Great articles to read on the web

List of complaints filed with BSE and I found HAMAM MAIN SAB NAGEY hai …

give a thought while selecting your DP

We are a country which is largely unorganised, the investments were falling since some time as large part of the invest in past few years especially after the global crisis went in to speculation and non productive. If we see the retail and domestic credit in India has grown at a significant pace. This is also largely funding aspirations without any significant increase in the wages.

We will have to live with these shock treatments as i personally believe we are going through a mega cultural shift (1 SMEs which are largely crying is because their 60% of the SMEs viability was built due to tax arbitrages. Those who change the business model will survive 2) as a growing country we can not survive at 6% tax to GDP. We have this cultural issue where since birth we are being taught that Govt is chor and taxes should not be paid.
Also if we see silicon valley the startup ecosystem is in abundence 1) due to easy availibility of capital and 2 acceptance of failure. We had corny capitalism where it was very difficult for a new entrepreneur to access capital and therefore in past we coulnd rarely see new entrepreneurs flourishing. Only old corny families used to florish and had businesses across. . Things are changing fast and now there seems capital availability in India.

All these put togather will take us through new dimension. Thought there was some miscalculation on the impact of the shock and the economy went in tail spin. I guess the culture and corporate governance should improve significantly taking us to next level.


Interesting article on the retail financing and digitization

New dimension…
That has to come from killing hundreds of thousands of SME and MSMEs ??. Even USAs economy is doing well because the govt supports them. Only small business provides employment at semi urban and rural areas. By killing them with irrational moves without much consultation, we are in this situation, worse than the 2008 global financial crisis did to all countries.

The situation is due to structural issues and it shall take a long time to recover, provided the policy makers course correct with discussions of all stakeholders and economists who know how the Indian economy works.

There is increased support. All am saying is that the SMEs whos viability or business model based on tax arbitrade will have to rework their model or vanish. Those SMEs who will change or get over this will have long runways. Also the environment is being created for new SMEs to florish through various schemes.

What is the proof you have that SMEs which are closing down were not paying taxes and are dealing in black money.

If that was true, all that business must have gone to large cos and they must be doing extremely well. But they are also struggling. The struggle is multi year highs.

One cannot just imagine something for an argument. Data is required. If there was so much black money in the system, why demonetization could not bring out any. Better to talk with data.


This is an article by Rajan expounding his talk at Brown University, on what’s wrong and how to fix. The article is also useful for its analytic rigour and strength of logic. Many commentators may say economy is bad with some sporadic data and attendant reasons, but Rajan ties them all together building them with sound reasoning, just the right amount of right data.

So along with the substance of the article, I learnt much on how to how to build properly reasoned analysis with strong inductive logic.

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Every year, Bloomberg Businessweek releases an annual Jealousy List—stories other outlets published. It’s their way of recognizing some of the great work that their peers, competitors, and frenemies made happen.

And a great reading list for us.


Ayush Mittal interview link.

As I feel it is also a great learning to read all VP top contributors interviews n insights shared on public platforms such as this interview of @Ayush Mittal.

@Admin, if it’s not a right thread to post and not abide by the VP norms, please feel free to correct it


A great presentation by HDFC Life on how they are digitizing the whole insurance supply chain. Could this be their biggest moat?

Are processes similar with other insurance companies as well?

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Has MOSL published 2019 wealth study. Does anybody know

it is getting telecasted today on cnbc tv18 6pm onwards

A brief history of technology companies.

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Good real life account of someone pitching their business idea to CM. Some good nuggets to take out


Thanks.Is download possible of the report

Best returns of the decade: good to study, not recommendations


Raamdeo Agrawal


Management Integrity

Understanding Sharp Practices


In equity investing, management is 90%, industry 9% and 1% everything else. Hence, getting Management Integrity right is the critical first step.

There’s only one way of writing honest accounts, and infinite ways of manipulating them.

Most Sharp Practices are to inflate profits and stuff the “financial trash” in the Balance Sheet (Credit P&L, Debit Balance Sheet).

Profit & Loss statement is easier to manipulate; hence, managements must be statutorily asked to present a simplified Free Cash Flow statement.

Auditors must be made more accountable to minority shareholders to avoid Sharp Practices by the management.

As an investor, have a forensic mindset to get management’s explanation for all the perceived Sharp Practices.

Finally, interact with various stakeholders – customers employees, suppliers, competitors, etc – till you arrive at a moment of Management Integrity.


24th WCS 2019 - By Raamdeo Agrawal.pdf (3.5 MB)


Excellent video on platform business.

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