current patent portfolio spans 60 countries with 26 global
patents. Some of Altigreen’s current technologies include electric motors & generato陪,
vehicle controls, motor controls, EV transmissions, telematics & 10T and battery
One more option within battery segment to address availability challenges of rare earth metal lithium.
Iron Air Battery Technology
I have been following green hydrogen sector, doing all calculations, etc. The story looks good in news articles but it doesn’t sum up in Excel.
Since last 1.5 yrs there have been numerous agreements / project launches / etc. but till date there is next to nil progress on ground. I don’t think still Reliance has even started recruiting the management for this venture. All hot air?
This thread is just 3 months old.
If we go through this thread right from the begining , may be we can understand the subject well.
There are few things involved in Green Hydrogen production, which has already been initiated on the ground.
(1) For Green hydrogen production , Solar /wind power generation is a pre-requisite. Solar /wind power already in production - atleast half a dozen companies are alredy making profit and so also investors making money - Tata power, Adani green, Sterling Wilson, Borosil renewables, Suzlon, Inox wind and there are many unlisted companies like Siemens Gamesha, ReNew power and many others who are active in this business.
(2) while Solar/wind power capacity are increasing day by day, but For producing Green hydrogen, Electrolysers are required for which massive investment required…
(3) What the Govt has done towards Green Hydrogen,-to start with a policy has been made so that the Refineries /oil PSU’s who use hydrogen as feed stock , don’t resort to producing Grey Hydrogen- from HC sources.
In other words , all such PSU’s both Oil , Energy & Gas- IOCL/ BPCL/HPCL/ NTPC/ GAIL/ONGC/ Coal India are leading the way in planning huge Capex and some of them have already installed and initiated Green hydrogen production . You may please read the thread to understand more.
(4) The PVt players those have declared for Green hydrogen have just started Capex plan…
Reliance/Adani - Green Hydrogen plan is just 6 months old …
L&T has collaborated with an existing player ReNew ( Nasdaq listed ) very recently
Gujarat Flurochemical is another company which has formed a subsidiary for Green Hydrogen again recently.
JSW energy is another serious players in to Green Hydrogen …recently
(5) One thing interesting to note that most of these pvt players intending to produce Green Hydrogen are already in to some existing profitable business. So , by investing in to some of these companies , you also play in to the Green Hydrogen business.
However among these pvt players for Green Hydrogen, we will have to see who are the ones who are able to implement project fast and produce green hydrogen and make money.
Today, the Govt is expected to announce some more policy measures to expedite Green hydrogen production for pvt players.
LNG can use to make hydrogen
LNG is basically “Liquified Natural Gas”.
CNG is “Compressed Natural Gas”
Both are having the same molecule Methane CH4.
But LNG being a liquid can be transported by ships and tankers …that is how we import LNG and then convert this in to Compressed Natural Gas for our auto fuel / domestic kitchen.
Apart from Auto fuel and domestic fuel , CNG Methane CH4 is also used as an important Gas for Production of Hydrogen in Fertlizer plant and oil refineries…i
In fertliser plants, Hydrogen is a feed stock for Ammonia and DAP production.Oil refineries use hydrogen for a lot of petroleum products including reformulated fuel.
However, in this process, it involves carbon emission…Methane CH4 contains carbon.
Hence Green hydrogen is the theme in which Hydrogen is to be produced from water by electrolysis and if the electricity is produced from solar /wind to power the electrolysis process , we call it a Green hydrogen as there is no carbon emissions in the entire process.
You may please read the thread from the begining to get more insights
Would be interesting to have a conversation with someone who has detailed understanding of hydrogen chemistry (finance and feasibility will come later). From research I’ve done, there are immense technological/engineering challenges in across the supply chain.
Maybe that’s why companies are just doing agreements, rather than doing some actual work on ground. These all media coverage is useless publicity stunts to show that we care for climate change, etc.
I don’t think there is any technical/engineering /supply chain challenges ! In fact it is much more simpler than lithium Ion battery or semi conductor issue that we are facing currently. …
To produce Green Hydrogen, the Raw material required are (1) Sun light (2) Wind (3) Water …which are plenty round the year in our country - we are blessed by the nature… No supply chain involved here.
The other one is the Electrolyser - technology is sophisticated, but available everywhere in the world- No China dependency. … Linde and Cummins in USA have already installed the biggest electrolysers of 24 MW. In India we have already installed 10MW each two numbers and these are already producing Green hydrogen.
