FY 19 AGMs Date and Location Spreadsheet

Hello Folks,

I had prepared this sheet for FY18 AGM season.

Hope you find this useful for planning and scheduling your AGM Visits of the companies in ur watchlist/portfolios.

Below is the FY19 AGM dates officially reported to BSE:

I had previously mapped the AGM locations to the Registered Address of the companies.
The goal is to now change the mapping to the actual AGM venue (which is typically a hotel, auditorium or plant)

Let me know in case u find any issues or have clarifications.



Great work sir. Can i t be possible to add annual report column were we can find if it is uploaded by companies


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Very useful spreadsheet. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Would be great if you could enable the ‘download’ option so that data can be edited and/or customized (after downloading the spreadsheet) as per individual preferences/requirements.

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@Jinal When I had originally worked on it, there was already a resource which collated and shared the annual reports. I was trying to address a different pain point for retail investors.

If u want an Annual Report repository, would suggest to lookup @suru27 The Annual Report Repository – Factsbeyondnumbers

Or u could also have a look at https://www.bsegnite.com/
Select “Annual Report” Category and relevant dates.

@peepin2me I intentionally avoided giving the download option for various reasons (especially the editing option). You still have the option to customize the sheet by applying a temporary filter view to do some analysis

Data → Filter Views → “Create new temporary filter view”

If there are any use cases which cannot be satisfied with the above custom filters, please do share and I may consider putting up the old FY 18 sheet for download.

Any folks like @Amitdarji who are facing issues such as not being able to open, please put up a snapshot of the error.

As captured below I can see other users able to access without issues.