Dinesh Sairam's Portfolio: Requesting Feedback

DCF will make the entire process of long distance logistics efficient and cheap (long desired by the industry and now required to support our manufacturing capacities). A great beneficiary is (now expensive) Container Corporation (CONCOR).

Chasing megatrends for growth.

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Concor trading @700 range now… Any idea what would be the fair value to enter the stock for long term…

Hi @Shresth_Toshniwal and @Ram47

I am not following this company and wouldn’t know the first thing about Valuing it.

I’m leaving a download link to my DCF Model. It’s quite user friendly and you should be able to value it yourself (In case you understand the company well).

Just delete the yellow / highlighted parts of the Model and replace it with information about the company you’re Valuing.


Great sharing and very good thought process and output. Dinesh, do you have some sample case studies as an output of your analysis using this template? Would be great if you share or provide link. Thank you.

You can read the thread itself (Valuation of Control Print) in order to understand how I go about doing this. If you have specific queries, feel free to DM me.

If you have elaborate queries, I have a VP thread on the model itself. You can maybe ask there instead.

Hey Dinesh.
What is the news on the portfolio front?

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hi dinesh, the non-bfsi screener lonk isn’t working. have you deleted the screener?

@dineshssairam keen to know how has been your journey after you disclosed your PF earlier.

No changes. Cash is till at 80%+ of the portfolio. I haven’t done Direct Equity transactions for the past year and a half. But over this period, I have realized that I need to specific about how I use social media for helping me in my investing process.

There is no point in disclosing your portfolio or transactions regularly, especially on social media sites. The major aim in doing so is to receive constructive discussions. But you mostly end up receiving either messages from people who want to fuel their positive biases about a company that you may be mutually tracking or on the other extreme, comments/messages from people who are convinced you’re doing something wrong and are decidedly the worst investor they’ve ever met. There is no middle ground.

These days, I have taken to messaging / contacting people who I think might add value and continuing the discussions with them privately. The quality of investing conversations have improved drastically due to this. People are less judgy and more understanding and helpful when you address them directly. Of course, this comes with the added advantage of you choosing the conversations you want to have instead of being pushed into one (Which is what happens in social media very often).

On a personal level, I have been earning more and saving more. I am very happy/content with the size of my portfolio, despite “missing out” on the returns. In fact, I used to obsess over investment research and have put investment needs/ends ahead of personal ones for a long time. That has improved appreciably in the last couple of years and I am proud of myself for it.

I still enjoy investing and would love to hunt for bargains when opportunities present themselves. But until such time, I am busy living my life. The stock market can wait.


Thank you for your updates. Your views on social media interaction makes sense .

Out of this list, one name i took tracking position is v-guard recently. I like to know what would make you convert v-guard from watch to invested.

I am just at 1% of PF here, so like to learn from the point of view of person like you who look for extreme value and quite sure margin of safety.

Thank you in advance.

Please feel free to ignore this if you think that answering this will not add any value.

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