Glimpse of my PF. Is it too risky for a newbie like me? Please provide your valuable feedback

a newbie … :upside_down_face:
i see good names in your pf.
i find good mix of Power,PSU and Financials.
Chemicals :thinking: …i think, have been out of favour for more than an year and i dont see too much risk there.
overall i dont find it too risky !..a newbie’s opinion…Amen. :crazy_face:

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Thank you very much…will continue to hold

Agreed that chemicals are but risky…may be there could be some improvement in one or two quarters. Q on Q results shows some promise for many companies. That’s why i am getting a feel that worst is over for Chemicals.

Make a spreadsheet & add columns for % of allocation, what triggered the investment & what is the exit strategy. Without these details, it looks just like a lucky dip.


Thank you. Will do so. I do not have an exit strategy. Will have to device one.