Dev labtech- Lab grown diamonds

Dev LabTech-84
Market cap-69 cr

What does company do?
Dev Labtech Venture Ltd. (DLVL) is in the business of manufacturing, marketing and sourcing diamonds - Natural and Lab-grown having wide application in Jewellery.

Dev Labtech Venture Ltd

Incorporated in 1993, Dev Labtech Venture Limited is a Premier Lab Grown Diamond & Jewellery Manufacturer.

Business Area- Dev Labtech Venture Ltd. (DLVL) is in the business of manufacturing, marketing and sourcing diamonds - Natural and Lab-grown having wide application in Jewellery.

Revenue Bifurcation - Product wise-
Lab Grown Diamonds - 39% in 6M ended FY23 vs Nil in FY22
Natural Diamonds - 61% in 6M ended FY23 vs 100% in FY22

A) Lab-Grown Diamonds-Company has recently started manufacturing lab-grown diamonds. Earlier, it was engaged in only processing of natural diamonds.

Manufacturing Process- Co. used Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapour Disposition (MPCVD) method to make lab-grown Diamonds from Diamond Seed. MPCVD is a pure and fast diamond deposition process, hence best suited for commercial uses.

Application for Lab-grown Diamonds-Apart from being used as Jewellery, Lab-grown diamonds are used for Machining and cutting tools, Thermal conductors, Optical materials, Electronics, Semi-Conductors Electronic Industries etc.

B) Natural Diamonds-Co. process diamonds of multiple shapes, cuts, sizes, colours and clarity which are utilised for Jewellery, Ornaments and other Industrial cutting tools.

Customers:- DLVL has developed regular clients for supply of diamonds in Bhavnagar, Surat, and Mumbai, and for exports. Its products are primarily targeted to customers engaged in natural and lab-grown diamond jewellery manufacturers.

Revenue Bifurcation - Product wise-
Lab Grown Diamonds - 39% in 6M ended FY23 vs Nil in FY22
Natural Diamonds - 61% in 6M ended FY23 vs 100% in FY22
72% in India and 28% export
Promoter holding near 68%
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Trigger for me-
Preferential issue promoters and investors are investing near 22 cr at 64 rs a share…lab grown diamond have huge potential.

Disc- currently tracking