Forum feature addition/ upgrade suggestions

Firstly, I have now been consuming the forum posts for 6+ months and over time Valuepickr has become the first place I come to for initial stock research and to understand views of experienced investors and novices (like me). Being a social forum, I feel that there might be merit in creating a user suggestions thread for feature additions/ upgrades.

As a start, one thing which I felt could be a great value addition is to somehow display price of a stock on the date a particular post was made. I have found it extremely useful to go through the entire posts chronologically since the first post on a particular stock thread to understand the initial thesis, the counter points and how they have played out over time or over cycles. However, I always get a feeling that a particular argument over value is valid at a particular price point and therefore would always go to screener/ money control to figure out the price points at the time the posts were made.

I feel it may be helpful for a large number of new users/ investors who are yet to reach a level where they have a well defined process. Having said that, a price point will definitely save someone like me an additional step :slight_smile:


It would be great if there was an option to follow a user by email. I mean instant email notification of a new post by users I follow.

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It would be good if we are given an option to download all the discussion happened till date on a particular thread to PDF or word file