Dream FIRE Portfolio

I started my investing journey (direct equity/mutual fund/ETF) 7 yrs back. I regularly invest both in India and US/Global stocks. As I am coming from a tech background so I feel more comfortable investing in growth stocks from the US tech sector to generate alpha. Though 60% of my investment in US/Global equity is invested in plain vanilla ETF tracking best asset class (S&P 500). Whereas in India, I primarily invest in mutual funds and shares of companies which grow revenue/profit consistently (e.g. Bajaj Finance/Asian Paints/TCS/Vaibhav Global of world).

As usual, I lost money during my initial days of investment in direct equities (was not aware about this amazing forum then:)). I was lucky that I did not go broke while investing in direct equities during as I started with a small amount. I take those losses during the initial days as fees to learn investment basics:) Instead, it would have been better if I could learn the basics of investment from great investment books before starting the journey. No way it means that nowadays I don’t lose money but odds are in my favor. Definitely it’s due to the crazy equity bull run that is going on all over the world.

Anyways let me come to the point. I started my investment journey aiming for Financial Independence before 40:) I am starting this thread to get an opinion on expectation from ideal/DREAM equity FIRE (Financial Independence and optionally Retire Early in their early 40s) portfolio given that one is comfortable with 80-90% of net worth remain invested in equity always (both bull and bear cycle).

Besides good health and no debt/own house, here is my take…

  1. Multi-millions or Min 100 times of expenses in equity portfolio whichever lower (including cash specifically set aside for short term trading activity and long term averaging/investing)
  2. Overall investment portfolio compounds 18%-20% in each and every rolling 5 years
  3. Portfolio dividend yield/income is enough to cover all basic/mandatory expenses
  4. On an average, overall Dividend grows 10% yearly
  5. Min 10% return from short term trading activity using spare cash in portfolio (use this gain to enjoy life with family/give back/start a new business/invest in crypto/more crazy stuff:))
  6. Tax efficient

Is it too much or too little to ask for? Is it possible to achieve in India (specifically 3) and 4))? I know it somewhat belongs to the personal finance category but would like to know others’ (specifically folks aiming for FIRE in India) opinion as well.


Congratulations on planning for Financial Independence. That’s the right thing to do. I personally don’t believe one should depend on dividends for day to day expenses. The equity allocation should be completely for wealth building and you should have a separate stream of income or a source for day to day expenses. You also mentioned about short term trading in your point 1. Only 1-2% traders are successful at the end of the day. If you are confident you can belong to those 1-2% with a good positive trading history of 2-3 years, probably you can use it as alternate source of income than dividends. As an investor, I don’t want to constrain my investment thought process to look out only for dividend paying companies. Dividend investing is popular concept in US but not sure how relevant in india if you want to grow you corpus also along with dividends

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Dividend stocks are great for retirement, but good dividend stocks in the US are also the ones with lower capital appreciation. It is a call one has to make.

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Goal of the portfolio is to generate income for all day-to-day expenses only from equity portfolio and at the same time get market beating long term return post FIRE. That’s why I am calling it as DREAM portfolio. On top of that if one can generate other source of income then it will be like “sone pe suhaga”:slight_smile: It may be elusive but hey after all it’s a dream worth to chase:)

I notice few things while investing both in US and India market. One can build/manage large balanced portfolio using barbell method strategy (mix of growth and value stocks/ETF/REIT) and still make money (sometime get market beating return) along with free dividend as passive income for day to day expenses with tax efficient way. Whereas similar opportunities are still not available in India yet. Here. it’s almost mutual exclusive, either get paid with fat dividend (no capital appreciation e.g PSU companies) or go for long term capital appreciation which of course is the best option to have for FI but not for RE (Retire Early if one wants to) and post FI. I guess, it turns out, in India, one can’t remain invested heavily in equity post FIRE, it should be mix of equity and Fixed Income (similar to high dividend yield equity in US, though tax inefficient) to generate meaningful passive income from overall investment portfolio.

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For FIRE, point 1 is the most important and what you can control (reduce expense / increase savings)

  1. Multi-millions or Min 100 times of expenses in equity portfolio whichever lower

Rest of the parameters are not in once control and secondary if point 1 is taken care of.
I guess one can get easily lost in the FIRE journey if we keep on adding different variables, focus on what is most important and rest of the parameters will fall in place

Whether it is 100 times of monthly expenses.

