Dodla Dairy - South India Focused Dairy Player

Dodla Dairy is a south India focused milk player. Installed capacity of 22 LLPD (Lakh Litres of Milk per day) – 19 LLPD in India and 3 LLPD in Africa (Uganda and Kenya). Procurement volume was 13.8 LLPD in FY23 on an average.

  • Procurement is done primarily from 5 states (Andhra Pradesh, followed by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana, and Maharashtra) while it is sold in 11 states.
  • Presence in Africa (Uganda and Kenya) which are the major milk producing centres in Africa. Company is focused on these markets as margins here are double that of India. Africa is currently 10% of revenues.
  • Focus on Value Added Products which was 32% of sales in Q1FY24. 75% of the value added products is contributed by curd and the remaining is divided between ghee, butter, paneer, etc.

Sales Mix

Dodla Dairy got listed in June 2021 at around Rs 425 per share.

Some business economics I could get from their con call and presentations is milk realization in India is Rs 56 per litre and cost is Rs 40. Gross margins of 25-28%. Employee, processing and marketing costs contribute another 15-20% of expenses leading to OPMs of between 7-10%.

The dairy sector went through compressed margins in FY23 which was in turn due to raw material cost increases. This was driven by shortage of milk which in turn was due to cattle disease during that quarters and less cattle due to break of cattle breeding pattern during covid times.


  1. Company has delivered 20% sales value CAGR over the last 20 years. Around 12-14% of that is due to volume increases and the rest is due to pricing increase.

  2. Extremely strong WC management. Debtor days has been 1 or 2 days for the last 6 years. Inventory days has ranged between 20-40 days which has been squared off by matching payable days.

  3. Has been able to defend market share and premium pricing in Karnataka against co-operatives like Nandini which receives a subsidy of Rs 5-6 / ltr from the state govt. Speaks a lot about their brand positioning and their pricing power.

  4. Strong CF conversion business.

  5. Favourably placed against peers in industry in terms of size, operating metrics.

One third the size of Hatsun Agro and similar size as Parag Milk Foods and Heritage Foods. Hatsun Agro and Heritage are both focused on markets in the south while Parag Milk is more focused on north and west.

I fail to understand why peers Hatsun Agro would trade at 117 P/E + others like Heritage Foods is at 42 P/E and Parag Foods at 38 times P/E while Dodla is still at 35 times P/E even after the stock has appreciated by 30% in the last 2 weeks after the results.

  1. Company is making use of cash on books by making acquisitions of smaller players in its current markets (KC Dairy – Tamil Nadu market in Apr 2019 for Rs 110 crs and Sri Krishna Milk in Karnataka in March 2022 for Rs 50 crs). Also expanding into Africa (Uganda and Kenya) where margins are double that of in India.

  2. Building farmer relationships and backward integration by getting into the supply of cattle feed to farmers (Orgafeeds). Expected to increase capacity by 6x in this business. Could lead to total revenues of Rs 180 crs from feeds. Current revenues is 45 crs from this business.

Cons / Risk
The only con / risk that I could find is that the stock has run up 30% post the results and is currently at 35x TTM P/E. But valuation of similar sized peers gives me comfort that maybe it is still undervalued.

Some reference videos / analysis I found on Tijori finance

  1. Dairy Sector and Dodla Dairy Stock Analysis | Framework to protect wealth and build wealth - YouTube
  2. Life After Listing: Ep 06 Dodla Dairy MD, Dodla Sunil Reddy & CEO BVK Reddy - YouTube

Have taken a tracking position (1% of my portfolio) today


Dodla Dairy Q1 FY 24 concall highlights -

Revenues-823 vs 717 cr
Gross Profit-195 vs 166 cr (@ 23.7 vs 23.3 pc)
EBITDA-60 vs 45 cr ( @ 7.3 vs 6.3 pc )
PAT-35 vs 25 cr ( @ 4.2 vs 3.5 pc)

Sale of value added products (VAP) @ 258 cr, up 13 pc YoY. VAP sales now at 32 pc of total

LY, sales from VAP was 27 pc. VAP sales peak in Q1

Industry benefiting from upcoming flush season. Likely to peak in Sep-Oct

Avg milk production in Q1-15.9 lakh Lit/day, up 7.5 pc

Avg milk sales in Q1-11.1 lakh Lit/day, up 6.2 pc

Avg curd sales in Q1-439 Tons/day, up 3.1 pc

Current number of Dodla retail parlours - 596

87 pc of milk directly produced from farmers

Company has - 123 chilling centers, 15 processing plants, 01 Feed plant ( through its subsidiary - Orgafeed )

Company has global presence in - Uganda, Kenya

Company sells in 13 states in India

There were price cuts of 4-5 pc blended for cow + buffalo milk in Q1. However, company refrained from procuring at lowest possible prices so as to not hurt farmers and for better long term sustainability of the business - a great step - IMHO

Due to upcoming flush season, GMs may go up a little more in Q2

Company’s working capital cycle is extremely healthy vs peers. Company maintains strict discipline here, even at the cost of compromising on some additional business

Company is able to hold onto Mkt share in Karnataka despite aggression from Nandini. Dodla pays same to farmer as Nandini (despite govt giving subsidies to farmer to sell to Nandini) but sells at slightly higher price due better product Quality and better internal efficiencies

Avg procurement/realisation prices for milk for Q1 at - Rs 39.6/Rs 55.6

In Africa, Q1 revenues were 60 cr and EBITDA was 14 pc (very high margins here)

Orgafeed capacity expanded, to go live in August

Srikrishna Milks (subsidiary)-did EBITDA of 5 cr @ 8.7 pc margins in Q1

Aim to increase share of VAP by 1-1.5 pc / yr

VAP sales breakup for Q1 -

Curd- 187 cr
Ghee Butter- 9 cr
Ice cream- 13 cr
Paneer+Sweets- 14 cr
Lassi- 6 cr
Buttermilk- 10 cr

Confident of maintaining Q1 levels of EBITDA margins in FY 24. May improve a little due flush season

Aim to grow the revenue by 15 pc in FY 24

Differential between avg selling price/ lit between Nandini vs Dodla is Rs 8-9 in Dodla’s favour !!!

