Dhinakaran US Portfolio

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Why not invest in US technology etf if you are investing in US stocks? US is mostly known for emerging tech. Does it not make sense to take a concentrated bet?

As I mentioned in my post, I am targeting 12% CAGR, So I don’t think I will need a concentrated bet. Also, I am not a great fan of Concentrated portfolio, either you win big or lose big. I need a diversified portfolio , Definitely not skewed towards tech for better peace of mind and a good night sleep.

For the US investing which platform are you using?

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The process u followed in getting US stocks, starting from the scratch broker,
etc, let us know about all that, for the previlage readers.
Tax structure is high for US stocks.
US is Tech oriented I think,
You may consider to remove pf value
Thank you, good read.


Thanks for sharing . If 12% is the target than lot of large cap mutual funds are available with cagr returns of 12% over 3 and 5 year period. Curious why are you not deploying money through them if the return expectation is 12%. Thanks

Thank you , Valid Point, Removed the Dollar Amount.

But there is no fun in Investing in ETFs or Mutual funds :slight_smile: I agree, ETFs are the best way. I like reading the balance sheets and the Investing process. So I invest directly in Stocks. I have been investing in Indian Markets for a while - You can take a look at how I evolved as an Investor - Dhinakaran Portfolio

Hence I prefer investing in stocks Directly.