Of course rest are secondary, but good to have for peaceful/stress free life post FIRE. In my opinion one has to take too much stress and at the same time get lucky enough with finding and hold onto good growth stocks/fund for decades and manage such a large sum of portfolio. Also at some point in life, we need to train our mind to sell some of these winners for day-to-day expenses post FIRE. Whereas a balanced portfolio having Long Term Capital appreciation + Dividend Growth + Dividend Income (Trifecta portfolio) albeit with market linked return should take all these problems away. Is it even possible to build such portfolio in India?

100 times of annual expenses.

Check this smallcase which can cater to your specific requirements.

If the underlying companies grow at 10 to 20% and dividend payout remains constant (this is a requirement for the smallcase) then dividend will grow at 10%.

Equity investing doesn’t work that way. Bear markets will come eventually. One must be mentally prepared for that.

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Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure if it pays dividend, also it may not be tax efficient when manager rebalances portfolio internally. I am trying to find product like SCHD/DGRO kind of ETF available in US market which appreciates in long term, grow and pay dividend.

Past data suggests one can easily get 20%+ return rolling 5 yrs if portfolio is well diversified across equity and crypto asset class. Of course, past performance is not indicator of future performance:)

A few pieces of advice that I received during my investment journey, Buy and Hold strategy looked intriguing to me. It looks simple the way experts convey this mantra. But from my few years of investment experience I can tell you that it’s the most difficult way to make money from the market (specially from direct equities). It’s more about playing with mental strength as opposed to quant/data based investment as one can do for short term trading. I think average investors like me are better off handing over most of the surplus money to experts (mutual funds) or investing it in plain vanilla index funds.

Nevertheless I took the challenge unknowingly (as a novice investor I was not aware about how hard it would be to make money from direct equities) and tried to find so-called nirvana stocks that can be bought and held for long term and eventually grow the corpus without much trouble. I started investing 70% of surplus money in good mutual funds using SIP. Remaining 30% was dedicated to direct equities to face the challenge. And there I used to experiment with different strategies to find out good stocks available at a cheap price. Tried all sorts of strategies like low PE/Contrarians/PSU investments/Cyclical/Acting on tips obtained from media etc… but alas nothing worked. Somehow I was finding ways to lose money in the market while investing in direct equities:) Barring a couple of investments, I had to sell most of them at a deep loss even after holding them for a couple of years. Odds seem to be pretty low for average Joe like me to find winners from this pool of stocks.

Then the only option left for me was to invest in high PE stocks to make money from direct equities. So before throwing in the towel, forgetting all the gurus mantra (for some reasons gurus are against investing in high PE stocks), I started investing in high PE stocks like Asian Paints/Pidilite of the world and boy it did the wonder/trick to my portfolio. My luck finally favored me. In the Indian market, the buy and hold strategy seems to be working only with so-called high PE stocks. That’s quite revealing and counter intuitive. These companies somehow are able to compound revenue/profit consistently in each and every year defying competitions.

Again lucky to face a flash bear market during/post pandemic. Saw portfolio gain evaporate and lose 50% of portfolio value (both in US and India market) in a matter of a couple of weeks. I guess, this is the most mentally challenging thing that regular investors like me are scared to face:) Somehow was able to keep sanity and held on to these winners. It gives confidence to weather the next bear cycle.

As I stated in my first post, I wanted to build a portfolio which can appreciate in the long term, grow and pay a dividend, if possible beat the market as well. This portfolio is beating the respective benchmark by a wide margin, most of these companies grow and pay dividends regularly. But the only problem is that yield is not enough to live off dividend. But anyway I have time on my side and wait for it to happen some day:)

Here is my portfolio (principal amount is equally distributed within each stock). Except for a couple of stocks most of them were bought during 2018-19 time. I am not planning to sell these stocks any time soon. These stocks performed well even before the pandemic. Pandemic seems to have given more tailwinds and hence more gains. I would like to keep my portfolio simple and continue to maintain this winning streak. I only plan to sell these companies if revenue/profit growth consistently falls below 15%. Luckily I got my first 10 baggers in Vaibhav Global and Deepak Nitrite (not any more though).

Not sure how long this dream run will continue. My only worry is that if these companies stop growing then I need to again find out different strategies (already tried all options, only it seems to be working for long term buy and hold investment) to remain in the market. Anyways I am enjoying it while it lasts:)

Let me know if one can find any red flags and the portfolio can be optimized further.