Electrolysers are also produced in our country…unlike lithium ion batteries , we don’t have to depend upon China for Electrolysers…USA and Europe produce electrolysers. Ohmium in Bangalore has been producing Electrolysers and exporting to other countries. Many others in our country are planning-Huge Capex required for Electrolysers manufacturing. The Govt is likely to consider 15000 crore PLI…
However, it appears that the demand side is so huge that our intending companies are not looking for any govt PLI …they are more than willing to put their own money in to the projects.
Apart from our domestic need , there is a huge export potential -Japan & Germany have already requested India to supply them Green hydrogen. Germany does not have much sun light and wind and Japan does not have space for putting up solar and wind project .
Ministry of Power notifies Green Hydrogen Policy Today
*The manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Ammonia and the renewable energy plant shall be given connectivity to the grid on priority basis to avoid any procedural delays.
*The Green Hydrogen policy will help in meeting the target of production of 5 million tonnes of Green hydrogen by 2030 and the related development of renewable energy capacity.
*Hydrogen and Ammonia are envisaged to be the future fuels to replace fossil fuels. Production of these fuels by using power from renewable energy, termed as green hydrogen and green ammonia, is one of the major requirements towards environmentally sustainable energy security of the nation.
Green Hydrogen / Ammonia manufacturers may purchase renewable power from the power exchange or set up renewable energy capacity themselves or through any other, developer, anywhere.
Open access will be granted within 15 days of receipt of application.
The Green Hydrogen / Ammonia manufacturer can bank his unconsumed renewable power, up to 30 days, with distribution company and take it back when required.
Distribution licensees can also procure and supply Renewable Energy to the manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia in their States at concessional prices which will only include the cost of procurement, wheeling charges and a small margin as determined by the State Commission.
Waiver of inter-state transmission charges for a period of 25 years will be allowed to the manufacturers of Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia for the projects commissioned before 30th June 2025.
The manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Ammonia and the renewable energy plant shall be given connectivity to the grid on priority basis to avoid any procedural delays.
The benefit of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) will be granted incentive to the hydrogen/Ammonia manufacturer and the Distribution licensee for consumption of renewable power.
To ensure ease of doing business a single portal for carrying out all the activities including statutory clearances in a time bound manner will be set up by MNRE.
Connectivity, at the generation end and the Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia manufacturing end, to the ISTS for Renewable Energy capacity set up for the purpose of manufacturing Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia shall be granted on priority.
Manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia shall be allowed to set up bunkers near Ports for storage of Green Ammonia for export / use by shipping. The land for the storage for this purpose shall be provided by the respective Port Authorities at applicable charges.
The implementation of this Policy will provide clean fuel to the common people of the country. This will reduce dependence on fossil fuel and also reduce crude oil imports. The objective also is for our country to emerge as an export Hub for Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia.
The policy promotes Renewable Energy (RE) generation as RE will be the basic ingredient in making green hydrogen. This in turn will help in meeting the international commitments for clean energy.
The implementation of this policy will provide clean fuel to the common people of the country. This will reduce dependence on fossil fuel and also reduce crude oil imports, said government.
Green hydrogen would become more of a necessity than a choice in the near future
India has all the ingredients to become the Global leader as Green Hydrogen exporter , if we play our card well.
Next 25 years, the Earth’s temp is going to rise by 1.5 Degree C by Global warming due to Carbon emissions. It is not only the climate change, but let us just imagine 75% of our earth is surrounded by sea … And this incremental growth in earth temp is sufficient which could lead to polar ice melting…it would be a disaster… By decarbonising, we need to meet at least 50% carbon reduction to prevent this from happening.
While the World has taken a target to cut down 50% Carbon by 2050, India has taken to achieve that Target by 2030.
The sector currently has a high cost of manufacturing, but rising demand for decarbonising the Globe, technological advancements, and strong government support, the industry will soon achieve economies of scale, thus lowering costs.
It is not only the Green Hydrogen producer companies /stocks mentioned in these articles are expected to do well, but the entire value chain/supply chain stocks starting from Solar/Wind/ Hydro power generation … Photo voltaic Cell, Solar Glass, Wind turbine, Electrolyser , Cathode Anode technology and up to Hydrogen Fuel Cell and /or large Battery Storage solutions would benefit.
Discl: Invested in Green Hydrogen Story…I may be biased …please apply due diligence before investing.
I was reading an article in The Times today,about the safety of hydrogen, related example was the accident of the zeppelin.Hydrogen was cheaper, but it is explosive and that was the end of the zeppelins.Have things changed especially in safety aspects.Can it be used to replace fossil fuel cars, where safety aspects may not be understood well.Any other drawbacks that you see in mass adoption.
sir which stocks are you invested in?
please forgive me if previously mentioned.
You may please go through these posts
to get some idea…