

I was keen to initiate a discussion on Gold. Came across this interesting presentation on Gold by Gary Williams. I am sure you all with find this interesting.

Also wondering if Gold Loan NBFCs like Manappuram are now trading at reasonable valuations (0.5x P/b) should be bought.

Views please.



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Gold has indeed gone up in the recent years. It appears that if the economy declines then gold is a preferred tool for investment. From the ongoing scenario, it appears that economies worldwide are in a recession mode and slowed down and nifty is also in a bubble mode. Hence, Gold appears to be a good hedge in this situation.

Gold is going up due to declining trust in USD as the reserve currency. Thus, countries are on a gold buying spree.

The economies worldover are in huge capital deficits due to relentless money printing post covid and its spending by the sovereign governments around the world. This has resulted into economies going downhill and weakening of currencies. Even though stock markets across world are rising, but the underlying economies are struggling. Hence, investors are seeing gold as a great hedge and an alternative to stock markets in case markets fall…

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