Stocks			               Buy Price	        Gain

Ashiana Housing Ltd. 115.19 67.29% → Cyclical affordable housing play , will sell as soon as interest rates are hiked in India

Asian Paints 2206 42.29% —> Compounder

Bajaj Finance 3840 98.77% —> Compounder

Bajaj Finserv 9583 90% —> Compounder

CarTrade Tech 1489 -23% —> Recent bet on new digital tech

Deepak Nitrite 334 609% —> Compounder

Delta Corp 206.75 39% → Post pandemic bet, bought before pandemic and held on to it

Dr Lal Pathlab 2337.5 56.46% → Compounder

Granules India 85.90 272% → Compounder

Havells India 712 86% → Compounder

Hdfc Life 651.66 8.23% —> Compounder

Jubilant Food 1945.66 101% —> Compounder, love Dominos pizza

Kajaria Ceramics 586 109.26% —> Compounder

Lux Industries 1500 164.80% —> Compounder

Man Infra 35 302% —> Bought it to diversify portfolio and for its high div yield, dont know what to do with it now, will sell soon:)

Mold-Tek Pack 259.26 177.73% —> Compounder + Div Growth

PI Industries 653 325% —> Compounder

Pidilite 328 625% —> Compounder, bought it sometime in 2015 as soon as I came to know that Pidilite makes Fevicol:)

Polycab 999.87 145.73% —> Compounder

Relaxo Footwear 747 87.25% —> Compounder

TCS 1051.34 233% —> Compounder

Vaibhav Global 81.79 597% —> This is the only contrarian bet that worked for me, bought it when I was experimenting with contrarian strategy and that time (sometime in 2015) this company was going through rough patch due to some missing tech/payment features, I thought it should be easy to fix and hence bought and held on to it


Why a different strategy? You can look for different company matching your existing strategy..

Also,.buy and hold works better with market leaders, top quality/ethical management and structural growth sectors…so maybe at right opportunity you can weed off the not so good management and companies which are neither market leaders nor growing in their niche with a long runway…

Yes, very true, it’s amazing how these leaders keep winning decades after decades and still provide multi-fold return. It won’t be easy to find out replacement for these winners in case existing thesis behind their outperformance go south. So that’s my worry, I would like to remain lucky forever without putting much effort to find out next Pidilite/Bajaj Finance:)

It seems your thesis/worry is hinged to the stock price performance. (I maybe wrong) Because if it is around the business, then every business goes through bad times in unison with sector/environment or in isolation as well.

To safeguard yourself, if the sector is right - then most of the work is done. Add to that, the management is right - remaining work is done. Lastly valuations are right - that’s a dream come true.

If at least first two are right in first place, then you need to judge if the blip is temporary, is it a time to find replacement or a time to add…this is most tricky part and comes with true conviction & experience…

All the best!

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As a novice investor I used to look only at stock price movement to take buy/sell decision. As usual lost money with most of my trades. In last few years I somehow managed to learn to read earning report (e.g. Revenue/EPS/ROCE etc…) of a company. Henceforth I have been able to set buy criterion by looking at Revenue/Earning growth and to some extent ROCE of a given business. I also try to keep selling criterion simple, as soon as company performance goes below threshold consistently I sell those businesses (recently sold Just Dial/MCX based on these criterions). By looking at these criterions, I managed to find leaders in their respective sectors. If I understand correctly very few such businesses exist in any given market. And as a result it’s equally difficult to find such businesses, For long term and part time investor like me, it’s almost akin to finding needle in haystack. Would require more experience to find such businesses consistently. Hence I have this worry.

Portfolio update after 4 months. Made a couple of adjustments in the existing individual stock portfolio (beside regular SIP in mutual funds/ETFs). Sold 20% holding in Vaibhav Global. I am also buying Asian Paint and TCS hand over fist now (due to huge tailwind present in both IT and Real Estate sectors). I see multi-year growth opportunities are emerging in new age growth stocks, planning to buy tracking position in few days.