Current Cash balance at - 467 cr at consolidated level

India capacity utilisation at 65-66 pc currently

Disc : holding



Q3 FY 24 results and concall highlights -

Revenues - 746 vs 675 cr ( up 12 pc )
Gross profits - 224 vs 171 ( margins @ 30 vs 25 pc )
EBITDA - 82 vs 53 cr ( margins @ 11 vs 8 pc )
PAT - 41 vs 35 cr ( margins @ 5.5 vs 5.2 pc )

Avg daily milk production @ 17.5 lakh liter per day ( LLPD ), up 36 pc YoY !!!

Revenues from value added products @ 186 cr, up 22 pc in Q3 - a huge positive and a key matrix to track. For 9M FY 24, sale from VAPs now at 28 pc of company sales

Curd sales grew by 12 pc YoY @ 132 cr
( included in VAP sales )

Company has expanded its cattle feed capacity by 6 times from 80 MTPD to 480 MTPD. Went live in Jan ( done via its subsidiary - Orgafeed )

Also commissioned a new Dairy plant in Kenya in Q2 FY 24 with a capacity of 1 lakh LPD

Intend to set up a Greenfield dairy plant in Maharashtra. Details shall be shared when the plan is finalised. May end up spending 150-200 cr of cash for the same. Company has > 200 cr of cash on books

Intend to double Orgafeed’s revenues to 200 cr by end of FY 25

The procurement prices in Q4 are holding up at similar levels as Q3 ( usually they are higher vs Q3 )

In Q4, the sales volumes are gradually picking up vs Q3

Company is procuring far higher Qty of milk/day vs its daily milk sales. This helps the company to convert excess milk to Skimmed Milk powder, Ghee and Butter. Earlier, company had to resort to being SMP and butter from third parties to sell it in the Mkt. This should further aid the margins

Confident of achieving 15 pc topline growth for FY 25 as clocking additional 100 cr revenues from animal feed and 100 cr from Kenya is a high probability event

Company aims to maintain advertisement spends at 0.5-0.7 pc of sales

Both Butter and SMP have a shelf live of 18 months under storage conditions. Therefore, its not risky to hold additional inventory of these items

Disc: holding, biased, not SEBI registered


Dodla Dairy ( very very bullish commentary ) -

Q4 and FY 24 concall highlights -

Q4 financial outcomes -

Sales - 787 vs 724 cr, up 9 pc
EBITDA - 75 vs 33 cr, up 123 pc ( margins @ 9.6 vs 4.7 pc )
PAT - 47 vs 22 cr ( up 108 pc )

Share of sales from VAP @ 28 vs 27 pc YoY. Sale of Value Added products increased by 19 pc YoY ( @ 221 cr for Q4 out of which curd sales were 182 cr )

Q4 saw an adverse impact of write down of inventories to net realisable value. This had an impact of (-) 24 cr on the gross profit

Cash and Cash Equivalents stood @ 286 cr as on 31 Mar 24. Gross Debt stood at 44 cr

Total capacity @ 24 Lakh Liters per day

97 pc of milk procured directly from farmers

No of standalone Dodla dairy parlours now @ 604 vs 580 in Mar 23

Company commissioned 1 lakh lit per day dairy plant in Kenya in Q4 FY 24

Expanded capacities @ Orgafeed ( cattle feed plant ) from 80 MTPD to 480 MTPD in Q2 FY 24

Management is confident that the write down / provisions made in Q4 will hold the company in good state in the coming Qtrs ( as it is likely to be reversed in FY 25 )

EBITDA margins for FY 25 should be 9 pc and above ( a key positive - imho )

Expecting milk procurement prices to stabilise near current levels

Expect new Kenyan capacity utilisation to be around 35 pc plus for FY 25

Avg milk procurement and realisation prices for Q4 at Rs 37 and Rs 57 respectively. Last FY, these were Rs 37 and Rs 54 respectively

Guiding for a 10-12 pc revenue growth in FY 25 mainly led by - value added products + sales from cattle feed plant + sale from the new Kenya plant

YoY Growth in Ice-Creams in FY 24 was 33 pc !!! ( although on a small base ). Aim to maintain these growth rates in FY 25 also

Animal feed revenues for FY 24 was around 83 cr. Targeting a 200 cr revenue from animal feed in FY 25 !!!

Disc: holding, added recently, not SEBI registered, biased

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Few things that were a negative

  • hardly any volume growth in milk business
  • 23 cr inventory write down. They might have taken cover behind a good quarter to write off past losses which were not booked earlier.
  • number of days of inventory went up to 45 days

Disc: invested

where is this 23 cr coming from could you please explain for study purpose

Refer the note below the table in their press release. Also discussed in quarterly concall