Companies with 20%+ growth guidance for next few years

Thanks For detailed thread. Since I am not tech background I have not much idea about how this industry works. I looked the site and have followed tac security page on twitter where they mention about how can they save from various threats on daily basis. I might not good person to comment on the product since I have no idea.

On shareholding kedia family have 20% stake but they invested pennies per their appetite.

I totally agree clients are already big and revenue is small. Might be very low ticket product. I saw their site and found they have 2 product for small business one was $900 and another one was $1800.

I think they are planning to tapped small business with this product. I think margin should be very high here since once product is ready. Every new client will almost flow to bottomline

I too have doubt that they have not much achieved with what client they said but saying that the company is just 6-7 year old and founder is immature in business. But I think still at this small tenure he achieved many thing as per the various articles. He has honoured by Punjab govt. Some pics with kamla Harris and IT Minister of Karnataka. In such age if he has achieved and if maturity comes with some good finance person they can be so big since cybersecurity will have huge TAM and if that will be there for decades atleast.

On certificate they mention that they are first company to achieve this certificate.

Good analysis @Amnesiac. Thanks.

Disc: Am not invested and not intent to invest in TAC foreseeable future. However I am looking for small Tech companies for investment purposes, hence taken TAC overview.

As per AR, they have 63 employees, if you deduct director remuneration it comes to 3.11 cr for 61 employees, which is somewhat in the range of 40K/Month. This seems fair.

However in AR, pg 98 says β€œTAC Security INC Receivable from subsidiary 953.42” - out of 10 cr revenue? This seems fishy.

Agree with you for all others points, one should invest with extra care.

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Forensics and the art of triangulation this is the appropriate thread for tac infosec I think we should not discuss about this company any further on this thread.