At present the average portfolio stock holding period is ~3.5 yrs. Nifty is down almost 5% since last update, Whereas my portfolio is down ~9%. Portfolio CAGR is 15.5%, again handily beating nifty CAGR 13.2% in the last 5 yrs (though trailing my portfolio mutual fund [Mirae Asset Large Cap] which is giving 16% CAGR return in same period). This return includes a significant amount of loss that I incurred from investment in dud stocks like DHFL/other crazy infra/value/low PE stocks during my early days of investment journey. It seems to be again proving that in India, one can consistently make money (with less volatility/beta) from stocks with just investing in leaders (always command high PE and high ROCE) in respective segments for the long term. Unlike the US, India sector leaders don’t get disrupted easily/frequently by competitors in their respective sectors. Again I must be humble to admit that I am lucky to find few multibaggers in my portfolio. At the same time I am equally worried about their future performance in an ever changing macro/micro environment,

Stocks			               Buy Price	        Gain

Ashiana Housing Ltd. 115.19 36.34% → Cyclical affordable housing play

Asian Paints 2293.30 27.85% —> Compounder

Bajaj Finance 3840 72.59% —> Compounder

Bajaj Finserv 9583 62.46% —> Compounder

CarTrade Tech 1489 -62% —> Recent bet on new digital tech, will hold it for long term

Deepak Nitrite 334 513.91% —> Compounder

Delta Corp 206.36 40% → Post pandemic bet, bought before pandemic and held on to it

Dr Lal Pathlab 2337.5 12.84% → Compounder

Granules India 85.90 259% → Compounder

Havells India 712 54% → Compounder

Hdfc Life 651.66 -20% —> Compounder

Jubilant Food 1945.66 47% —> Compounder, love Dominos pizza

Kajaria Ceramics 586 65% —> Compounder

Lux Industries 1500 64% —> Compounder

Man Infra 35 197% —> Bought it to diversify portfolio and for its high div yield

Mold-Tek Pack 259.26 178% —> Compounder + Div Growth

PI Industries 653 295% —> Compounder

Pidilite 328 612% —> Compounder, bought it sometime in 2015 as soon as I came to know that Pidilite makes Fevicol:)

Polycab 999.87 135% —> Compounder

Relaxo Footwear 747 56% —> Compounder

TCS 1298 177% —> Compounder

Vaibhav Global 81.79 397% → sold 20% with 550% gain and bought Asian Paint and TCS

I don’t know your corpus but unless it’s 50-100 cr. I don’t think 15.5% cagr is amazing.If you can try to put in some more effort and track quarterly results,listen to calls or just maybe visit VP threads more often you should be able to generate more alpha.

We should be looking at companies that have good growth prospects and available at good valuations.Markets always have cycles.B/w 2018-2020 high P/e was in vogue since they offered growth while rest of the economy was de-growing.Even few years prior to this they were doing very well.On the other hand,if one looks at HUL/Nestle from March 2020 they have sizably underperformed Nifty,forget the multitude of names that went many x and continue to do well.Titan/Asian Paints are the few outliers to this fact.

Also,as an individual investor I see no reason to benchmark ourselves with Nifty.With our corpuses we can easily build decent positions in midcaps and exit too.However,if you are happy with the performance then please continue.It’s your money afterall.


Yes, I agree with you, my return got affected due to a bad investment decision that I made in the first couple of years of my investment journey. But I am a bit satisfied with the fact that I did not give up and was able to correct the course and boast return from mere 1% to 23% in last three years by just investing in leaders of respective sectors, holding them for long term and off course with the help of sheer luck (who knew that pandemic would hit in 2020 and stocks like Vaibhav Global/Deepak Nitrite would go to moon). As an ordinary retail investor, I have a personal goal to beat the benchmark consistently in the long term and there is no shame to admit that I am a bit happy that I am able to do so as of now.

When it comes to return expectation I see retail investors (me too) are having sky high expectations (may be coming form recency bias) on future return from the equity market. I am afraid that we may need to tame our return expectation as a high inflationary environment may clearly separate long term winners from losers and when this happens then immediate effect/impact would be seen on mid/small cap stocks. Anyways, let’s hope for the best.


Update after 3 months. My dream portfolio has taken a beating almost everyday in the last few weeks:) Since 2015, my India portfolio experienced three bear markets, 2015-16, 2020 flash crash and now in 2022. Sometimes I think that it’s not fair to experience back to back ~25% drawdown in less than 2 years:) But I also know from my experience that the market rewards investors who can stay in the game for a long time. With this hope, I am trying to set up my portfolio for the next bull run whenever it may come. And hopefully next bull run should help me to achieve my financial independence.

