Delta Corp - A huge but risky opportunity

Hearing in Bombay high court is complete and the case scheduled for 21st march for final verdict on the Daman Casino. Let’s hope for positive outcome after market hours on 21st March.
200100003172019_20.pdf (40.7 KB)


How u got access to this document…? Earlier some fake documents was shared in same thread which went viral and even Delta corp also clarified about it post couple of days.

This is genuine, available to verify on Bombay High Court website.
@vireshsangwan - Thanks, great work!

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I agree Praveen, even I got carried away with that fake news. Gave clarification on this group as the person who was involved had a good social stature. Anyways, we all learn from mistakes. This time its genuine and the doc is from official website. You can try searching yourself using the case number etc. No closed room information here.

The doc just says final decision will be given on 21st March. Nobody knows what will be the decision.

Snippet of my disclosure on fake news:

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In that case finally some conclusion we are arriving… management also keeps on telling in last 2 earnings call that case in fast track mode with daily hearing… Management is very confident about positive outcome…I hope supreme court will not come to picture later…!!:neutral_face:

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When is the daman casino case result going to be announced? Any news regarding this.

Seems like no decision, next date 3rd April. No details have been updated yet except next date update (see below):

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Official order
ordjud.pdf (61.8 KB)

Any offical website where we can check.

Case Status → Party Wise

Fill below values (along with capcha)
Party Name = Daman
Filing Year = 2018

You will get the list of cases. chose WP/317/2019


Daman case, next date : 11th April, 2023


Do u have any update about the case? Postponed again??

The numbers are out too.

Noticed that all the con-calls of delta corp are attended only by the group CFO. Then, I wanted to check how much skin in the game is there for the CFO. In terms of remuneration, it doesn’t appear that high for a group CFO who is pretty much the face of the company for investors. (source: AR - 22)

The strange thing is that this compensation is comparable to non-executive directors compensation and it is just barely 2 times the median salary!! May be I am missing something here…

In terms of absolute comp, he is paid close to 1.8Cr, with about 45% equity component.

Nothing bad as such. But, I would be happy to have more management folks participating on concall.

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Could anyone know the update on Daman case which was supposed to be heard yesterday?

There has been no update on High Court of Bombay official site yet.
Will update here when it happens.


Next date is on 8th June (due to court holidays).

Something interesting – Ashish Kacholia was on the investor call :slight_smile:

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Any summary on the Concall?

Delta corp concall updates

  1. IPO launch process accelerated.

  2. Instead of 3rd qtr , new vessel will come in by 4th qtr of FY24.

  3. In the month of Feb Deltin Royale was under maintenance ( 30 days not working) Lost about 50-60cr revenue because of that.

  4. Mopa resort work- environmental clearances still pending. Work will start from june jul.

  5. No worry on the GST part.

6.Daman casino hearing date : 8th June