Effective for Historical P/E tracking?

Dear All,

Does someone know of an effective to track Historical P/E data of individual stocks?

Would appreciate it a lot!

Thanks, Vamsi

hi vamshi,

i did some google on pe charts, unfortunately i couldnt get any charting software do this for indian stocks. there are plenty for US stocks.

i found this site very useful, you can see ttm pe on quarterly basis


yesterday i spent an hour to do my own chart. i pulled historical daily prices from yahoo to excel, added eps numbers for each quarter and calcualted the ttm pe. then draw a chart on date, ttm pe. its very useful. here is one for page industries, as you can see its right now at upper band and is continously pushing the band up.


Hi Bala,

Thanks for your efforts! Even I couldn’t find one for Indian Stocks and compiling one all by oneself is very time-consuming!

By the way, even though Quantspartner doesn’t provide historical P/E it is a very comprehensive tool and gives one a very quick overview of the company’s performance and that too in a graphical from, which is always friendly to the eye :slight_smile:

Yes, Page has been a great story. But right now it is extremely overpriced! Ya, if one such tool exists to show historical P/E, it will make life easier.May be others know of something else, let us see!

www.screener.in - Initiative started by Ayush and Pratyush, provides historical PE ratios if you click on export and download the excel files. This is what I use for myself.

Prasanna, that gives a good starting point! I was looking for more PE ratio calculated quarterly on EPS (TTM) more like Bala calculated for Page manually. This would give one a more precise picture i believe.

At screener.in we have done calculations on monthly basis on TTM earnings…which should be more precise. Please check and let us know.


Pl tell me the procdure to see historical PE in screener.in.


While screening you can use the variable:

Variables: Historical PE 3Years / 5Years / 7Years / 10Years

Eg:Historical PE 5Years > Price to Earning * 2

Other way is to download the excel file - “export to excel” feature after selecting a company. The PE ratio mentioned in the past years in P/L ac is the historic PE ratio for that year.



you can find historical PE (upto 9 years) at moneyworks4me.com


Thanks for your response! I have checked couple of companies (Mayur and Page) by downloading the excel and as far I see it is a PE ratio calculate of yearly fillings. I don’t see the link to Monthly basis on TTM earnings!

As I mentioned before this offers a good starting point, but historically (quarterly)calculated P/E would give us a more precise picture, Ibelieve.

Yes, we have provided historical PE for each past year based on the aveg of monthly PE (based on TTM earnings).

(quarterly)calculated Ibelieve.

At screener.in we have done calculations on monthly basis on TTM earnings…which should be more precise. Please check and let us know.


Without knowing how much of additional work it is for you and Praytush. If you can also provide the PE calculated quarterly or monthly TTM earnings either as many variables you provide to asses or in a graphical form would be great addition!

Hi Ayush,

What does Best Case and worst case columns mean, can you please explain?

I see in some cases worst case value is greater than results of all years.



As its an excel sheet based on formulas, there can be mistakes in some cases. You may need to modify it as per your use.

Why is the “Other Income” in case of HDFC Bank is so different on screener.in and moneycontrol (yearly basis). Is there something I am missing?

Quantspartner is awesome. so is screener.in. hats off to these guys.

i wonder there these guys source their data from?.

Hi Ayush

Do we have the PE’s foreachhistorical year(past 10) apart from Historical PE like 3,5,7,10Yr in screener . Please advise.

This help which stock has been topped out at a particular PE.



Hi Ayush,

What does Best Case and worst case columns mean, can you please explain?

I see in some cases worst case value is greater than results of all years.



Hi Ayush

Do we have the PE’s foreachhistorical year(past 10) apart from Historical PE like 3,5,7,10Yr in screener . Please advise.

This help which stock has been topped out at a particular PE.



Hi Ayush,

What does Best Case and worst case columns mean, can you please explain?

I see in some cases worst case value is greater than results of all years.