I am still holding onto big winners in my portfolio (Deepak Nitrite, PI Industries, Vaibhav Global and Pidilite). Recently I sold Ashiana Housing (20% gain), LUX Industries (35% Gain) and Man Infra (290% gain). I used the proceeds to buy APL Apollo and Intellect Design. APL Apollo has been delivering impressive sales and profit growth along with high ROCE for the last 5 years. Intellect Design is in the middle of changing its business model to the SAAS model. Like other SaaS companies, it should provide more visibility (metric like RPO/Expansion Rate/Billing/Deferred Revenue etc…) on its future earnings and hence make it a less riskier business in this tough environment. Another positive point about these both companies is that they are led by top notch management teams and leaders in their respective segments. In my opinion, it’s essential to be associated with the best management team for survival in this turbulent time. I am also planning to add to my TCS and Asian Paint shares as these are becoming too cheap to ignore:) I am also closely watching Latent View Analytics, Abbott India and Titan Industries. Soon may buy these stocks as these high quality businesses are in free fall.

Portfolio Performance:
1 year: -14.2%, Nifty: Flat
3 Year CAGR: 18.9% , Nifty: 9.42%
5 year CAGR: 12.2%, Nifty: 9.79%

My portfolio did not do well in last 1 year. But unlike mutual fund manager (who has mandate to beat market each and every year), I can happily hold onto my winners as long as business has prospect to generate superior return. I could clearly sense the difficulties of a fund manager (forced to rotate sector/stocks) and why few of them fail to beat respective index benchmark in long term. This is where I believe retail investors (patience) have an edge over fund managers.

Stocks Buy Price Gain

APL Apollo 933 -8.4% → Compounder

Asian Paints 2293.30 12.51% —> Compounder, will add more

Bajaj Finance 3840 72.59% —> Compounder

Bajaj Finserv 9583 23% —> Compounder

CarTrade Tech 1243 -54% —> Recent bet on new digital tech, adding slowly as car sales are going up, will hold it for long term

Deepak Nitrite 334 452.84% —> Compounder

Delta Corp 206.36 -10.91% → Dark Horse

Dr Lal Pathlab 2337.5 -15.50% → Compounder

Granules India 85.90 182% → Compounder

Havells India 712 50% → Compounder

Hdfc Life 651.66 -15.50% —> Compounder

Intellect Design 676 -7% → Leader in IT Product Category

Jubilant Food 1945.26 47% —> Compounder

Kajaria Ceramics 586 60% —> Compounder

Mold-Tek Pack 259.26 167% —> Compounder + Div Growth

PI Industries 653 278% —> Compounder

Pidilite 328 541% —> Compounder

Polycab 999.87 113% —> Compounder

Relaxo Footwear 747 28% —> Compounder

TCS 1298 136% —> Compounder, will add more

Vaibhav Global 81.79 301% → Compounder


I have another equity investment adventure that is going on in the US market since 2016:) I have almost 35% allocation in US equity. The US portfolio (no FAANG stocks in the US portfolio) is down ~31% from top, whereas Nasdaq and S&P are down 35% and 23% respectively. The US portfolio is allocated with 50% each in dividend and growth stocks. Though my dividend portfolio is still beating S&P 500 marginally (oil related stocks and SCHD are helping here), most of the carnage happened in my growth portfolio. Dividend portfolio yield is 3.7% as of now. I am using dividends to buy cheap growth stocks in the US now. I have 41 stocks in my US portfolio. Dividend portfolio is important for my overall financial independence goal. It should generate enough cash flow for our day-to-day expenses in future.

Even after this carnage, Tesla (followed by Microsoft) remains my top multibaggers stocks in my US portfolio.

As a tech professional, I am convinced that future tech will be dominated by Cloud and AI. Hence at present I am buying a few cloud based SaaS and fintech growth stocks (AI based apps) in my US portfolio. Of course these are huge risky bets and personally I am willing to take risks at this stage of my career. I like to hold US stocks for at least 2 years to get the benefit of long term capital gain tax as per our tax law. So now I am buying these stocks keeping this fact in mind as well.

Confluent → I am a daily user of the Confluent Kafka product for my own app, I get unmatched low latency with scale while using Kafka and hence think the product is best in the lot. No wonder why all cloud hype-scalars (Amazon, Microsoft and Google) are partnering with Confluent for its cloud based Kafka product. My average buying price is $29.

Snowflake → Unique consumption model based business, it solves flexibility problems that are faced by customers while using data warehousing solution on-prem. We can’t bring down/up compute/memory on fly while running huge data queries in on-prem setup, this is being solved by Snowflake cloud offering. On top of that, they are offering a product to build an entire app based on the data stored in snowflake infra. Even Amazon AWS (Redshift) has caved in, and now partnering with Snowflake to win customers together. Company is growing sales ~80% YoY, though unprofitable but has positive FCF. Recently management has reiterated $10B revenue in 2029 (only Google achieved it in 10 years post IPO) with 25% Free Cash Flow. It also has an industry leading Dollar expansion rate (165%). Anything above 120% is generally considered as best in class. Competitors are Google BigQuery, DataBricks (Private) and Microsoft Azure Data House. CEO Frank Slootman is well known in the tech industry, and was CEO of another great company ServiceNow (I own). Warren Buffet and his deputies have bought this stock during IPO price $120. Anyone is buying now (below $120) has an advantage to get this stock even cheaper. Will buy more if it continues to fall during this crazy market sell off. My average buying price is $176.

DataDog → This is very close to my tech expertise. I built a similar product in my previous company. In tech parlance we call it a solution for day two operations. Day 2 operations start after tech products are deployed in production (day 1 operation). In an ideal world, tech products should be bug free and work seamlessly in all conditions. Unfortunately it’s not true in almost all cases. As a result, we hear frequently that famous apps like Facebook/Zomato/Amazon/Google are down/not accessible for certain periods/hours. It creates huge disruption in our day-to-day life. Respective companies’ backend team try to do root cause analysis (RCA), fix problems and eventually bring these apps/products online for general availability. It’s not easy to do manual RCA for huge complex/scalable mission critical products like FB/Google Search engine backend issues. Here comes Datadog cloud day 2 operations product. It helps customers doing RCA and other day 2 operations in jiffy. Surprisingly hyper-scalars don’t have any competing cloud offering and hence they refer to Datadog to almost all of their cloud customers. Recently Gartner has announced Datadog (along with Dynatrace) as the leader of magic quadrant in their respective product segment. Company sales are growing almost 60% YoY, FCF positive, >125% Net dollar expansion rate, and most importantly (in current context) has positive GAAP/NON GAAP EPS. My average buying price is $102.

CrowdStrike and Zscaler: They are industry leaders in cloud based zero trust cybersecurity product offering. It’s apparent from their recent earnings/guidance reports that there is no recession in cybersecurity, customers are buying these products hands over fist for obvious reasons (almost existential threat due to cyberwar). Hence I am also buying these shares hands over fist now:) CRWD avg buy price: $122, ZS avg buy price: $135.

Zoom → This one is a little tricky for me, I bought Zoom post IPO, at one point during the pandemic it was almost 5 baggers for me, but did not sell as I wanted to hold it for a long term. Never imagined that I would get a chance to buy it again at my initial price. Zoom is now a household name like Tesla/Google/Facebook. I agree with Cathie Wood that it has a bright future ahead. As per latest earning release, ZM has started disrupting cloud contact center solutions as well, and could fetch 10% of revenue as soon as next year.
AVG buy price: $102

Nvidia: No need to mention here, king of AI hardware/Software, I missed it when it was available at much lower price couple of years back, now I don’t like to pass up this opportunity again. Avg buy price: $157

Small wild riskiest bet:)

NIO/XPEV/LI: Bet on China’s electric car push.

Upstart: If anyone wants to experience joyride/volatility in equity investing then one should look at the UPST chart. This company wants to disrupt the FICO based credit score system in the US using their AI based risk profiling solution. They license their product to small US banks/credit unions to grant loans based on the customer’s risk profile. One can think of this product as Bajaj Finance/HDFC Bank’s superior risk management system without keeping risky loans in their books. I am sure Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma of Paytm is closely looking at this niche market to make Paytm wildly profitable in future :slight_smile:

Mongo DB: Database management system is slowly moving from relational to non-relational, sql to nosql. It’s really difficult and time/cost consuming to manage large Oracle based DBMS systems (primarily join operation between tables) for scalable cloud app. Mongo DB is disrupting this area of market. Amazon AWS’s Dynamo DB is actually built on top of open sourced Mongo DB. Hence MDB had no choice (like Confluent) and forced to offer their own database product (Atlas) in cloud. It’s very easy to manage and operate, I can dump entire JSON data as it is in Mongo DB and am able to query from it, whereas relational DB would require many steps to store and make it searchable for similar kind of data. Recently MDB announced encrypted queryable search support (first of its kind) as well.

Stem Inc./Enphase: Renewable energy solution in time of inflated oil price

Let me know what others are buying/selling in their US portfolio in this time of market carnage?